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25 SEO best practices for Opencart 4 & 3 with free SEO Opencart module

In this Opencart tutorial, we list out more than 25 best practices for SEO for Opencart 4 & 3 and find out 3 free SEO Opencart 3 modules. In near future, we will try to come up with some free module for Opencart that addresses most of them but for now, have a look at the following and let us know if you have comments and suggestions.

We list out 25 free best practices for SEO for Opencart 4 and 3

  1. Rename the .htaccess.txt to .htaccess

    Go to your hosting root folder where Opencart is installed and find .htaccess.txt and rename it to .htaccess

  2. Admin Setting section changes for the SEO

    – Go to Admin >> System >> Settings >> Edit your store
    – In the General tab, enter the Meta Title, Meta Tag Description, and Meta Tag Keywords, they are for the Home page of your store website.
    – Go to the Server tab, and Choose Yes for “Use SEO URLs”

  3. Enable the sitemap extension

    Go to Admin >> Extensions >> Extensions >> Choose the extension type >> Feeds then install the Google Sitemap extension and then edit it and change the status to “Enabled” and save it. Now your sitemap URL will be given there which looks like:

  4. Submit the sitemap to Google webmasters and Bing webmaster

    Create a Google Webmasters account and Bing Webmaster account and submit the above sitemap URL in them.

  5. Create robots.txt in the root folder where Opencart is installed, and in that robots.txt place following text, here change the sitemap URL to your website URL

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /admin
    Sitemap: https://yourwebsiteurl.com/index.php?route=extension/feed/google_sitemap

  6. Opencart supports canonical URL automatically, be sure to check it, it removes the duplicate content penalties.

    https://yourwebsiteurl.com/cateogryname/productname and https://yourwebsiteurl.com/productname, these both URL point to the same product page, so google may take it as duplicate content so canonical URL need to set up. One example when you view source the code you will see the canonical URL something like below:

    Opencart canonical URL

  7. Product name and Description – Content is the key for Search Engines

    – Product description, as best practices for SEO, you should aim to write at least 300 words but be clear and write as much as possible.
    – Name the images as the product name, in Opencart most of the images alt tags are either product name in the product page, category name in category image and so on.

  8. Enter SEO information for Products, Categories, Information page, Manufacturers also.

    For entering the Products SEO information, go to Admin >> Catalog >> Products >> Add/Edit >> then in General tab, enter the Meta Tag Title, Meta Tag Description, and Meta Tag Keywords, likewise go to SEO tab and enter the keyword for each store.
    While entering the Meta Tag title, consider the following best practices:
    – Google only shows around 50–60 characters of a title tag so make the title tag around 50-60 characters
    – Put important keywords in title and meta description
    While entering the Meta Tag Description, consider the following best practices:
    – 160 characters long
    – We have seen search engine alway do not pick the meta description but enter them.
    – Better not to include double quotation marks
    While entering the SEO keyword:
    – Include the main keyword or product name and better to use the lowercase and not to use the prepositions words
    – Better not to use underscore (_), instead use dashes (-)
    – Better not to include double quotation marks or single quotation and special characters

    Follow same for Admin >> Catalog >> Categories and Admin >> Catalog >> Information and Admin >> Catalog >> Manufacturers

  9. Use social proof to gain user trust and keep your visitors engaged in your website

    Link to your website on all social media profiles. Social proof is for customers’ confidence. Footer has options to keep the user engaged (social media, phone number, etc)

  10. Internal linking is also important

    In product pages, we can do it by adding the related products

  11. Page Speed: Choose your hosting server properly

    Use the right cache module to get more benefits like we missed Litespeed plugins in our WordPress website by which site was slow, so better to ask your hosting server which caches are supported.
    Check with the google page speed and follow their suggestions to improve the page speed. Improving the Google PageSpeed insights score will help a lot to show in the search results.

  12. For improved performance: Minify HTML, Minify CSS, and Minify JS

    – To minify the HTML you can use this free module
    HTML Minify | Compress code | SourceCode Compressor
    For CSS and JS minification use the developer help.

  13. Use srcset for images which help on properly sizing the images as per the screen

    Load images properly as per the screen like with srcset you can load different images for different screens. one example image code:
    Opencart Srcset Image optimization
    See the code srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/webocreation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/out-of-stock-admin-setting.jpg?w=800&ssl=1 800w, https://i1.wp.com/webocreation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/out-of-stock-admin-setting.jpg?resize=300%2C229&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/webocreation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/out-of-stock-admin-setting.jpg?resize=768%2C586&ssl=1 768w, https://i1.wp.com/webocreation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/out-of-stock-admin-setting.jpg?resize=80%2C60&ssl=1 80w, https://i1.wp.com/webocreation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/out-of-stock-admin-setting.jpg?resize=696%2C531&ssl=1 696w, https://i1.wp.com/webocreation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/out-of-stock-admin-setting.jpg?resize=551%2C420&ssl=1 551w” this loads the images as per the width of the screen.
    We didn’t find any module for this, we will try to provide it soon, so for now, developer help needed.


  14. Speed up the repeat visit by serving static assets with efficient cache policy 

    You can serve static assets with efficient cache policy by adding the following code in the .htaccess file, these are just our idea, you can make changes as per your requirement:

    # Set up 1 week caching on javascript and CSS
    <FilesMatch “\.(js|css)$”>
    ExpiresDefault A604800
    Header append Cache-Control “proxy-revalidate”
    SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

    # LBROWSERCSTART Browser Caching
    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType image/gif “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/jpg “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/png “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType text/css “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType text/javascript “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType text/html “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/javascript “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/xhtml-xml “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/pdf “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access 1 month”
    ExpiresDefault “access 1 month”

  15. GZIP for more efficient transfer to requesting clients. Compression level must be between 0 – 9.

    To enable the text compression in Opencart, go to Admin >> System >> Settings >> Server tab >> Add the “Output Compression Level”. The value should be 0-9, what we find out is most of the time it works above 5 but hit and trial is the only option that we see. With these, it minimizes the byte size of network responses and fewer bytes means page loads fast.

  16. Developer or Designer tasks: Ensure text remains visible during Webfont load

    Follow the idea provided at https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/02/font-display. Just for information, we tried that and in our case, we used font-display: swap and only works. Something like below:
    @font-face {
    font-family: ‘Arvo’;
    font-display: swap;
    src: local(‘Arvo’), url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/arvo/v9/rC7kKhY-eUDY-ucISTIf5PesZW2xOQ-xsNqO47m55DA.woff2) format(‘woff2’);

  17. Look for Critical CSS: Defer unused CSS, remove all unused CSS in a page, try to target CSS for each page.


  18. Fix broken links

    Broken links on the website are harmful to SEO. So one freeway to check the broken link is https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/
    Once it found the broken links then fix them.

  19. 301 Redirect For Opencart 3 free module

    Install this free module 301 Redirect For Opencart 3.0.x – Beta and you can redirect old URLs to new URLs, so if you have to change the SEO URL keyword then don’t forget to add the 301 redirects.

  20. Add your Business to Google

    Open https://business.google.com and add your business details.

    Opencart Google Business
    Best practices for SEO as they relate to local searches include creating a Google My Business page. This practice is especially important for brick-and-mortar businesses as it shows a rich result on local Google SERPs.

  21. Add an SSL certificate to your site and redirect to the same host

    For safety, security and customer confidence.
    All domains to be redirected to the same host as https://yourwebsiteurl.com, choose www or non-www and redirect to one and use one.

  22. Mobile-first approach and Use a responsive, mobile-friendly design

    Mobile-friendly is for mobile fitness, as google search started to index the mobile-first, so be sure you don’t hide things in mobile phone and show in desktop, if it is hidden in the mobile then google search will no see it, what we found is it checks for the content, links count to see if it is similar with desktop view and mobile view.

  23. Make AMP page for Opencart

    Consider creating and using AMP versions of your product pages for the fastest experience. Check this free module:
    AMP for Product Pages

  24. Schema structured data markup for Opencart product page

    Schema structured data markup https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/intro-structured-data
    Testing tool: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/
    But we did not find for Opencart version 3, we are working on it to provide you for version 3, here is for 1.5

  25. Monitor website activities, get notified for downtime, setup SEMrush account and set google analytics

    Check this blog post “Free Automated Testing and monitoring of Opencart functionalities and sites” which will monitor the downtime and send the notification and monitor for any errors by automated testing.
    For adding google analytics, Go to admin >> Extensions >> Extensions >> Choose Analytics >> Install the Google Analytics extension and edit add the analytics tracking code.
    Setup the free Semrush account and you will get 100 pages scanned every month, we found it valuable for a free account also so added here

  26. Remove index.php?route= in OpenCart for contact, home, and other

    Go to this blog post and download the module to remove index.php?route= in Opencart 3

  27. Setup Cloudflare for Opencart

    Visit https://webocreation.com/how-to-setup-cloudflare-easily-for-ecommerce-websites-like-opencart/ to setup Cloudflare for your website. It helps with security, performance, and reliability.

Thanks a lot.

Is this the end of Third-party dependencies? CrowdStrike Outage and Polyfill attack

Two recent cases one is Polyfill JS attack and CrowdStrike outage. As we increasingly rely on third-party services to streamline operations and enhance cybersecurity, recent events have made us question this dependency. Multiple websites were dependent on Polyfill JS for modernizing the browser functionalities and the attack happens. The CrowdStrike outage brings down multiple windows machine and business. The CrowdStrike outage and the Pollyfill attack have exposed significant vulnerabilities, prompting us to reevaluate our reliance on these external solutions. Are we witnessing the end of third-party dependencies, or is it time for a strategic evolution in how we manage them?

The Role of Third-Party Dependencies

Third-party dependencies are integral to modern software development and cybersecurity. They offer advanced functionalities, reduce development time, and often provide better security measures than many organizations could develop independently. Companies like CrowdStrike are at the forefront of this trend, providing essential cybersecurity services that protect against ever-evolving threats.

Benefits of Third-Party Dependencies

  1. Enhanced Capabilities: By tapping into the expertise of specialized providers, we can leverage state-of-the-art technologies and practices.
  2. Scalability: Cloud-native solutions allow us to scale resources effortlessly, adapting to changing demands.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing specialized tasks can be more cost-effective than building and maintaining these capabilities in-house.
  4. Focus on Core Business: This reliance enables us to concentrate on our core operations, leaving specialized tasks to the experts.

The CrowdStrike Outage: A Wake-Up Call

CrowdStrike’s reputation for robust threat detection and endpoint protection was challenged when it experienced an unexpected outage. This incident was more than just a technical hiccup; it was a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in our reliance on third-party services.

Impact of the CrowdStrike Outage

  1. Operational Disruption: The interruption affected our ability to monitor and respond to cyber threats effectively, leaving our systems vulnerable.
  2. Increased Vulnerability: With detection capabilities compromised, potential threats could go undetected, increasing our exposure.
  3. Data Security and Compliance Risks: Outages can lead to data breaches and compliance issues, as continuous monitoring is often a regulatory requirement.
  4. Business Continuity Concerns: Critical operations were disrupted, potentially leading to financial losses and reputational damage.

In a hypothetical scenario, consider an outage affecting CrowdStrike’s Falcon platform:

Timeline of Events:

  • 00:00: CrowdStrike detects an issue affecting its cloud infrastructure, causing a service outage.
  • 00:30: Incident response teams are mobilized to diagnose and resolve the issue.
  • 01:00: Organizations relying on Falcon for endpoint protection begin to experience interruptions in threat detection and response capabilities.
  • 03:00: Partial restoration of services; however, some customers continue to experience degraded performance.
  • 06:00: Full restoration of services; CrowdStrike issues a detailed incident report outlining the cause and resolution.

Lessons Learned

  1. Resilience and Redundancy: It’s crucial to build systems with backup measures to ensure continuous protection.
  2. Vendor Management: Regularly assess vendor reliability and establish clear service level agreements (SLAs) for outage responses.
  3. Effective Communication: Transparent communication with stakeholders during disruptions can help manage expectations and mitigate impacts.
  4. Preparedness: Regularly test incident response plans to ensure readiness for future incidents.

The Pollyfill Attack: Exploiting Dependencies

The Pollyfill attack has further highlighted the risks associated with third-party dependencies. By targeting and compromising third-party libraries, attackers can infiltrate multiple systems, exploiting our interconnected digital ecosystem.

Mechanism of the Pollyfill Attack

  1. Targeting Dependencies: Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in third-party libraries, which are often overlooked in security audits.
  2. Code Injection: Malicious code is introduced, capable of executing harmful activities.
  3. Polymorphic Behavior: The attack continuously changes its code and behavior to evade detection.
  4. Supply Chain Compromise: By compromising popular software libraries, attackers can affect numerous organizations simultaneously.

Mitigating the Pollyfill Attack

  1. Dependency Management: Regularly update and audit third-party libraries to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.
  2. Code Review and Testing: Thoroughly review and test code, focusing particularly on third-party components.
  3. Behavioral Analysis: Implement advanced threat detection systems that focus on behavioral patterns.
  4. Supply Chain Security: Enhance security through rigorous vendor assessments and secure development practices.

Is This the End of Third-Party Dependencies?

The CrowdStrike outage and the Pollyfill attack have certainly made us rethink our approach. However, declaring the end of third-party dependencies might be an overreaction. Instead, these events signal a need for evolution and better management.

Evolving Third-Party Dependency Strategies

  1. Enhanced Security Practices: Implement stricter security measures for third-party dependencies.
  2. Robust Monitoring and Response: Establish continuous monitoring and rapid response capabilities.
  3. Diversification: Avoid over-reliance on a single provider and diversify security solutions.
  4. Collaboration and Standards: Promote industry collaboration to establish security standards and best practices.


Now everytime, we need to ask, Can we trust this company product? Oh they are popular so why not but still in this modern cybersecurity era they are waiting for one mistake to strike back so need to work so due diligently. The CrowdStrike outage and the Polyfill attack have taught us valuable lessons about the vulnerabilities associated with third-party dependencies. Rather than signaling the end of these dependencies, they highlight the need for evolution. By enhancing our security practices, diversifying our dependencies, and fostering industry collaboration, we can continue to reap the benefits of third-party solutions while mitigating the associated risks. It’s time to rethink our strategies and build a more resilient cybersecurity framework for the future.

Exploring the Future of Mobile App Development with Flutter: Trends and Predictions

Driven by fast technical developments and changing customer tastes, the scene of mobile app development is always changing. Total revenue of mobile apps is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.27% from 2022-2026, with a value of 614.40 billion USD by 2026. 

Of the several tools at hand for developers, Flutter has become a game-changer. Originally launched by Google in 2017, Flutter is an open-source UI tool development kit (SDK) allowing developers to develop natively produced apps for desktop, web, and mobile from a single codebase. 

Top 7 Flutter App Development Trends

So, in this article, you’ll get to know about the Future of mobile app development with various trends and predictions.

1. The Rise of Cross-Platform Development 

Rising popularity of cross-platform app development solutions is one of the most important developments in mobile app development. Conventional native app development takes time and money since iOS and Android independent code bases are needed. 

Flutter lets developers create once-used codes for several platforms, therefore addressing this problem. Along with accelerating the development process, this lowers maintenance costs and efforts. Demand for cross-platform development tools such as Flutter is projected to explode as companies aim to rapidly and effectively reach a larger audience.

2. Enhanced Performance and User Experience

Because Flutter uses the Dart programming language and its Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, its performance is sometimes likened to that of native apps. Dart generates to native machine code, so Flutter apps can attain almost native performance. 

Furthermore guaranteeing flawless and high-quality images is Flutter’s rendering engine, Skia. As consumers keep expecting flawless and responsive apps, Flutter’s acceptance is probably driven even more by this focus on performance and user experience.

3. Growing Ecosystem and Community Support

Any development framework’s power resides in its ecosystem and community support. With so many plugins, tools, and packages at hand for developers, Flutter has witnessed significant expansion in its community. 

Active and involved, the Flutter community routinely helps to expand and strengthen the framework. Apart from giving developers the tools they need to create strong applications, this dynamic ecosystem promotes a cooperative environment where creative ideas may blossom.

4. Integration with Emerging Technologies

The capacity to include newly developing technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) into mobile apps will become increasingly important as they proliferate. Flutter is positioned to assist such integrations, making it an excellent choice for app development services

Its flexible design lets developers include artificial intelligence and machine learning models, therefore supporting predictive analytics, natural language processing, and customized user experiences. Moreover, Flutter’s fit with IoT devices opens the path for creative ideas in industrial automation, smart homes, and healthcare.

5. Increased Adoption in Enterprise Applications

Many times, enterprise apps call for scalability, strong security, and sophisticated capabilities. For companies trying to simplify their development operations, Flutter’s capacity to provide high-performance applications with a single codebase appeal.

Furthermore, very helpful for business situations where time-to-market is crucial is Flutter’s hot reload capability, which greatly speeds development and testing cycles. The adoption of Flutter in corporate applications is expected to increase as more companies understand its benefits.

6. Focus on Web and Desktop Development

Although Flutter first became well-known for creating mobile apps, its features now extend to online and desktop apps. Developers trying to provide coherent and consistent user experiences across several platforms would find great benefit from this adaptability. 

Developers may use the same codebase to create responsive web apps and desktop apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux by means of Flutter for Web and Flutter for Desktop. This unified development trend is probably going to keep on, thereby confirming Flutter’s role as a complete development tool.

7. Emphasis on Design and Customization

Extended UI design customizing and flexibility are made possible by Flutter’s widget-based architecture. Modern design trends can be followed by developers in creating aesthetically pleasing and highly interactive user interfaces. 

For both developers and designers, the opportunity to personalize every UI element without sacrificing performance is quite appealing. Flutter’s focus on design and customizing will be crucial in its ongoing success as user expectations for aesthetically beautiful and simple interfaces rise.

Predictions for the Future

Future developments of Flutter and their effects on mobile app development might be anticipated in numerous ways:

1. Widespread Adoption:  

Developers and Flutter app development company in USA will be driven to adopt Flutter by its simplicity, performance, and cross-platform capability.

2. Advanced Integrations: 

As artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT keep developing, Flutter will be more and more used to create applications that make use of these technologies, thereby producing more intelligent and linked apps.

3. Improved Tools and Plugins: 

The Flutter ecosystem will keep expanding with more tools and plugins created to increase output and simplify the development process.

4. Expanded Use Cases:  

Beyond conventional mobile apps, Flutter will be applied in web, desktop, and embedded devices, thereby proving its adaptability.

5. Continued Community Growth: 

The dynamic and involved Flutter community will keep driving innovation, therefore ensuring the framework stays at the vanguard of mobile app development and helping to shape it.


Already having a major influence on the mobile app development sector, flutter appears to be even more exciting going forward. Flutter is positioned to help define the direction of app development with its cross-platform capabilities, performance and user experience emphasis, strong community support, and possibility for complex integrations. According to stats, flutter is the most popular cross-platform mobile framework used by global developersFlutter app developers for hire can leverage these strengths to deliver exceptional applications across multiple platforms. As companies and developers keep looking for quick and efficient answers for producing high-quality apps, Flutter’s importance in the sector is likely to grow, ushering in a fresh era of innovation and expansion in mobile app development.

OpenCart book: “OpenCart 4: Dev Resources & Tips for Theme and Extensions Development”

Opencart book

Are you an e-commerce enthusiast looking to elevate your online store? Or perhaps you’re a developer eager to dive into the world of OpenCart 4? Look no further! We are thrilled to introduce “OpenCart 4: Dev Resources & Tips for Theme and Extensions Development” by Rupak Nepali, your comprehensive guide to mastering OpenCart 4.

Why This Book?

OpenCart 4 is a powerful and flexible e-commerce platform that enables businesses to create robust online stores. However, unlocking its full potential requires in-depth knowledge and practical skills. That’s where this book comes in. Written by seasoned software developer Rupak Nepali, this book is designed to provide you with all the resources and tips you need to develop custom themes and extensions for OpenCart 4.

What You Will Learn

  • Step-by-Step Installation and Setup: Learn how to set up your local PHP development environment with Docker, and get your OpenCart store up and running smoothly.
  • In-Depth System Loading Flow: Understand OpenCart MVCL initializes and loads its components, thoroughly explaining the core files and folder structure.
    MVCL opencart flow
  • Global Objects and Methods: Utilize OpenCart’s library of global objects and methods to streamline your development process.
  • Opencart Database Schema: Know about database schema and table structure to support multi-store, multi-language, and multi-layouts and know the model codes.
  • OpenCart Events: Master the event-driven architecture of OpenCart. Learn how to use and debug events for efficient customization.
  • Opencart OCMOD and VqMod: Get knowledge to code in OCMOD and VqMod XML and customize the Opencart core files without touching them.
  • Opencart 4 styles: Leverage the power of Bootstrap 5 for Opencart and how it is used in themes and modules.
  • Custom Theme Development: Discover how to create stunning, responsive themes which is also an extension using Bootstrap 5. Follow best practices and explore practical examples to build modern, user-friendly designs.
  • Custom Extensions Development: Gain expertise in building powerful extensions to extend OpenCart’s functionality. Learn to develop analytic extensions and other extensions like payment, shipping, order total, etc.
    Opencart MVCL
  • Opencart 4 Custom Page: Full details to create a custom page.
  • Opencart 4 Custom Language Extensions: Develop custom language extensions and localize your store.
  • Comprehensive API Documentation: Explore OpenCart’s API capabilities. Learn to test API endpoints using Postman and follow best practices for secure and efficient integration.
  • Multi-site Setup: Get step-by-step instructions for setting up and managing multiple stores with OpenCart 4.
  • SEO Best Practices: Implement strategies to optimize your OpenCart store for search engines, improving site speed, content, and structure.
  • Opencart 4 Speed optimization and security measures: Learn about steps to make your opencart load faster and learn to implement all security measures from the website level to the server level.
  • Pro tips and common errors and their solutions: Pro tips that can be useful during development and Errors and their solutions that we faced during development so you can see the solution we implemented.

Who Is This Book For?

  • Developers: Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this book provides valuable insights and practical examples to enhance your OpenCart development skills.
  • Store Owners: Gain a deeper understanding of how OpenCart works and how to customize it to suit your business needs.
  • E-commerce Enthusiasts: Anyone interested in e-commerce and online stores will find this book a valuable resource.

About the Author

Rupak Nepali is a seasoned software developer with extensive experience in e-commerce solutions, particularly with OpenCart. Known for his innovative approach to theme and extension development, Rupak has helped numerous businesses enhance their online presence. Beyond development, he is a prolific writer and educator, committed to sharing his knowledge and expertise with the global developer community.

Get Your Copy Today!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become an OpenCart expert. “OpenCart 4: Dev Resources & Tips for Theme and Extensions Development” is available now. Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to take your e-commerce store to the next level.

Final Thoughts

Mastering OpenCart 4 can open up a world of possibilities for your e-commerce business. With Rupak Nepali’s comprehensive guide, you’ll have everything you need to succeed. Whether you’re customizing your store’s theme or developing new extensions, this book is your ultimate resource.

Order your copy today and start your journey to becoming an OpenCart 4 expert!

Angular Component Libraries to Use in 2024

Google is the company that developed and maintains the front-end framework Angular. It is renowned for its strong features, scalability, and flexibility. The vast library and tool ecosystem of Angular is a major factor in its success. Angular component libraries, in particular, are essential for speeding up development because they offer ready-made, modifiable user interface components.

Component libraries are a great way when you hire Angular developers. They will improve their Angular projects without going over budget. The top 6 free Angular component libraries that can speed up development and provide a polished user experience are examined in this post.

Angular: A Synopsis

A community of experienced developers and the Google Angular Team oversee the open-source, Typescript-based Angular web framework. With TypeScript, AngularJS has been completely rewritten, eliminating any reliance on Javascript. Thousands of users can be supported by sophisticated desktop and web apps made with Angular.

What is a Component Library?

A component library is an assemblage of pre-coded software components or pre-designed webpage components. Instead of having to write all the code from scratch, designers can just add the component to their application.

When done correctly, it becomes incredibly time-efficient and aids in the consistency of designers’ work. Customizable functionalities are also offered by a lot of UI component packages. As a result, developers are free to exercise their creativity and modify or create entirely new components.

The team’s ability to collaborate will also benefit from the component library with angular development services. Using a component library can simplify version control and maintain consistency across the entire application, especially for large projects involving multiple team members.

What Are Angular Component Libraries?

An Angular component library is a set of ready-to-use UI components packaged together for creating inventive, dynamic, and consistent web solutions. These libraries add to Angular’s core functionality. The same broad issues, such as providing a consistent user interface, presenting data, and permitting data entry, must be resolved by numerous programs. For specific domains, developers can provide generic solutions that can be modified for usage in various applications.

These libraries’ components are usually made to be extremely reusable and configurable, so you can easily modify buttons, forms, navigation menus, and other elements to fit your project requirements, app logic, and unique demands.

Top Angular Component Libraries

Angular is an extensive framework with a plethora of features and tools. Its numerous built-in libraries facilitate the job of developers. The Angular-CLI project has pre-installed core libraries like RxJS. It also contains a large number of frontend and API-specific libraries.

However, an excessive number of integrated libraries may prevent it from becoming unduly hefty. Working slowly and laboriously can result from having an excessive number of integrated web components that developers hardly ever use.

But if developers have to write new code for every tiny function, using Angular becomes difficult for them as well. Giving a user room for creativity and customization is also important. As a result, Angular developed Angular Material to give users access to external components. In addition, you have access to a plethora of UI component libraries, like Vaadin Components, NG Zorro, NG Lightening, and Onsen UI.

Companies can reduce development time and costs by using external Angular component libraries. The top libraries for Angular UI components are listed here for your use in Angular projects.

1. Angular Material

Angular Material is the official components library created by the Angular team; it was formerly known as Material2. It was created using TypeScript and complies with every rule and recommendation found in Google Material Design.

A vast array of components are available for designing layouts, toolbars and menus, navigation menus, pop-up windows, building blocks, and tables for presenting data. Moreover, the command line templates let you swiftly include new functionality. For development organizations who need to create bespoke tools and widgets, it is of great help.

2. NG-Bootstrap

2015 saw the creation of the well-known Angular Bootstrap component library, ng-bootstrap. Using Bootstrap 4 CSS, NG Bootstrap offers Angular widgets that are constructed from the ground up. Except for knowing how to use Angular and Bootstrap, these widgets are easily accessible and user-friendly. This Angular library is supported by a robust development team.

Access to Bootstrap components such as a date picker, popover, modal, carousel, and typeahead is provided. But because updates are often delayed, its use has been declining over time.

3. NGX-Bootstrap

Combining Angular functionalities with Bootstrap features is made possible by the NGX-Bootstrap module. All of the essential Bootstrap elements are included and adapted for Angular functionality. This library has a great deal of performative flexibility.

It functions well with desktop and mobile applications built with Angular. Development teams can utilize NGXbootstrap to create scalable Angular applications if they are familiar with Bootstrap and have access to thorough documentation. Angular developers may choose it over NGbootstrap due to its integrated animation support, sortable components, and frequent updates.

4. Onsen UI

An open-source set of UI elements for creating HTML5 hybrid mobile apps is called Onsen UI. It offers a wide range of Angular components that you may use to build online applications that run on several platforms.

It provides access to ready-to-use UI elements including toolbars, forms, side menus, and dialog for a more native appearance, and it supports both Android and iOS development. It is quite simple to set up and get the hang of.

5. Prime NG

The most potent library of Angular UI components is thought to be Prime NG. Prime NG provides native Angular CLI application templates that are extremely customizable along with a selection of themes. Every widget is freely downloadable from GitHub and is open source.

Numerous UI elements are available in Prime NG for buttons, file uploads, message notifications, and personalized graphing tools. It offers a file-uploading feature as well. It is ideal for creating mobile applications that respond to touch.

6. Vaadin Components

Vaadin is a collection of elegant Java Web App UI elements. The Web Components standards serve as the foundation for Vaadin’s components. They function flawlessly with any framework and provide browser-native performance.

To construct sophisticated web and mobile apps, Angular UI components are combined with the unique capabilities of polymer elements. Vaadin facilitates effective code sharing, making it a great tool for working with large teams.

Summing Up

The greatest Angular component library for 2024 is what we have given you. Every library on the list is the greatest of the best; it offers every functionality that might be needed to create stunning Angular apps.

Among the best Angular libraries are Vaadin, ngxBootstrap, and Angular Material. It is impossible to declare one person superior to another in every way. But there’s just one that’s ideal for you, based on how you use it and your project team. For all your development needs, including locating your UI components library, our team of knowledgeable Angular engineers is here to help.

10 ways to speed up the Opencart 3 and 4 – website speed optimization

In this Opencart tutorial on website speed optimization, we are showing you 10 ways to speed up Opencart 3 and 4 which you can do from the free Opencart module and tips provided below. This helps to optimize website speed in Opencart and increase opencart page load speed.

Choose a better hosting provider and better cache module

Just choose a better hosting provider for Opencart, better is always expensive so choose as per your budget. Choose a good cache module for Opencart. If you are using the shared hosting then ask them which cache are they providing and use the cache module as per it, our is using LSCache so we use the LSCache module.

Defer all the extra CSS and JS at the footer.

In the module, we just defer all the JavaScript with ‘defer=”defer”‘, with this, the script will not run until after the page has loaded, better to use only for the external scripts.

<script defer='defer' src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

For jQuery, we load at first because it is a building block so we load at the header and without defer. The following is the Ocmod XML which makes those changes. This is done with above downloaded module and works only for the Opencart 3, for opencart 4 we will provide it soon.

<file path="catalog/controller/common/header.php">
		      $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
      <add position="replace">
        $data['links'] ="";
          //$data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
		$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
      $data['styles'] ="";
  //$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/controller/common/footer.php">
		$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts('footer');
]]>      </search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
    $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
    $data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
    //$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/header.twig">
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="6"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">-->
]]>      </add>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="3"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>-->
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/footer.twig">
        <![CDATA[{% for script in scripts %}]]>
      <add position="before"><![CDATA[
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">
{% for style in styles %} 
<link href="{{ style.href }}" type="text/css" rel="{{ style.rel }}" media="{{ style.media }}" />
{% endfor %}
{% for link in links %}
<link href="{{ link.href }}" rel="{{ link.rel }}" />
{% endfor %}
<script defer="defer" src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </add>

Use the image sizes properly

One idea to size the image is to use the ratio in all image settings. The best image ratio is 16:9. So, create images of size 1200px width and 675 px height and in all settings use a 16:9 ratio. Go to Admin >> Extensions >> Extensions >> Choose Theme as extension type >> Then edit your active theme >> Then enter the sizes for Images in the ratio of 16:9, like we are using it as:

Opencart image sizes width and height

Use the proper extension for the image:

JPEGs are for photographs and realistic images. PNGs are for line art, text-heavy images, and images with few colors. See the difference

PNG vs JPEG load time

You can easily convert the PNG to jpeg or jpeg to PNG online as well as on Photoshop. Like, we use https://www.photopea.com/ online tool to convert them which is easy and fast.

Convert Jpeg to Png

Optimize the image properly

Use the ImageOptim for properly optimizing the image. It optimizes as per the page speed insight. You can download the ImageOptim here. Right-click the image and open with ImageOptim and it will optimize and replace the image with an optimized one.

image optimizer opencart

Lazy loading of images:

With just adding loading=”lazy” in the image tag it will lazy load the images.

 <img loading="lazy" src="catalog/language/en-gb/en-gb.png" alt="English" title="English">

Created one module for lazy loading of the image:

<file path="catalog/view/theme/*/*/*/*.twig|catalog/view/theme/*/template/*/*/*.twig">
        <![CDATA[<img ]]>
      <add position="replace">
        <![CDATA[<img loading="lazy"   ]]>

GZIP for more efficient transfer to requesting clients. The compression level must be between 0 – 9.

Gzip Compression is an effective way to reduce the size of files. To enable the text compression in Opencart, go to Admin >> System >> Settings >> Server tab >> Add the “Output Compression Level”. The value should be 0-9, what we find out is most of the time it works above 5 but hit and trial is the only option that we see. With these, it minimizes the byte size of network responses and fewer bytes means the page loads fast.

Speed up the repeat visit by serving static assets with an efficient cache policy 

You can serve static assets with an efficient cache policy by adding the following code in the .htaccess file, these are just our ideas, you can make changes as per your requirement and this is code to add on the .htaccess for Apache server, if you are using nginx then you can configure similarly

# Set up 1 week caching on javascript and CSS
<FilesMatch “\.(js|css)$”>
ExpiresDefault A604800
Header append Cache-Control “proxy-revalidate”
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
# LBROWSERCSTART Browser Caching
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/gif “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/png “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType text/css “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/html “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/xhtml-xml “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/pdf “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access 1 month”
ExpiresDefault “access 1 month”

Compress and minify the output

<file path="system/library/response.php">
            <search position="replace"><![CDATA[
    public function output() {
    public function output() {
        if ($this->output) {
            $this->output = preg_replace("/(\n)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\r\n+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\t)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\ )+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>(\n)+</", '><', $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>\r\n</", '><', $this->output);

Minify your HTML, CSS, and JS

<file path="system/library/template.php">
      <search><![CDATA[return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);]]></search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
    if (strpos($template, 'template/') !== false) {
        return $this->minify($this->adaptor->render($template, $cache));
    } else {
        return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);
            ]]>      </add>
      <search><![CDATA[private $adaptor;]]></search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
	 * @param	string	$body
	 * @return	string
	public function minify($body) {
        $search = array(
            '/\>[^\S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space
            '/[^\S ]+\</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space
            '/(\s)+/s',         // shorten multiple whitespace sequences
        $replace = array(
        $body = preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);
        return $body;
            ]]>      </add>

Index the database table

First backup your database.
Download the turbo.php, upload it where Opencart is installed, run YOURSITEURL/turbo.php and click the “Add Database Indexes” button, this will index all the database tables as per column name.


Or you can run the following SQL directly in your database:

ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `parent_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `top` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `sort_order` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `status` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category_description` ADD INDEX ( `language_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_category_to_store` ADD INDEX ( `store_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_category_path` ADD INDEX ( `path_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `model` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `sku` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `upc` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `manufacturer_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `sort_order` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `status` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `product_option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `product_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `option_value_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_to_category` ADD INDEX ( `category_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_attribute` ADD INDEX ( `attribute_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_attribute` ADD INDEX ( `language_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_description` ADD INDEX ( `language_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_to_store` ADD INDEX ( `store_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_option` ADD INDEX ( `sort_order` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_option_description` ADD INDEX ( `name` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_option_value_description` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_url_alias` ADD INDEX ( `query` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_url_alias` ADD INDEX ( `keyword` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_url_alias` ADD INDEX ( `url_alias_id` );

Developer or Designer tasks: Ensure text remains visible during Webfont load

Follow the idea provided at https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/02/font-display. Just for your information, we tried that and in our case, we used font-display: swap, and only works. Something like below:

@font-face {
font-family: ‘Arvo’;
font-display: swap;
src: local(‘Arvo’), url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/arvo/v9/rC7kKhY-eUDY-ucISTIf5PesZW2xOQ-xsNqO47m55DA.woff2) format(‘woff2’);

Look for Critical CSS: Defer unused CSS, remove all unused CSS on a page, and try to target CSS for each page.


In this way, you can perform the Opencart website speed optimization, please let us know if you have any other tips and tricks. You can visit Opencart SEO to read around 25 best practices for Opencart SEO. Let us know if you have questions or concerns so that we can help you out. Till then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Opencart video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The whole code XML is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <name>10 ways to speed up the Opencart site</name>
  <author>Rupak Nepali</author>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/*/*/*.twig|catalog/view/theme/*/template/*/*/*.twig">
        <![CDATA[<img ]]>
      <add position="replace">
        <![CDATA[<img loading="lazy"  ]]>
  <file path="system/library/response.php">
      <search position="replace"><![CDATA[
    public function output() {
            ]]>      </search>
    public function output() {
        /*source compressor*/
        if ($this->output) {
            //$this->output = preg_replace('/<!--(.|\n)*?-->/', " ", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/(\n)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\r\n+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\t)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\ )+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>(\n)+</", '><', $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>\r\n</", '><', $this->output);
            ]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/controller/common/header.php">
		      $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
      <add position="replace">
        $data['links'] ="";
          //$data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
		$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
      $data['styles'] ="";
  //$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/controller/common/footer.php">
		$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts('footer');
]]>      </search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
    $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
    $data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
    //$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/header.twig">
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="6"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">-->
]]>      </add>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="3"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>-->
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/footer.twig">
        <![CDATA[{% for script in scripts %}]]>
      <add position="before"><![CDATA[
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">
{% for style in styles %} 
<link href="{{ style.href }}" type="text/css" rel="{{ style.rel }}" media="{{ style.media }}" />
{% endfor %}
{% for link in links %}
<link href="{{ link.href }}" rel="{{ link.rel }}" />
{% endfor %}
<script defer="defer" src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </add>
  <file path="system/library/template.php">
      <search><![CDATA[return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);]]></search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
    if (strpos($template, 'template/') !== false) {
        return $this->minify($this->adaptor->render($template, $cache));
    } else {
        return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);
            ]]>      </add>
      <search><![CDATA[private $adaptor;]]></search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
	 * @param	string	$body
	 * @return	string
	public function minify($body) {
        $search = array(
            '/\>[^\S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space
            '/[^\S ]+\</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space
            '/(\s)+/s',         // shorten multiple whitespace sequences
        $replace = array(
        $body = preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);
        return $body;
            ]]>      </add>

Popular reports used in eCommerce business, we listed 25 of them

In Opencart 4 and 3, we can get reports, who’s online, and statistics for sales report, customer transaction report, customer activity report, customer orders report, customer searches report, tax report, shipping report, return reports, sales report, coupons report, products viewed reports, and products purchased report. Login into the admin section and in the left menu you have the Reports menu item, click it and you will see Reports page where you can choose the report type and see the data.

In the world of e-commerce, reports and analytics play a crucial role in providing valuable insights into business performance, customer behavior, and market trends. Here are 25 popular e-commerce reports that businesses commonly use to monitor and optimize their operations:

Sales Performance Report

  • Description: Tracks total sales over a specific period.
  • Metrics: Gross sales, net sales, average order value, total orders.
  • Benefits: Helps gauge overall business performance and sales trends.

Product Performance Report

  • Description: Evaluates the sales performance of individual products.
  • Metrics: Units sold, revenue generated, return rates, stock levels.
  • Benefits: Helps in inventory management and identifying bestsellers and underperforming products.

Inventory Turnover Report

  • Description: Measures how quickly inventory is sold and replaced over a period.
  • Metrics: Cost of goods sold (COGS), average inventory.
  • Benefits: Helps in optimizing inventory levels and reducing holding costs.

In Opencart, you can use the Sales reports to analyze the inventory turnover report

Sales by Geography Report

  • Description: Analyzes sales performance across different geographic locations.
  • Metrics: Total sales, number of orders, average order value by region.
  • Benefits: Identifies high-performing regions and potential markets for expansion.

Cart Abandonment Report

  • Description: Tracks the rate at which customers add items to their cart but do not complete the purchase.
  • Metrics: Abandonment rate, recovery rate, average cart value.
  • Benefits: Identifies reasons for abandonment and helps in implementing recovery strategies.

Traffic and Conversion Report

  • Description: Analyzes website traffic and conversion rates.
  • Metrics: Total visitors, unique visitors, conversion rate, bounce rate.
  • Benefits: Helps in understanding website performance and optimizing the user experience.

Customer Demographics Report

  • Description: Provides insights into the demographic profile of customers.
  • Metrics: Age, gender, location, income level.
  • Benefits: Aids in tailoring marketing strategies and product offerings to target audiences.

Profit Margin Report

  • Description: Calculates the profitability of the business or individual products.
  • Metrics: Gross profit, net profit, profit margin percentage.
  • Benefits: Helps in pricing strategy and cost management.

Return and Refund Report

  • Description: Tracks the rate of returns and refunds.
  • Metrics: Number of returns, refund amount, return rate by product/category.
  • Benefits: Identifies issues with product quality or customer satisfaction.

Customer Feedback and Reviews Report

  • Description: Summarizes customer reviews and feedback.
  • Metrics: Average rating, number of reviews, sentiment analysis.
  • Benefits: Provides insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.

Subscription and Recurring Revenue Report

  • Description: Tracks revenue from subscription-based products or services.
  • Metrics: Monthly recurring revenue (MRR), churn rate, customer lifetime value.
  • Benefits: Helps in forecasting revenue and managing subscription growth.

Discount and Promotion Effectiveness Report

  • Description: Measures the impact of discounts and promotions on sales.
  • Metrics: Revenue generated, number of orders, profit margins during promotions.
  • Benefits: Assesses the effectiveness of promotional strategies.

Mobile vs. Desktop Performance Report

  • Description: Compares sales and traffic performance between mobile and desktop users.
  • Metrics: Sales by device, conversion rate by device, average order value by device.
  • Benefits: Helps in optimizing the mobile shopping experience.

Shipping and Fulfillment Report

  • Description: Analyzes the performance of shipping and fulfillment operations.
  • Metrics: Shipping costs, delivery times, order fulfillment rates.
  • Benefits: Identifies areas to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Affiliates and Partners Performance Report

  • Description: Evaluates the performance of affiliate marketing and partnerships.
  • Metrics: Revenue generated, number of sales, commission costs, ROI.
  • Benefits: Helps in managing and optimizing affiliate programs.

Customer Segmentation Report

  • Description: Divides customers into different segments based on various criteria.
  • Metrics: Segments based on demographics, purchase behavior, loyalty, and engagement.
  • Benefits: Enables personalized marketing strategies and targeted promotions.

Sales Forecasting Report

  • Description: Predicts future sales based on historical data and trends.
  • Metrics: Projected sales, growth rates, seasonal trends.
  • Benefits: Assists in inventory planning, budgeting, and resource allocation.

Wishlist and Saved Items Report

  • Description: Tracks items that customers add to their wishlists or save for later.
  • Metrics: Number of items saved, frequency of wishlist usage, conversion rates from wishlist to purchase.
  • Benefits: Identifies popular products and potential sales opportunities.

Customer Support and Service Report

  • Description: Analyzes customer support interactions and service quality.
  • Metrics: Number of support tickets, response time, resolution time, customer satisfaction.
  • Benefits: Improves customer service operations and identifies common issues.

Affiliate Program Performance Report

  • Description: Evaluates the effectiveness of the affiliate marketing program.
  • Metrics: Number of affiliates, sales generated, commissions paid, conversion rates.
  • Benefits: Helps in optimizing the affiliate program and identifying high-performing affiliates.

Customer Acquisition Report

  • Description: Analyzes the effectiveness of different customer acquisition channels.
  • Metrics: Number of new customers, acquisition cost per channel, conversion rates.
  • Benefits: Identifies the most cost-effective channels for acquiring new customers.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Report

  • Description: Estimates the total value a customer brings over their entire relationship with the business.
  • Metrics: Average purchase value, purchase frequency, customer lifespan.
  • Benefits: Helps in understanding the long-term value of customers and informs marketing spend.

Customer Retention Report

  • Description: Measures how effectively a business retains customers over time.
  • Metrics: Repeat purchase rate, churn rate, average order frequency.
  • Benefits: Identifies retention trends and highlights areas for improvement.

Sales by Channel Report

  • Description: Breaks down sales performance by different sales channels (e.g., online store, marketplaces, social media).
  • Metrics: Revenue per channel, number of orders per channel.
  • Benefits: Helps in optimizing marketing strategies and resource allocation.

Social Media Engagement Report

  • Description: Analyzes the effectiveness of social media channels in driving engagement and sales.
  • Metrics: Likes, shares, comments, referral traffic, conversion rates from social media, revenue generated from social media campaigns.
  • Benefits: Helps in understanding the impact of social media efforts, optimizing social media strategies, and identifying the most effective platforms for marketing.


Reports in Opencart

You can choose the following report type:

  • Customer Transaction Report
  • Opencart Customer Activity Report
  • Customer Orders Report
  • Opencart Customer Reward Points Report
  • Customer Searches Report
  • Tax Report
  • Shipping Report
  • Returns Report
  • Sales Report
  • Coupons Report
  • Products Viewed Report
  • Products Purchased Report

Customer Transaction Report

Customer Transaction Report Opencart

In the Customer Transaction report, you can see all the sales reports by customer name, email, customer group, status, and total. You can filter it with Date Start, Customer Name, and Date End.

Customer Activity Report

When you enabled the track customers’ activity via the customer reports section at admin >> System >> Settings >> edit the store >> then in the Options tab >> find the Customers Activity and select Yes, then it starts to log the customer activity in the report sections. Checking the code at catalog/controller/event/activity.php, we can see that they add the following comment, IP, and date added for the following:

  • Added or registered customer then it logs with key as “register”
  • Edit customer then it logs with the key as “edit”
  • Edit the password when the customer is logged in with the key as “password”
  • Reset the password when the customer is not logged in with the key as “reset”
  • Login by the customer with key as “login”
  • Forgotten password request by the customer with key as “forgotten”
  • The transaction is added for the customer then it logs with key as “transaction”
  • If the customer is added as Affiliate then it logs with key as “affiliate_add”
  • When you edit the affiliate information then it logs with key as “affiliate_edit”
  • If an address is added for the customer then it logs with key as “address_add”
  • When the address is edited for the customer then it logs with key as “address_edit”
  • When the address is deleted for the customer then it logs with key as “address_delete”
  • Return is added by the customer then it logs with key “return_account”
  • Return is added by the guest buyer then it logs with key “return_guest”
  • The order added by the customer then it logs with key as “order_account”
  • The order added by the guest buyer then it logs with key “order_guest”

The database table “oc_customer_activity” will have data like below:

Customer activity database Opencart

In the report section, you can see the customer activity report as below image:

Customer activity report opencart

Customer Orders Report

You can see the Customer orders report in Opencart, where you can filter out with date start, customer, date end, and status of orders.

Customer Order report opencart

Customer Reward Points Report

Read the post on how reward works in Opencart. Once the reward is applied to the customer then you can see the customer reward points report. The report looks like below where you can filter out by data start, customer, and date end:

customer reward report Opencart

Customer Searches Report

In the “customer searches report” you can see what customers are searching for. You can filter the report by date start, customer, date end, IP and keyword.

Customer research report

Tax Report

You can get the tax report in Opencart. For that go to admin >> Reports >> then choose the Tax report where you will see all the tax details. You can filter out by date start, date end, group by days or weeks or months or years, and status.

Tax report Opencart

Shipping Report

You can see the shipping report which you can filter out by date start, date end, group by days or weeks or months or years, and status.

Shipping report Opencart

Returns Report

You can see the post for how product returns are handled in Opencart 3, you can see the returns report and filter out with date start, date end, group by days or weeks or months or years, and status.

Return reports Opencart

Sales Report

You can see the sales report on Opencart 3. You can filter out by date start, date end, group by days or weeks or months or years, and status.

Sales report Opencart

Coupon Report

You can see the coupon report on Opencart 3. You can filter out by date start and date end.

Coupon report Opencart

Products Viewed Report

You can see a Products Viewed Report.

Products viewed report Opencart

Products Purchased Report

You can see a report of products purchased. You can filter it out with date start, date end, and status.

Products purchased report opencart

Who’s Online

You can track customers online via the customer reports section and see who is online right now. To activate the customer online report go to admin >> System >> Settings >> Option tab >> Account section and select Yes for customers online.

who is online opencart settings

The reports start showing at admin >> Reports >> Who’s online.

who is online opencart report


You can see the overall statistics of the order sales, order processing, orders complete, returns, out-of-stock products, and pending reviews in the statistics report.

Statistics report

Opencart 4 and 3 has lots of reportings, it is in the Reports section and some are available in the admin dashboard as well. But still, there are some functionalities that are missing like exporting on CSV or excels, reporting on charts and sometimes the best report of what visitors are doing on your website is tricky, however, to get the best reporting we would recommend you use Google analytics enhanced reporting as well so that you can analyze what visitors and customers are doing in your website and get best decisions. In this way, you can see reporting in Opencart 4 and 3. Please don’t forget to post your questions or comments. Additionally, this will allow us to add extra topics. You can follow us at our Twitter account @rupaknpl, subscribe to our YouTube channel for Opencart tutorials, and click to see all Opencart user manuals.

Auto upgrade Opencart 4 versions by clicking in admin section

Auto-upgrading Opencart versions involves a process where the platform updates itself to the latest version without manual code. Opencart 4 does natively support a fully automated update mechanism like some other CMS platforms (e.g., WordPress). Here’s a detailed explanation of how you can set up and manage auto-updates for Opencart versions:

1. Preparation and Backup

Before any auto-upgrades, it’s crucial to ensure that your site can recover from any potential issues that might arise during the upgrade process.

  • Regular Backups: Schedule regular backups of your entire Opencart store, including the database and all files.
  • Staging Environment: Set up a staging environment to test updates before applying them to the live site.

Read more: Upgrade Opencart 3 to Opencart 4 version

2. Monitoring for New Releases

To automate updates, you need a way to monitor for new Opencart releases.

  • RSS Feeds: Subscribe to Opencart’s release announcements via RSS feeds or email notifications.
  • GitHub Repository: Monitor the official Opencart GitHub repository for new releases.

4. Automated Upgrade

Go to admin >> System >> Maintenance >> Upgrade and click Upgrade button and you are done.

Auto upgrade Opencart version

6. Handling Customizations and Extensions

  • Custom Themes and Extensions: Ensure your script preserves custom themes and extensions. You may need to modify the script to exclude these files from being overwritten.
  • Compatibility Checks: Before updating, check that your themes and extensions are compatible with the new version. This can be automated by maintaining a compatibility matrix or using version constraints.
  • Clear Modification Cache: Don’t forget to clear cache

7. Testing Updates

  • Automated Testing: Implement automated testing to verify that the update was successful and that critical functionalities are working correctly.
  • Manual Testing: Periodically perform manual tests to ensure the update process works as expected.

8. Rollback Mechanism

  • Automated Rollback: Implement a rollback mechanism in case the update fails. This can involve restoring files and databases from the backups created before the update.

9. Monitoring and Alerts

  • Monitoring: Set up monitoring to check the health of your Opencart store after the update.
  • Alerts: Configure alerts to notify you of any issues during or after the update process.


Opencart 4 support native auto-upgrades, you can achieve automated updates through a combination of scripts, monitoring tools, and best practices. Regular backups, thorough testing, and a robust rollback strategy are essential to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth upgrade process.

A Complete Guide to Handling Large Datasets in PHP and Big Data

PHP is an open-source scripting language. It’s essential for web development and is well-known for flexibility & simplicity. It is powered by varied dynamic applications & websites. Big Data encompasses the vast unstructured and structured data via varied sources. It necessitates robust tools for insights & processing. Big Data & PHP synergy is critical. It helps with the optimization of database queries and more. Considering it, the article has been prepared. It will give a complete guide to handling large datasets in PHP and Big Data.

PHP- What is it?

PHP/Hypertext Preprocessor is one of the versatile server-end scripting languages. It’s integral to the web development. It integrates with varied databases while supporting web servers, operating systems, and more.

The extensive PHP community offers resources that foster support and knowledge sharing, too. The user-friendly syntax of PHP enables rapid development. It makes it ideal for projects with tighter deadlines. The open-source nature of it ensures cost-effectiveness. It thereby appeals to businesses and startups. Developers must ensure priority is given to security. It is possible through the best practices for mitigating any vulnerability. On an overall basis, PHP is an adaptable, powerful & widely used tool within web development.

Big Data- What is it?

Big Data is all about vast structured & unstructured data generation at high speed. It comes via diverse sources, thereby surpassing the traditional database processing capabilities. The key characteristics are,

  1. Volume- massive datasets
  2. Velocity- rapid generation of data
  3. Variety- varied formats like images, text, and videos
  4. Value- insights for better decision-making.

The effective management & analysis of Big Data helps organizations uncover trends. It reveals patterns, strategic advantages, and competitive edge, and even drives innovation. With the advancement of tech, harnessing the potential of Big Data is essential for success.

Importance of Handling Datasets

  1. Performance optimization is important. For this, an optimized algorithm, index strategies, and caching are used. It ensures the avoidance of any performance bottlenecks.
  2. It helps with memory management. It’s possible via the use of lazy loading, pagination, or streaming.
  3. Improvement in Scalability. For it, applications are to be designed for load balancing, horizontal scaling, etc.
  4. Optimization of database. It’s possible with the optimization of queries, caching mechanisms, and the use of appropriate indexes.
  5. Parallel Processing, too. Its employment can help to enhance efficiency.

The effective management of large datasets is important. So, consider the best PHP development company for optimal management.

Handling Large Datasets in PHP and Big Data- Challenges

  1. There’s limited native support for the Big Data tools. It causes performance overhead, dependency issues, etc.
  2. Performance bottlenecks with the larger datasets. There are required optimized data retrieval and caching.
  3. Challenges with memory management. It’s due to PHP memory limitations. It makes important pagination and streaming data processing.
  4. Scalability concerns are also there. It requires session management, database scaling, and more.
  5. Security considerations within Big Data operations. So, organizations must secure the PHP-based operations of Big Data. It’s possible via the implementation of data encryption, access control, audit trails, etc.

The developers must ensure to navigate the challenges. If you hire the best PHP development company, it will be best. They can use custom solutions, efficient memory, etc. It will all work to leverage PHP in effective data processing.

Big Data and PHP Handling- Solutions

To navigate Big Data in PHP complexities, strategic solutions are important. It will help with efficient processing as well as optimal performance. Some key approaches for it are,

  1. Use Big Data frameworks. Integration of Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, or leveraging Spark SQL.
  2. Implementation of Caching Mechanisms. Use of result caching, page caching, opcode caching, and more. It will help to improve performance while reducing server load.
  3. Optimization of database queries. It’s possible via prepared statements, indexing, or query optimization techniques. Employment of JOIN operations and the cache query too, will be better.
  4. Adoption of Asynchronous Processing. Using concurrency control mechanisms or implementing message queues, task parallelism, etc.
  5. Horizontal scaling via load balancing. Addressing data partitioning, session management, distributing workload in different servers, etc., will help.

Leveraging cloud services & incorporating security practices, too, are some of the best strategies. All will help to enhance the PHP app capabilities, ensure efficient data handling, etc.

Using PHP in Big Data Analytics- How to do it?

PHP acts as a versatile tool within Big Data Analytics. It offers capabilities for the efficient processing of data and its analysis too. Some key aspects of it are below.

Data Preprocessing & Transformation

  1. Data cleansing via identification and rectification of inconsistencies.
  2. Conversion of format with the handling of diverse data formats, including XML, JSON & CSV.
  3. Handling the missing data with the implementation of imputation strategies.
  4. Data normalization by ensuring consistency within data scales.

Integration with the Big Data tools

  1. The use of custom connectors can facilitate the smoother exchange of data.
  2. Efficient transfer of data via the designing of swift data pipelines.
  3. Enhanced workflows with the improvement of efficiency of data analysis.
  4. Real-time processing with the handling of streaming data to have timely insights.

Web-based data visualization

  1. Library integration with the use of Chart.js, and D3.js, for visualizations.
  2. Customization with tailored visual elements for user preferences.
  3. Ensuring scalability with effective handling of large datasets.

Multithreading & Parallel Processing

  1. php developers for hire to help accelerate data processing.
  2. With task parallelism, diverse workloads can be executed concurrently.
  3. Better resource use with optimization of data processing.

Custom Analytics Applications

  1. The domain-specific solutions help to create tailored analytics apps.
  2. Intuitive interfaces help to design user-friendly dashboards.
  3. It helps with adaptability, integration of emerging tech, and more.

Final Words

In the data management work, the integration of Big Data and PHP proves to be the best combination. Despite the challenges, with the right strategies, it’s possible to address the Strategic PHP implementations. Not to forget, handling the art of large datasets isn’t just necessary but the right strategic advantage. 

With PHP right at the helm, PHP developers for hire will be the right move; after all, the professionals have a robust toolkit for navigating Big Data complexities. It ensures efficient analysis and processing. As for the rest, you can connect with the best professionals and collaborate with them to handle large datasets with PHP within the Big Data domain.

Automatically post new Opencart products on social media like Facebook for free

Today we are showing you how we can automatically post new Opencart products on social media with one free plugin that we developed and a free online tool like IFTTT. There are multiple online tools for automation but we are using IFTTT today.

First, install the Product RSS feed on your Opencart admin, download the Products RSS Feed for Opencart 4, install it and you will get URLs like the below:

Product rss feed Opencart


Click for more details on how to install and set up Products RSS Feed for Opencart 4

Second step, go to IFFT.com and create an account then search for “RSS to Facebook”, then click one of the applets connect your Facebook and give access to pages.

RSS to Facebook IFFT

Once, you give access to Facebook pages to IFTTT(for a free account you can select only one Facebook page). Then you will see the settings page like below where you can add the Feed URL that you get by installing the module above and select the Facebook page account:

RSS to Facebook Opencart

Once you save the settings, your products are automatically posted on Facebook and that can look like below, where the post posted on facebook page shows “Published by IFTTT”.

Opencart facebook autoposted

Some other Automation Tools

Let’s take a look at some popular tools that can help you auto-publish your Products via RSS feeds:

1. Buffer:

  • Buffer is a widely used social media management tool. It offers RSS feed integration, allowing you to schedule product updates to multiple social platforms.

2. Hootsuite:

  • Hootsuite is another robust social media management tool that supports RSS feed integration. It enables you to manage and schedule products on various social networks.

3. dlvr.it:

  • dlvr.it is designed specifically for content distribution via RSS feeds. It offers customizable posting schedules and supports various social media platforms.

4. Zapier:

  • Zapier is an automation platform that can connect your RSS feed to hundreds of other apps, including social media platforms. It offers great flexibility in creating custom automation workflows.

Benefits of Auto-Publishing via RSS

Automating your Product sharing via RSS feeds comes with several benefits:

1. Time Efficiency: Save time by eliminating manual posting, allowing you to focus on creating content.

2. Consistency: Ensure that your products are shared consistently and promptly after publication.

3. Wider Reach: Reach a broader audience by sharing content across multiple social media platforms.

4. Improved Engagement: Engage your audience with real-time updates, encouraging interaction and discussions.

5. SEO Boost: Increased social media presence can positively impact your website’s SEO.


Auto-publishing your products to social media via RSS feeds is a powerful strategy to streamline your content distribution process. By selecting the right automation tools and configuring them to fit your needs, you can save time, enhance audience engagement, and expand your online reach. Embrace the world of automation, and let RSS feeds and tools do the heavy lifting, ensuring your products reach your audience efficiently and effectively.

In this way, you share your products automatically with the use of the Products RSS feed module for Opencart 4. Please let us know if you have any kind of projects, you can email us at webocreation.com@gmail.com. Hope you liked this free opencart module, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and get more Opencart free extensions. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Chrome console built-in AI helps with code understanding for the Developer

Today we were working on frontend code and the functionalities were not working as expected so we started debugging by opening the Chrome console where we saw a light-like icon and clicked out of curiosity that the Console AI helps with code understanding and debugging. It is beneficial for the developer.

In the JavaScript code, we forgot to close the bracket so we saw a console log like below:

Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

Then we click the light-like icon

Console AI for developer to understand the code

On clicking that icon, we were asked to accept the terms and conditions

Terms and Condition Console AI

On clicking the continue button, it provides all the details of the error, an understanding of the problem, an explanation of the cause, fixes, and solutions like below:

Console log AI code debugging details

Here is the flow:

In this way, you can use Built-AI in Chrome Console to debug and understand the code error so this decreased two clicks for the developer to search error issues.

Opencart multi-websites or store setup

Opencart multiple websites. It can handle multiple stores with one Opencart installation. Creating a Multi-Store Opencart allows for multi-store management using only one installation. If you have installed Opencart into at least one store, you can add multiple stores to your admin panel without having to repeat the installation process. To add a new store you must first create a subdomain in your cPanel, then add the store in the Settings section of the admin panel.

Multistore Opencart

OpenCart 4 allows you to manage multiple online stores from a single admin interface. This multi-site capability is particularly useful for businesses that operate in different regions, sell various product lines, or want to create separate storefronts for different customer segments. Setting up multiple sites in OpenCart is straightforward and provides a centralized way to control and monitor all your stores.

Benefits of a Multisite Setup

  • Centralized Management: Manage multiple stores from a single admin dashboard. One admin management with one log in for products, categories, customers, orders, design, etc
  • Shared Resources: Use the same product catalog, customer database, and settings across multiple stores. You can configure each product to show on which store and can set different prices for the same product
  • Customized Storefronts: Tailor the appearance and functionality of each store to target specific audiences. Although having one admin management, you can have different layouts and different themes for different stores
  • Cost-Effective: Save on infrastructure and maintenance costs by running multiple stores on the same installation.
  • Customer easiness: Customers can have a single sign-on for different stores that are managed on multiple.


Before setting up multiple stores, ensure you have the following:

  • A working installation of OpenCart 4 on the server (In our example we are using demo.webocreation.com)
  • Administrative access to the OpenCart admin panel.
  • Domain names or subdomains for each store, both the server and 
  • DNS Domain name server settings
  • You use the addon domain in cpanel to add the 2nd domain to your hosting account. Then change the document root in that 2nd domain to be the same as your first store – the folder opencart is installed in. Add the store to opencart settings and done.
  • Point their A records to the IP of your server.
  • Associate them with that hosting account which can be done in cPanel via “Aliases” which used to be called “Parked Domains” if I remember correctly.

Example stores

Main store: https://demo.webocreation.com
First Store 1: https://demo2.webocreation.com
Second Store 2: https://demo3.webocreation.com
Third Store 3: https://dpsignadvertising.com 

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Multisite in OpenCart 4

Step 1: Configure Your Domain/Subdomain

First, set up your additional domains or subdomains. This process will vary depending on your hosting provider but generally involves the following steps:

  • DNS management: Access to domain registrar admin section so you can point domain A records to the server. In this example, we are using Cloudflare DNS so we added the A records like below, as in this example we are using sub-domain demo2.webocreation.com and demo3.webocreation.com, so pointed the A record to the IP address.
    A type
    Fig: 2

For main domains like dpsignadvertising.com, you need to delegate the same name server that you are using for the opencart installed server, here is https://demo.webocreation.com, so for dpsignadvertising.com, we add the same ns1 and ns2 as demo.webocreation.com

DNS settings

Fig: 12.3 

  • Subdomains: Create subdomains (e.g., store1.yourdomain.com, store2.yourdomain.com) and point them to the OpenCart installation directory.

Domains Settings
Fig: 12.4

Then click “Create a New Domain” enter the domain URL and submit, here we entered demo3.webocreation.com

Domains new settings

Similarly, you can enter as many domains as needed.

Domains listing
  • Domains: Same as sub-domains, point each domain to the root directory of your OpenCart installation. We are using the cPanel so we find the domain section, for us here is an example, click in the Domains and enter the domains.
    Domains listing

2: Add New Stores in OpenCart Admin

  1. Log in to Admin Panel: Log in to your OpenCart admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Store Settings: Go to System -> Settings.
  3. Add New Store:
    • Click the “+” button to add a new store.
    • Store Name: Enter the name of the new store.
    • Store URL: Enter the URL of the new store, including the trailing slashLog in., https://dpsignadvertising.com/).

If you forget the trailing slash multi-store will not work

3: Configure Store Settings

  1. General Settings: Configure general settings such as store name, owner, address, email, and phone number. You can select different themes, logos, and layouts for each store
  2. Local Settings: Set local settings like country, region, language, and currency for the new store.
  3. Option Settings: Set all settings like products, legal, etc for the new store.
  4. Image Settings: Enter the image sizes

4: Customize Your Store

  1. Themes: Go to Design -> Themes and select a theme for your new store. You can choose to use the same theme as your main store or a different one.
  2. Layouts: Customize the layouts for your new store by navigating to Design -> Layouts. Adjust the positions and modules according to your requirements.
  3. Banners and Sliders: Set up banners and sliders specific to the new store under Design -> Banners.

5: Assign Products and Categories

  1. Products: Navigate to Catalog -> Products and edit each product to assign it to the new store. Use the “Stores” tab to select the stores where the product should be visible.
  2. Categories: Go to Catalog -> Categories and assign categories to the new store using the “Stores” tab.

6: Test Your Store

  1. Access the Store URL: Open a web browser and navigate to the URL of your new store.
  2. Verify Functionality: Ensure that all links, images, and functionalities are working correctly.
  3. Place a Test Order: Complete a test purchase to verify that the checkout process is functioning correctly.

Setting up a multisite environment in OpenCart 4 is an efficient way to manage multiple online stores from a single admin interface. By following the steps outlined above, you can configure and customize each store to meet the needs of different markets or customer segments. This powerful feature of OpenCart helps streamline operations, reduce costs, and expand your business reach effectively.

How to let the Opencart APIs work for all IP addresses?

Opencart checks the IP address to allow the API calls, but sometimes you need to let all IP addresses do the API calls, for example, while testing the API. To allow all IP addresses to comment following the line of code at catalog/controller/api/account/login.php

//$json[‘error’] = sprintf($this->language->get(‘error_ip’), $this->request->server[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]);

if ($api_info) {
	// Check if IP is allowed
	$ip_data = [];

	$results = $this->model_account_api->getIps($api_info['api_id']);

	foreach ($results as $result) {
		$ip_data[] = trim($result['ip']);

	if (!in_array($this->request->server['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ip_data)) {
		//$json['error'] = sprintf($this->language->get('error_ip'), $this->request->server['REMOTE_ADDR']);
} else {
	$json['error'] = $this->language->get('error_key');

To learn more about Opencart API following posts help more:

40 cool final year college projects for students in 2024

The final year project plays a vital role in deciding your career as a Computer Science student. The era of technology is constantly evolving and so is the need for great projects in the field. There are multi-billion dollar industries that demand great projects in the respective field – in order to be considered for recruitment. This raised the billion dollars question: What final-year project should I choose as a Computer Science Student in 2023? 

Well, we have got some answers and ideas that you can choose from. In this blog, we have gathered some of the most reliable final-year projects for the students of Computer Science for 2022. By the end of this blog, you will be able to:

  • Analyze different cool final-year projects for Computer Science. 
  • Get a hands-on idea of final project ideas. 
  • Decide the cool final-year project that will help you flourish in your career. 

Read More: Internship SWOT analysis final year report

Cool Final Year College Projects That You Can Do As A Computer Science Student in 2022

The field of Computer Science is one of the vast domains to study. It has an unwavering demand in the marketplace. Enterprises and high-paying companies yearn for efficient talents in the Computer Science field. Likewise, the final year college project is also equally important. This project opens the arenas of opportunities to be considered in these marketplaces. Here are some cool final year projects for Computer Science in 2022 that you can work on, we have made collections of around 40 projects, and we keep on writing for each project in our upcoming posts, so don’t forget to subscribe to our email list:

Decentralization projects ideas like:

Web 3.0 Stacks
  • eCommerce with Web 3.0 implementation
    The technology you can use are below and can make eCommerce implementation with Web 3.0 and decentralization environment:
    Frontend development with HTML, CSS, JS, React.
    Node Provider: Infura, Quicknode, Alchemy etc
    Smart Contracts: Solidity, Vyper, Rust etc
    Blockchain: Ethereum, Polygon, Solana etc
  • Decentralisation Finance (DeFi)

If it was Web 2.0 then the Currency Converter project would have been one good idea but with decentralization, it is better to work with Defi projects.

  • Non-fungible token (NFT)

Non-fungible token (NFT) generally alludes to a cryptographic resource on the blockchain that addresses a theoretical and interesting advanced thing like a piece of craftsmanship, a photograph, an in-game collectible, or a tweet that different resources can’t supplant on the grounds that it has a bunch of outstanding properties.

  • Decentralized Identification

Create a decentralized identification system so users don’t need to keep on sharing their information again and again on different platforms. Simplify access to DApps with single sign-on (SSO).

  • Marketplace for Cryptocurrencies
  • Decentralisation Applications (DApps)
  • Create new Cryptocurrencies
  • Peer to Peer (P2P) sharing

The popularity of Uber, Lyft, Didi, etc, nowadays ridesharing, delivery sharing, etc are becoming popular so these project ideas can also be one.

Read More: Final year E-commerce project eShopping Process model and functional diagram

Artificial Intelligence-related projects:

  • Location Detection
    Face detection is normal nowadays, how about location detection, let’s say big construction sites where each location work is detected and updated the Apps, so they can know what timing and things are needed to move forward? 
  • Spam & Fake Detector AI Apps
    Everyone wants to get rid of spam and remove them, so Spam and Fake Detector App can be a good project like you can create Fake Spam Detector by analyzing the patterns for the Products, etc.

Other Artificial Intelligence related projects include:

  • Artificial Intelligence-Based Staffing Solution. 
  • Android Assistant like Apple’s Siri. 
  • Workflow Automator Software. 
  • Auto-monitoring Software for Workspace. 
  • Communication Tracker & Scheduler App and Extension. 
  • Chatbot – App, Software, and Extension
  • Virtual Assistant (VA) for Windows and Desktops. 
  • Online Task Assignment and Management Tools like Hubspot and Trello. 
  • Shipment Tracker for Logistics. 
  • Artificial Data Validation Software like Plagiarism Checker

API related projects

Opencart API
  • Integrated API endpoints
    Build a single and integrated platform for all APIs and your one Endpoint will call all the APIs needed.
  • NASA free APIs
  • RapidAPI free APIs
  • Google free APIs like Google Maps projects

Read More: API call in eCommerce


  • Copyright system and implementation with NFT and cryptocurrencies
  • Manage multiple ads in one system and implement Prebid, so marketers can use Google ads, media ads, and other ads from one place
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Monitoring Tool
  • Search Engine Optimization (SE0) Monitoring Software
  • Product Auto-analyzer to See How the Product is Performing in the Market
  • Google Double Click Evaluation Tool
  • Micro & Macro Content Performance Evaluator 
  • Auto Lead Generation App

Read More: 13 proven tips and tricks to boost conversions for eCommerce

Future Predictor Applications

  • Stock Price Predictor application
    Fluctuation in Stock price is one of the growing concerns of modern marketplaces. The stock price sees numberless ebbs and flows every day. Once you reckon this as a problem, you can come up with a solution to it. The best solution would be to come up with software that detects the real-time stock price. 
    Essentially, you will assemble a stock valuation indicator that can foresee the future costs of stock. The best thing about working with financial exchange information is that it by and large has short input cycles. 
    This makes it simple for information examiners to utilize new market information to approve stock value forecasts. This financial exchange information will in general be exceptionally granular, different, and unpredictable.
    You can demonstrate it to find and gather comparative stocks dependent on their value developments and distinguish periods when there are critical changes in their costs.
  • Product stock prediction and data prediction as per the shipping timing, seasonal requirement, and emotional adjustment. Order the product as per the Stock needed.
  • We see lots of Weather predictors, how about Agriculture Product Predictor as per the weather so we can control what is needed? 
  • Music Recommendation App
  • Predictive Analyzer of Products before launching them
  • Luck Predictor App Based on Age and Interest

Health-related projects ideas:

  • Blood Gift and Blood Donation Center Locator
    This online blood gift device is intended to help individuals in finding blood benefactors in case of a crisis. Clients can join to give blood to a blood donation center or present a solicitation for blood. Clients can check out the benefactors’ profiles and request help from them.
    Crises ought to forever be tended to first. Therefore, this final year project makes Computer Science understudies foster this 2022. This framework will address the requirement for blood gifts when required by a patient. Patients can check their blood classification match and ask for help from the prospects.
  • Coronavirus-infected person locator
  • Disease Detector Apps, like Cancer, Allergy, etc
  • Tools for the Management of Medications:
    Automated Software to Monitor Medicines and Healthcare Products and Record Tracker App of Medicines and Drugs

Read More: Project Objectives for health Nutrition Program and Targets of Nutrition

Programming and Developer support systems

  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery which supports the developers
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring Software
  • Designing Multi-page Functional Website where you will auto-generate HTML & CSS, as you drag and drop modules

Read more: Best extensions of Visual Studio Code for PHP developer

Robotics Projects

  • Functional Robot for Multitasking
  • Goods Transporters Robot to Handle Logistics 
  • Bluetooth-controlled Robot for Cell Phones 
  • Remote Controlled Robot as a Virtual Assistant 
  • Intermediate and Higher Level Arino Robot

Fitness Project Ideas 

  • Exercise Tracker App
  • Recess Movement Analyzer
  • Auto Yoga Trainer Software 
  • Exercise Training Virtual Assistant Tool 
  • Goal Setter for Daily & Weekly Outing


  • Currency Convertor – With Real Time Conversion Rate
    Designing a Currency Converter – both app and extension – is one of the exciting projects for the final year project. As a Computer Science student, it is a noteworthy idea to come up with a solution to modern era’s challenges. 
    This undertaking includes incorporating a money converter that can change over one cash’s worth into another money unit. For example, you can change the Indian rupee into dollars or pounds – as well as the other way around. 
    The test that lies here is that the worth of monetary standards changes day by day. Nonetheless, you can address this issue by bringing in a dominant accounting page containing the refreshed cash esteems. To assemble this task, you should have the fundamental information on python programming and the Pygame library.
  • Banking System Reformation
  • Real-time Price Determinator
  • Export and Import Management on National and International Level
  • Micro and Macro Economics & Their Impacts on Currency Values 
  • Real Time Cost Opportunity Detector 
  • Fundamental Economics & Current State Budget

We hope these titles and some details help you to select your final year project easily and wish you the best of luck for your final year project. Let us know which project you are working on, maybe we work on providing you details to complete the project successfully. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions, please click to see other internships projects. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Docker set up for Opencart for local development

Setting up a local PHP development environment with Docker for OpenCart involves creating a Docker Compose configuration file to define the services needed for running OpenCart, such as PHP, MySQL, Redis, Apache, etc. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you set up your development environment:

Install Docker and Docker Compose

Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system. You can download and install them from the official Docker website: https://www.docker.com/get-started

Clone the Opencart Github

Install Git: Before you can clone the OpenCart repository, you need to have Git installed on your system. Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes to files and collaborate with others on software development projects. You can download and install Git from the official website: https://git-scm.com/.

Clone the OpenCart Repository Once Git is installed, open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the OpenCart repository. Then, run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/opencart/opencart.git

This command will clone the entire OpenCart repository from GitHub to your local machine.

Set Up a Local Development Environment

To set up a local development environment for OpenCart, you’ll need a web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx), PHP, and MySQL. You can either install these components manually or use a pre-configured solution like Docker. If you’re using Docker, you can create a docker-compose.yml. This file defines the services needed for running OpenCart, including PHP, MySQL, and Apache.

When you clone from the Opencart Github, everything is already set up for you. You will see docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile, and tools folder

Opencart Docker

Now, run docker-compose up is the command used to start the Docker containers defined in your docker-compose.yml file. This command starts with the services specified in the file, which typically include web servers, databases, and any other necessary components for your application.

docker-compose up 

The first time will some time to pull all the Docker images like Postgres, Redis, Memcached, MySQL, Opencart, admirer etc.

Docker compose up

Once all docker images are pulled, in the end, you will see the Store link and Admin link below:

Opencart URL Store

You can visit http://localhost and you will see the Opencart Store. For admin login go to http://localhost/admin and use admin as username and admin as password.

If you check the Docker Desktop, then you will see the following container:

Opencart Docker Container

You will see the following Docker Images pulled:

Opencart Docker Images

Now you can work in the upload folder code and see changes as you develop in localhost URL.

Access the Opencart database in Docker

To access the Opencart database visit http://localhost:8080 and enter root as username and password as opencart.

Opencart docker database PHPmyadmin

Once you log in you will see the interface similar to PHPmyadmin, select the opencart database and you can see all the database tables

Docker PHPmyadmin

Dockerfile for Opencart

FROM php:8.2.11-apache


ENV DIR_OPENCART='/var/www/html/'
ENV DIR_STORAGE='/storage/'

RUN apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install unzip

RUN apt-get install -y \
  libfreetype6-dev \
  libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
  libpng-dev \
  libzip-dev \
  && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype --with-jpeg\
  && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd \
  && docker-php-ext-install zip && && docker-php-ext-enable zip\
  && docker-php-ext-enable mysqli

RUN apt-get install -y vim

RUN mkdir /storage && mkdir /opencart

RUN if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_URL" ]; then \
  curl -Lo /tmp/opencart.zip $(sh -c 'curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/opencart/opencart/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \"'); \
  else \
  curl -Lo /tmp/opencart.zip ${DOWNLOAD_URL}; \

RUN unzip /tmp/opencart.zip -d  /tmp/opencart;

RUN mv /tmp/opencart/$(if [ -n "$FOLDER" ]; then echo $FOLDER; else  unzip -l /tmp/opencart.zip | awk '{print $4}' | grep -E 'opencart-[a-z0-9.]+/upload/$'; fi)* ${DIR_OPENCART};

RUN rm -rf /tmp/opencart.zip && rm -rf /tmp/opencart && rm -rf ${DIR_OPENCART}install;

RUN mv ${DIR_OPENCART}system/storage/* /storage
COPY php.ini ${PHP_INI_DIR}

RUN a2enmod rewrite

RUN chown -R www-data:www-data ${DIR_STORAGE}
RUN chmod -R 555 ${DIR_OPENCART}
RUN chmod -R 666 ${DIR_STORAGE}
RUN chmod 555 ${DIR_STORAGE}
RUN chmod -R 555 ${DIR_STORAGE}vendor
RUN chmod 755 ${DIR_LOGS}
RUN chmod -R 644 ${DIR_LOGS}*

RUN chown -R www-data:www-data ${DIR_IMAGE}
RUN chmod -R 744 ${DIR_IMAGE}
RUN chmod -R 755 ${DIR_CACHE}

RUN chmod -R 666 ${DIR_DOWNLOAD}
RUN chmod -R 666 ${DIR_SESSION}
RUN chmod -R 666 ${DIR_UPLOAD}

CMD ["apache2-foreground"]

Docker Compose Configuration File for Opencart

version: '3'
    build: tools
    user: 1000:1000
      - "80:80"
      - ./upload:/var/www/html
      - mysql
    command: >
      bash -c "if [ ! -f /var/www/html/install.lock ]; then
                 wait-for-it mysql:3306 -t 60 &&
                 cp config-dist.php config.php
                 cp admin/config-dist.php admin/config.php
                 php /var/www/html/install/cli_install.php install --username admin --password admin --email email@example.com --http_server http://localhost/ --db_driver mysqli --db_hostname mysql --db_username root --db_password opencart --db_database opencart --db_port 3306 --db_prefix oc_;
                 touch /var/www/html/install.lock;
               fi &&

    image: mysql:5.7
      - "3306:3306"
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=opencart
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=opencart

    image: adminer:latest
      - mysql
      - "8080:8080"

    image: redis:latest

    image: memcached:latest

    image: postgres:latest
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=opencart
      - POSTGRES_DB=opencart

Error: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///Users//.docker/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

You just need to run the Docker as questioned.

That’s it! You now have a local PHP development environment with Docker for OpenCart. You can develop and test your OpenCart extensions or customizations locally before deploying them to a production environment.

University project proposal example: ‘LYRICS-FINDER’ for the music industry

This blog post is about a University project proposal example which gives details about Lyrics finder for the music industry. It shows how to create the cover page of the project proposal and table of contents introduction, the background of the study, literature review, scope, methodology, analysis, and design diagrams, implementation, estimation, limitations and conclusion, and references. In the end, we will show you the project defense example as well.

Table of contents of project proposal

A cover page of the project proposal

Submitted by:
Submitted to:
College Name

In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Bachelor awarded by University


1.1 Background of the study

Music doesn’t have any language. Everybody loves the songs. Some people get confused while listening to the songs about the lyrics, and then songs get behind what it is describing. Like the songs of System of Downs, Raps, AC/DC, etc. People used to watch the lyrics manually. If there is anything that can just automatically display the lyrics while listening to the songs, happiness to the music lovers.

  • 1.2 Title of the CIS project: “Lyrics-Finder”
  • 1.3 Introduction about the Lyrics-Finder

“Sing along the music, substituting singer voice with your own”

Lyrics-finder displays synchronized lyrics to view in time with the music being played. On its native apps, it bears the ability to scan all the songs in a user’s music library and find lyrics for them all, as well as to be used as a native music player. Lyrics- finder gives you instant access to millions of songs from old favorites to the latest hits. Just hit play to stream anything you like.


The song is a beautiful creation. It is a short poem or other sets of words set to music or meant to be sung. Lyrics-finder will help you to sing with a song. There is an app made for android and iOS with the same features of a sing with a song called Spotify. Although there is already availability of such innovative idea, lyrics- finder will add some very precious, timely and very compatible features as it will focus on Nepali songs. Spotify is unavailable in Asia. Lyrics-finder has a good place in there. The difference between Lyrics-finder and Spotify are

Lyrics-finder(New Product) Spotify(Existing Product) 
1Search for your favorite song by title, artists and even just using a single line of the lyrics. Only search with title and artists 
2Focus on Nepali songs as well. Focus on English songs only. 
3Real-time notification to display the Floating Lyrics widget and get the current track’s lyrics. There are no floating lyrics. 
4Offline lyrics are available. So, the user can enjoy listening and reading facility. 

Supports only online. 

Play, pause, skip track from your lock screen. Identify and get the lyrics to any songs that are playing around you with one tap. The app lets you find and match lyrics to your favorite music tracks. This is a kind of music player thus mp3, mp4, m4a, mp2, .flv can be read easily.


Lyrics-finder is a music player, music catcher and lyrics finder. All in one. Putting aside apps for downloading MP3, we can mainly find three types of music apps on the Android market: players, catchers (identifiers) and lyrics finders. Well, Lyrics-finder merged all of them to offer a new concept of the music app. The features of the Lyrics-finder are

  • Identify and get the lyrics to any songs that are playing around you with one tap.
  • The app lets you find and match lyrics to your favorite music tracks.
  • Offline lyrics are available. So, the user can enjoy listening and reading facility.
  • Play, pause, skip track from your lock screen.
  • Listen everywhere (tabs, computer, mobile).
  • Premium sounds better.


The Software development life cycle of Lyrics-finder is:

Requirements Analysis

Various requirements of the project are the database of the lyrics as the app is concern about finding and presenting the lyrics to the users. Node.js is installed to make an app with ionic and Cordova.

Application design

The design consists of the diagram, a list of the activities to be performed and Layout of the application. Design is the first part to be performed before moving to the coding part. Flow-chart representation help to does this task. Google


To build this innovative app I will be using Angular JS JavaScript and HTML5 ionic framework as most UI will be made in html5 and JavaScript. As we are not focused on only phone operating system we are focusing on multiple phones. If we use android programming it will be used only for android. If we use JavaScript and html5 then we can use it in Android, iPhone, and windows as well.

Testing and implementation

The app is tested on the Android, iOS and windows version. The application is tested and the feedback is taken from the users and maintenance is performed.


It is actually great: starting from its neat interface which sets high-quality standards. What’s more, it has been designed focusing on usability. In other words, users won’t need to rack their brains to find the feature they’re looking for: home is divided by four icons which are its four basic features: “My music” (player for your local music), MusicID (which is the catcher), Favorites (for both songs and lyrics you like most) and Settings (from where you can set your social networks accounts to share songs from the app). It’s important to note that when you tap on a song (doesn’t matter if a local song or search results), you get into a swappable menu from where you can see “now playing”, “lyrics”, “other lyrics”. Finally, a search bar at the bottom allows you to seek music: doesn’t matter if you input song, artist, the album it will find it as well as its lyrics. From the search result, you can even buy the album from the store you choose. An app that came quietly but that will give something to talk about due to its cool design, user-friendly interface and it’s all-in-one music app concept.

In the above UML diagram, it is clear that what are the activities can be done by the user of Lyrics-finder. Here, the users first get register to our app. The song can be played as the app itself is a music player. Play song, previous song, next song, rewind songs, forward song. Creation of playlist is another feature of this app. So, the user can save the song to a playlist. Furthermore, the user can get a built form of a playlist. Login features can give access to the external environment. Sharing, Recommendation, profile setting, etc.


Tools and technology used

  • To build this innovative app I will be using Angular JS JavaScript and HTML5 ionic framework as most UI will be made in html5 and JavaScript. As we are not focused on only phone operating system we are focusing on multiple phones. If we use android programming it will be used only for android. If we use JavaScript and html5 then we can use it in Android, iPhone, and windows as well.
  • Android Studio will be used to give an outlook of an app to Android phones.
  • Google Chrome Canary developer view will be used. Chrome canary always has the latest DevTools.
  • Code-pen helps to use HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT simultaneously.
  • Sublime text editor and node.js are used as node.js provide a platform for ionic and Cordova. Ionic
  • MySql for the database management system.


The estimated time is presented below

Estimation Diagram


8.1 Limitations

During my analysis of an application, there are various limitations. Limitations are

  • Time is limited.
  • Tools and technology are limited.
  • Knowledge is limited.

8.2 Conclusion

Lyrics-finder will help users; have access to a world of music. Lyrics-finder is an innovative idea in the field of music. Song- translations help people to learn a new language by displaying the translation of the lyrics, in time with the music.


  1. Musixmach: https://sliithciapp.wordpress.com/
  2. Google search: https://www.google.com.np/search?q=sdlc+waterfall+model&espv=2&rlz =1C1CHFX_enNP702NP702&biw=1366&bih=623&source=lnms&tbm=i sch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFhfuzw7fOAhUEL48KHa1WCMUQ_AUIBi gB#imgrc=lkbUQq_M6RcF3M%3A
  3. Spotify webite: http://pansentient.com/2011/04/spotify-technology-some- stats-and-how-spotify-works/

Project Defense example

•Introduction •Use, Benefits and importance •Lecture Review •Scope •Methodology •Analysis and design •Tools and technology Conclusion


  • Lyrics-finder displays synchronized lyrics to view in time with the music being played.
  • On its native apps, it bears the ability to scan all the songs in a user’s music library and find lyrics for them all, as well as to be used as a native music player.

Use, Benefits and Importance

  • The song is a beautiful creation. It is a  short poem or another set of words set to music or meant to be sung. Lyrics-finder will help you to sing with a song.
  • Whenever people can sing a song it brings happiness, Lyrics-finder does that job easily.
  • Lyrics-finder will help users, have access to a world of music.
  • Create your own playlist of the favorite songs
  • Reading is always good. Lyrics-finder will help people to know the song, artist, increase vocabulary, improve communication skills, fetch song info and cover art.


  • Identify and get the lyrics to any songs that are playing around you with one tap.
  • App lets you find and match lyrics to your favorite music tracks.
  • Offline lyrics are available. So, the user can enjoy listening and reading facility.
  • Play, pause, skip track from your lock screen.

Tools and Technology

  • To build this innovative app I will be using Angular JS JavaScript and HTML5 ionic framework as most UI will be made in html5 and JavaScript. As we are not focused on only phone operating system we are focusing on multiple phones. If we use android programming it will be used only for android. If we use JavaScript and html5 then we can use it in Android, iPhone, and windows as well.
  • Android Studio will be used to give an outlook of an app to Android phones.
  • Google Chrome Canary developer view will be used. Chrome canary always has the latest DevTools.
  • Code-pen helps to use HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT simultaneously.
  • Sublime text editor and node.js are used as node.js provide a platform for ionic and Cordova. Ionic
  • MySql for the database management system.


  • Lyrics-finder is an innovative idea, itself.
  • Song- translations help people to learn a new language by displaying the translation of the lyrics, in time with the music.
  • Lyrics-finder help users to get information about song and artists.

How To Play Games On School Chromebook?

Playing games on a school Chromebook can be a bit challenging due to the device’s restricted nature and the school’s policies. However, there are some options available to play games on school Chromebooks within the allowed boundaries. 

Firstly, check if the school allows any game apps or websites for educational purposes. Some educational games may be permitted, so look for those that align with the curriculum. Alternatively, some schools provide a list of approved games or educational platforms. 

If gaming is strictly prohibited, consider exploring browser-based games that don’t require installations or admin access. Websites offering HTML5 or WebGL games might work on Chromebooks. 

Remember to respect the school’s rules and focus on academic tasks during school hours. Always consult with teachers or school administrators to ensure you are complying with the policies while trying to make the most out of your Chromebook experience.

What Types Of Games Are Allowed On School Chromebooks?

The types of games allowed on school Chromebooks generally adhere to educational and productivity purposes. Most schools have strict policies that limit recreational gaming to maintain a focused learning environment. 

Educational games directly related to academic subjects, problem-solving, or critical thinking may be permitted, as they can complement classroom lessons and enhance learning experiences.

One classic example of an allowed game on school Chromebooks is Google Snake, a simple and educational game based on the traditional Snake concept. It can be found on Google Search, and it serves as a fun and harmless option for students to play during their free time. 

As a browser-based game, it doesn’t require any installations or downloads, making it a convenient choice for school Chromebooks. However, it’s essential for students to respect their school’s rules and focus on academic tasks during class hours. 

If uncertain about specific game allowances, students should check with teachers or school administrators to ensure they are complying with the policies while still enjoying the educational aspects of approved games on their Chromebooks.

Are There Any Educational Games Approved For Use On School Chromebooks?

Yes, there are educational games approved for use on school Chromebooks. These games are designed to promote learning in a fun and interactive way, covering various subjects like math, language arts, science, and more. 

The best part is that they offer a no-lag gaming experience, running smoothly on Chromebooks without disruptions. Educational Chromebook games aim to complement classroom instruction, enhancing problem-solving skills and critical thinking. 

Students can enjoy these approved games while engaging in educational content, making learning both enjoyable and effective.

 It’s essential to use only school-approved games to ensure compliance with policies and create a productive learning environment. Teachers and administrators can guide students on accessing and utilizing these games for academic benefit.

How Can I Access Browser-Based Games On My School Chromebook?

To Play Games On a School Chromebook, you can access browser-based games easily. Simply open the Google Chrome browser on your school Chromebook and search for websites that offer browser games.

Many gaming platforms and websites provide a wide variety of games that can be played directly within the browser, without the need for downloads or installations. Look for HTML5 or WebGL games, as they are optimized to run smoothly on Chromebooks.

However, it’s essential to ensure that the games you access are school-appropriate and align with your school’s policies on gaming during school hours. Stick to educational games or those that have been approved by your school to strike a balance between fun and learning while using your Chromebook at school.

Is There A List Of Approved Gaming Websites For School Chromebooks?

The availability of a list of approved gaming websites for school Chromebooks may vary depending on the school’s policies and restrictions. Some educational institutions may provide a curated list of approved gaming websites that align with academic objectives and promote learning. 

To Play Games On School Chromebooks, students should inquire with teachers or school administrators to see if such a list exists. If there is no official list, it is essential to follow the school’s guidelines and only access games that are educational and permitted during school hours. 

Prioritizing educational games ensures a productive and balanced use of Chromebooks in the school environment, supporting both academic growth and a positive gaming experience.

Are There Any Restrictions On Downloading Games On School Chromebooks?

Yes, there are typically restrictions on downloading games on school Chromebooks. Educational institutions often enforce strict policies to maintain a focused learning environment and prevent unauthorized software installations. To Play Games On School Chromebook, students may find that downloading games from external sources is disabled or blocked by the school’s IT administrators.

School Chromebooks are usually managed by the school’s IT department, which sets restrictions to ensure that students primarily use the devices for educational purposes. These restrictions aim to prevent distractions, security risks, and potential misuse of the devices.

If students want to access games on school Chromebooks, they should explore browser-based games that don’t require downloads or installations. Many educational and fun games can be played directly within the web browser, making them a suitable option for students during designated free time or educational activities.

As always, students should adhere to the school’s policies and guidelines to ensure responsible and productive use of Chromebooks while still enjoying a positive gaming experience within the allowed boundaries.

Can I Play Games On My School Chromebook Outside Of School Hours?

Outside of school hours, the ability to Play Games On School Chromebook may depend on your school’s policies. Some educational institutions may have different rules for device usage during non-school hours. 

If the school allows personal use of Chromebooks outside of school hours, you may have the freedom to access browser-based games or approved educational games for entertainment. However, it’s crucial to remember that responsible and appropriate use of the device should always be practiced, even during personal time.

Always follow your school’s guidelines to ensure a balanced and productive use of your school Chromebook, both within and outside of school hours.

What Are The Best Browser-Based Games Compatible With Chromebooks?

For students looking to Play Games On School Chromebooks, there are several great browser-based games compatible with Chromebooks. Some of the best options include classics like Google Snake and Sudoku, which offer simple yet addictive gameplay.

For those who enjoy multiplayer challenges, Agar.io and Slither.io provide competitive fun. Puzzle enthusiasts can try their hand at 2048 or Cut the Rope, while fans of arcade-style games may enjoy Crossy Road and Hole.io. 

Additionally, Flow Free offers a relaxing puzzle experience. These browser-based games are not only entertaining but also work smoothly on Chromebooks, making them perfect for quick gaming sessions during free time or breaks. 

As always, students should follow their school’s policies regarding game usage to ensure responsible and appropriate device use.

Host LAMP stack in AWS Lightsail, Opencart hosting in AWS

In this hosting tutorial, we are looking into the AWS Lightsail LAMP stack, where we will host Opencart in AWS, and found out that there is no easy way to install it like WordPress or Magento even in AWS Lightsail, hope the Opencart package will be added soon, but for now, we need to use LAMP stack to host the Opencart in the AWS Lightsail. AWS Lightsail LAMP stack includes the latest versions of PHP 7+, Apache, and MySQL with phpMyAdmin and pre-configured components and PHP modules include FastCGI, ModSecurity, SQLite, Varnish, ImageMagick, xDebug, Xcache, OpenLDAP, Memcache, OAuth, PEAR, PECL, APC, GD, and cURL. All of the PHP modules and components needed for Opencart hosting are available in the LAMP stack of AWS Lightsail. 

Let’s get started with AWS LightSail

Go to https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail, and create an account or log in to your AWS account. The main AWS Lightsail dashboard page is separate from the main AWS dashboard. Or you can navigate from All services >> Compute >> Lightsail. It may look similar to the below screenshot.

AWS lightsail Dashboard

Create a LAMP Instance for Opencart hosting

In the Lightsail dashboard click the “Create Instance” button. You will see a page where you can select instance details:

Instance Location and Availability Zone: The location is auto-selected as per your geo-location but you can change it as per your hosting need. Mostly we used Virginia, Zone A (us-east-1) as our website visitors are mostly from the USA, it is upon your requirement and decides which location and Availability zone to choose.

Opencart cloud hosting

Platform instance image and Stack blueprint: We need linux/unix for the Opencart hosting so in “Select a platform” select the Linux/Unix. Then, in “Select a blueprint” select the LAMP (PHP 7)

Opencart Instance Image for AWS

SSH key pair and Automatic snapshots: Now go more below and you will see “Add launch script”, for now, we are not adding any script there. We will run scripts one by one in a command shell. If your account is new then create an SSH key pair else by default the key is selected. If you want to create something new then you can change it by clicking “Change SSH key pair”. Then check the checkbox for “Enable Automatic Snapshots” as this acts as a backup for you. If you don’t need backup then no need to check it. After you enable it, select the time you want to create the snapshot. We select 23:00 Coordinated Universal Time.

Backup setup and SSH key pair in AWS lightsail for Opencart

Choose your instance plan: For a start, for Linux/Unix-based instances, we can try the $3.50 USD Lightsail plan free for one month (up to 750 hours). Later, if we need to scale then we will scale by creating a new instance from the snapshots.

Choose your instance plan for Opencart

Identify your instance for Opencart: Now in the identify your instance, we entered the name as “Opencart_LAMP_PHP_7-2”, Key-only tags as Version1, and Key-value tags with Key as Framework and Value as Opencart. You can enter as per your need to identify your instance.

Opencart instance AWS

Now finally click the Create Instance button. It will take around 1 min to spin up your virtual machine with a LAMP stack. Then, you will see an instance in your dashboard like below:

Opencart Lamp stack

Now, click on it and you will get the details of that instance. You can see the buttons to stop and reboot. You can see the “Connect using SSH” button, Public IP and Username.

Opencart lamp instance detail

Click on the “Connect using SSH”, and you will see the command interface where you can enter your commands.

Console Command Interface Aws

Update system and PHP version in AWS lightsail

To ensure your system is up-to-date, you can run the following command:

sudo apt update -y

Check your PHP version by the following command as Opencart needs PHP version 7.3. If your PHP version is less the 7.3 than you need to upgrade to PHP 7.3+

php -v

If you are using the latest LAMP stack in AWS Lightsail then it is greater than PHP 7.4.

Opencart installation steps in the AWS Lightsail LAMP stack

Change the directory to /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs

cd /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs

When you do the ls command then you will see index.html which shows the Bitnami page. So, let’s remove it by the following command:

sudo rm index.html

Now, let’s retrieve the Opencart zip code by using wget. You can get the zip URL from the Github Opencart releases. We are using the zip link of Opencart as this is the latest version of Opencart now.

wget https://github.com/opencart/opencart/releases/download/

Let’s unzip the opencart- to backup/ folder

 unzip opencart- -d ./backup

Now, move all the files and folder at backup/upload as these are the Opencart files

 mv ./backup/upload/* .

Now, if you visit your Public IP, which is, then you will get a similar error to error no 1. So, let’s change the ownership of the files and folders to the daemon: daemon by running the following command:

sudo chown -R bitnami:daemon /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/

If you want to be sure of files and folders permissions then you can run the following two commands as well:

sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \; 

Now, see files and folders permission in AWS Lightsail for Opencart by running the command ls-lh

ls -lh

You will see the output below:

Files and Folder permission Opencart AWS

Now, if you go to public IP, then you will be able to see the first page of the Opencart installation.

Opencart Installation AWS

Create Static IP

You can start the installation but it is better to set up static IP. For that, go to the instance detail page, and in the “Networking” tab in the IP addresses section, click the button “Create static IP“.

Static IP for Opencart Instance AWS

A static IP is a fixed, public IP address that you can assign and reassign to your instances. In the Static IP location, you left it default. In the Attach to an instance, select your instance, we select “Opencart_LAMP_PHP_7-2”. In the Identify your static IP, just give a unique name.

Static IP Opencart

Now, your public IP as shown on the page, is Now open the IP in the browser then you will see step 1 of the Opencart installation page.

Create DNS Zone

As we are using an external domain registrar than Route 53 of AWS, so we need to create the DNS zone so we can add the NS1 and NS2 in the domain. Go to the Lightsail dashboard and go to the “Networking” tab. As we already set up Static IP, you will see a button to create a DNS zone, click the button “Create DNS zone”. Enter the domain you have registered, which is dpsignadvertising.com, enter the key-only tags and key-value tags as per your requirements else leave it blank.

DNS Zone setup AWS Opencart

Once you submit the “Create DNS zone” then you will get the Name Servers like the below:

Add record and name servers details for Opencart

Click “Add record”, then select A record, and enter @ in the subdomain in “Resolves to” select Static IP, our is “StaticIp-Opencart”, then click the green tick box. Similarly, again, click “Add record”, then select CNAME record, and enter www in the subdomain and in “Maps to” enter the domain name. URL, then click the green tick box.

Add Name servers to your domain registrar

Now open your domain registrar, our is onlydomains.com, in your domain change the Name Servers details like below and delegate to your AWS nameservers.

Domain name server change for Opencart URL

After some time go to your domain, for us, it took around 5min for DNS propagation, as we use dpsignadvertising.com for the domain so when we visit the dpsignadvertising.com, visit your URL and you will see the first page of the Opencart installation of the License agreement, click the “Continue” button.

In step 2, pre-installation steps, we see all green except the config files:

Opencart Pre Installation steps

So, we need to create the config.php files. You can use the following commands to change the config-dist.php to config.php

sudo mv config-dist.php config.php
sudo mv admin/config-dist.php admin/config.php 

Or, you can simply create the config.php files with the touch command:

sudo touch config.php admin/config.php

Now, change the ownership of config.php and admin/config.php

sudo chown daemon:daemon config.php admin/config.php

After the changes above, you can refresh the 2nd step of installation and click “Continue”. We reached the third step, where we need to enter the database and administration details.

Create a database, database user, and grant access

Let’s close your opened console command terminal and reconnect by clicking the “Connect using SSH” button so that you can open the new console command terminal. Then, run the command to get the root password.

cat bitnami_application_password
Get root password of Lightsail

The root password for us is bhV7CNgnVqBQ

Now, let’s run the following command to create the new database

mysql -u root -p

Then enter the above password. Then you entered it into the MySQL console.

Mysql Console

Let’s create a database, we are naming it “webocreationdb_2021”

CREATE DATABASE webocreationdb_2021;

Let’s create user “webocreationu12” with password ‘webocreation#123#dppass’ by running the command below:

CREATE USER 'webocreationu12'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'webocreation#123#dppass';

Let’s grant access to all for the user “webocreationu12” by running the command below:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'webocreationu12'@'localhost';

Now, you can exit the database by typing the command exit;.


With all these, we are set for our database configuration.

  • DB Driver: Select MySQLi
  • Hostname: localhost
  • Username: webocreationu12
  • Password: webocreation#123#dppass
  • Database: webocreationdb_2021
  • Port: 3306
  • Prefix: oc_ or any as you need.
Database and Administration Configuration

You can enter the username and password for the administration

  • Username: admin (any)
  • Password: admin@2021 (any)
  • E-mail: info@webocreation.com (any)

Once, you entered all the details then click “Continue”.

In this 3rd step, you may see the blank page. So let’s debug the error. For that, let’s run the following command:

cd /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/
sudo nano install/index.php

Then, in install/index.php, add the following lines of code.

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
Error Reporting PHP

After adding the code, exit the nano by clicking Ctrl + O and then Ctrl + X. After this let’s refresh step 3 http://dpsignadvertising.com/install/index.php?route=install/step_3, then you will see error 2. Let’s fix error 2.

 sudo nano install/cli_install.php

Then find the code $db->query(“SET @@session.sql_mode = ‘MYSQL40′”); and change to following:

$db-&gt;query("SET @@session.sql_mode = ''");

After the change, click Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X to exit the nano.

Similarly, do the same for install/model/install/install.php

sudo nano  install/model/install/install.php

Then find the code $db->query(“SET @@session.sql_mode = ‘MYSQL40′”); and change to following:

$db-&gt;query("SET @@session.sql_mode = ''");

After the change, click Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X to exit the nano.

Now, go and refresh the URL http://dpsignadvertising.com/install/index.php?route=install/step_3 and your Opencart installation is completed.

Installation CompleteOpencart

Now, let’s delete the install folder and other files and folders which are not needed.

sudo rm -rf install
sudo rm -rf backup
sudo rm opencart- 

With this Opencart installed, now let’s install the SSL certificate and implement the SEO URL for Opencart.

Install the free Let’s Encrypt Certificate

Install Certbot on your Lightsail instance by running the following commands:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:certbot/certbot -y
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install certbot -y

Request a Let’s Encrypt SSL wildcard certificate by running the following commands, don’t forget to replace your domain where we use dpsignadvertising.com

sudo certbot -d $DOMAIN -d $WILDCARD --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly
SSL Certificate Opencart

Before entering the Continue, you need to add the TXT record in the “Add record”. So, go to Lightsail dashboard >> Networking tab >> Click the DNS Zones for dpsignadvertising.com >> Click to Add record >> Select the TXT record >> in the Subdomain adds _acme-challenge >> in the “Responds with” add the value shown in console, ours is “XL1S8jJ9gNTUU1M7QxDBWv6_m5lC1Lf2YTE_I7iTnH4” and save it by clicking the green checkmark.

TXT record for acme challenge for SSL

Please wait for some time so that it propagates, after around 10 mins we click Continue in the Console.

Sometimes, it asks to add multiple TXT records. This must be set up in addition to the previous challenges; do not remove, replace, or undo the previous challenge tasks yet. Note that you might be asked to create multiple distinct TXT records with the same name. This is permitted by DNS standards.

Create links to the Let’s Encrypt certificate files in the Apache server directory by running the following commands:

sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh stop
sudo mv /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.crt /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.crt.old
sudo mv /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.key /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.key.old
sudo ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/privkey.pem /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.key
sudo ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.crt
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh start

Configure HTTP to HTTPS redirection for your web application by running the following commands:

sudo vim /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf

Add the following lines of code:

https redirect
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

After adding the code click the ESC key, and then enter:wq to save your changes, and quit Vim. Then restart the LAMP stack

sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart

With these changes your SSL certificate is ready. Now you need to change a setting in Opencart admin and change the URL in the config.php and admin/config.php

cd /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs
sudo nano config.php

Change the define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, ‘http://dpsignadvertising.com/’); to add https://

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://dpsignadvertising.com/');

Exit it by pressing Ctrl + O to save and then enter, after that Ctrl + X to exit

Similarly, open admin/config.php and change the following to HTTPS://

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://dpsignadvertising.com/admin/');
define('HTTPS_CATALOG', 'https://dpsignadvertising.com/');

Exit it by pressing Ctrl + O to save and then enter, after that Ctrl + X to exit.

Now go to https://dpsignadvertising.com/admin and System >> Settings >> Edit the store >> go to the Server tab >> in the security section select Yes for “Use SSL”. Then click Save.

SSL setting Opencart

With these steps, your SSL is activated for your domain.

Rename .htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Pull the .htaccess.txt of the Opencart and rename it to .htaccess

sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencart/opencart/master/upload/.htaccess.txt
sudo mv .htaccess.txt .htaccess

Read more about SEO friendly URL of Opencart

Activate the SEO URL

Once the .htaccess.txt is renamed to .htaccess, then we can activate the SEO URL at the admin. Go to admin >> System >> Settings >> Edit the Store >> Server tab >> Select Yes for “Use SEO URL”.

SEO URL Opencart

Read more for some best practices of Opencart SEO.

How to set up FileZilla SFTP in AWS Lightsail to transfer files?

In the Protocol field, you need to select SFTP – SSH File Transfer Protocol. The Host is your public IP. In Logon Type, you need to select the Key file. In the User field, you need to type bitnami. Finally in the Key file field, add the public key (where can you find the public key).

SFTP SSH setting for AWS

Then, click Connect button. You will get a list of folders, your code will be at htdocs.

SFTP AWS setup

PHPMyadmin access

Download the Lightsail SSH public key and change its permission to 0644 and make a tunnel to connect to PHPmyadmin. First, run the following command. Change the path of the key as per yours.

sudo chmod 0644 '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/webocreation-bk/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem'
sudo ssh -N -L 8888: -i /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/webocreation-bk/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem bitnami@

Then, go to and you will be able to log in to the PHPMyadmin. The username is the root and you can get the password by running the following command the first time you logged in:

Where can you find the SSH public key in AWS Lightsail?

To get your SSH public key in AWS Lightsail, go to the top menu “Account“, then click on the SSH Keys tab, where you can see the lists of keys as per your region. Download the key as per your region. (How to find the region key pair of your EC2 instance?)

Find SSH key in AWS

How to find the region key pair of your EC2 instance?

Click on the instance and go to Connect tab, then at the bottom, it shows which key pair is used for this instance.

You configured this instance to use default (us-east-1) key pair.
Find AWS instance key pair

How to upgrade to a higher Lightsail package?

To upgrade your Lightsail plan to a larger instance, take a snapshot and then create a larger instance from the snapshot.

New Instances from Snapshots

Setup CDN Content Distribution in AWS

Go to Lightsail dashboard >> Networking tab >> Click the “Create distribution” button >> Then, in Choose your origin, select your Instance

CDN setup AWS

You can “Best for Dynamic Content” or Custom settings. Change the default cache behavior to cache nothing, then change the “Directory and file overrides” and give a path to the image cache.

Cache Default Behavior

In the Custom domains, first, create the SSL certificates and then enable the custom domains.

Custom Domain for CDN Opencart

You can leave the remaining setting as it is or change it as per your requirement and click the “Create Distribution” button and your CDN is set up.

Then, change A record with the AWS Cloudfront URL by removing the Static IP.

DNS Record changes Opencart. CDN

To check if the Cloudfront is working or not, just inspect the page and in the Network tab of the console, click the image and see the details. In the response, if it is serving via CloudFront URL and see the x-cache: “Hit from Cloudfront”, then CloudFront is serving the images.

Debug CDN Cloudfront Check. Opencart lightsail


Error 1: Installation error because of ownership issues

Warning: fopen(/opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/storage/session//sess_bb5cfd84f55cef397e6edd17cb): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/session/file.php on line 29Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/session/file.php on line 31Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/session/file.php on line 33Warning: fflush() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/session/file.php on line 35Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/session/file.php on line 37Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/session/file.php on line 39

Solution Error 1: run command ‘sudo chown daemon:daemon -R .’

Error 2: Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: Variable ‘sql_mode’

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'MYSQL40'<br />Error No: 1231<br />SET @@session.sql_mode = 'MYSQL40' in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db/mysqli.php:40 Stack trace: #0 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db.php(45): DB\MySQLi->query() #1 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/install/model/install/install.php(35): DB->query() #2 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/loader.php(248): ModelInstallInstall->database() #3 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/proxy.php(47): Loader->{closure}() #4 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/install/controller/install/step_3.php(11): Proxy->__call() #5 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/action.php(79): ControllerInstallStep3->index() #6 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/router.php(67): Action->execute() #7 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/router.php(56): Router->execute() #8 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/framework.php(165): Router->dispatch() #9 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/startup.php(104): requir in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 40

Solution Error 2: Remove the MYSQL40. Find the code $db->query(“SET @@session.sql_mode = ‘MYSQL40′”); and remove the MYSQL40 so that the code looks like $db->query(“SET @@session.sql_mode = ””);

Error 3: AWS LightSail 500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator at you@example.com to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Solution Error 3: check if the .htaccess is there and rename it to a different till you fix the .htaccess file


Permissions 0644 for '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/webocreation-bk/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
Load key "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/webocreation-bk/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem": bad permissions
bitnami@ Permission denied (publickey).

Solution Error 4: Give permission to the key file of 0644 by running “chmod 0644 pathofkeyfile

Error 5: Error while generating the SSL certificate

Failed authorization procedure. dpsignadvertising.com (dns-01): urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized :: The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Incorrect TXT record "oujxGkfDXUloV5IUO3__gNQA47b1wePnF4rvUcQWclM" found at _acme-challenge.dpsignadvertising.com

Solution Error 5: Check the TXT record and wait till it propagates.

Error 6: Class ‘Scssc’ not found

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Scssc' not found in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/admin/controller/startup/sass.php:9 Stack trace: #0 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/action.php(79): ControllerStartupSass->index() #1 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/router.php(67): Action->execute() #2 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/engine/router.php(46): Router->execute() #3 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/framework.php(165): Router->dispatch() #4 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/startup.php(104): require_once('/opt/bitnami/ap...') #5 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/admin/index.php(26): start() #6 {main} thrown in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/admin/controller/startup/sass.php on line 9

Solution Error 6: Check the vendor folder and upload the right Opencart version vendor folder.

Error 7: This site can’t be reached

This site can’t be reached 
dpsignadvertising.com’s server IP address could not be found.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy, firewall, and DNS configuration

Solution Error 7: Either you just make DNS changes, so better to wait up to 1-2 hours. Or the IP address given is not correct.

Error 8: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 7Warning: DB\MySQLi::__construct(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 10Warning: DB\MySQLi::__construct(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 10
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: <br />Error No: in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db/mysqli.php:10 Stack trace: #0 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/storage12/modification/system/library/db.php(35): DB\MySQLi->__construct() #1 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/framework.php(80): DB->__construct() #2 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/startup.php(104): require_once('/opt/bitnami/ap...') #3 /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/index.php(31): start() #4 {main} thrown in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 10

Solution Error 8: Make sure your database server is not down.

In this way, you can set up the Opencart in AWS Lightsail. You can see how to set up Opencart in google cloud. Hope you liked this opencart tutorial, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Opencart video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.



How to create Opencart 4 modules or extensions?

With the launch of Opencart 4, there are changes in extensions or module management and code structure so we are creating Opencart 4 extension tutorial to create Opencart 4 modules or extensions and try to understand the flow and ways to develop Opencart 4 extensions. We will create a new module called “showallproducts” and others will be similar to it. Check Opencart 4 demo.

Files and folder structure of the Opencart module

The modules are in the extension folder in Opencart 4, now it is available in the root folder. When you see in the extension folder, by default there is an opencart folder and index.html, in the opencart folder, you will see all default extensions provided by default.

Files and folder structure opencart extensions
  • The file name should be between 1 letter and up to 128 letters.
  • The filename should end with “.ocmod.zip”
  • The uploaded file should not exceed the max file size: of 32 megabytes
  • Opencart extension installer checks if the file already exists, if it exists then it will throw an error.
  • It validates if the file can be opened and if there is an install.json that can be read. So, every extension should have install.json

How to create an install.json file in the Opencart extension?

Create a folder, in our example, it is “showallproducts” and inside it create a file name called install.json. It supports the following keys: name, version, author, and link. 

As per our module, the following is an example:

	"name": "Show all Products OC 4",
	"version": "0.1",
	"author": "Rupak Nepali",
	"link": "https://webocreation.com"

Once install.json is inside the folder, you can zip it and name it that ends with .ocmod.zip, then uploads it from the Opencart extension installer.

For our example we named it show_all_products.ocmod.zip and uploaded in Admin >> Extensions >> Installer and click the upload blue button and we get details like the below:

Opencart module extension installer

While uploading, if you don’t get anything then you need to go to the storage folder and inside it see the marketplace folder and remove the existing zip file.

With this, you are ready to start coding and adding files for your module. Now, in our next opencart tutorial we will create all the files needed for the showallproducts module and start adding code to install it and create an admin form and show the link in the header when activated.

It will contain files and folders like the below:

Files and folder Opencart module

Looks like we need to create a unique filename as well so for example as we are creating these files so our extension will be like webocreation_showallproducts.php and similar naming conventions.

In this Opencart 4 tutorial, we set up install.json for the opencart module and upload it, and we are ready to install it and create a way to add the functionalities. Please don’t forget to post your questions or comments so that we can add extra topics. You can follow us at our Twitter account @rupaknpl, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for an opencart tutorial. Click to see all Opencart 4 tutorials.

How to build a free eCommerce website using Opencart 4 user manual in 2024

This Opencart user manual is for getting started with the Opencart online eCommerce website for 2024 for beginners, we are listing the best videos, blog posts, examples guides, tips, and tricks to run your Opencart shop successfully. We are showing both the frontend and backend management of Opencart.


In this opencart 4 user manual, we are showing how we can set up an online eCommerce store with Opencart 4 for 2024. This is a list of topics covering the Opencart user manual

Get a domain name and hosting – We use onlydomains.com as we can get a domain name at $8 which is the cheapest that we found and for hosting you can use Google Cloud which gives $300 for free or use another hosting as per your choice.

Install Opencart

In the above tutorial, we will show how to install Opencart and set up the custom URL with the virtual host.

Login into Opencart Administration

Go to http://YOURURL/admin, enter your username and password and you will be in the Administration section.

Opencart Administration

Admin user profile change in Opencart

In the default Opencart installation the default user’s First Name and Last Name is John Doe so to change it just click in the John Doe on the top right corner and click “Your Profile” Then you can change the User details, and we will show you how to change by going on System Users later.

user profile change in Opencart

Change as per your username. first name, last name, email, image, and password.


In the System section, we manage and enable global or system settings of the Opencart eCommerce store like users, localization, languages, statuses, length, weight classes, and many more.


All settings details of the Opencart are in the link below, which shows local settings, options, mail settings, and server settings.



To manage the users, user groups, access permission, modify permission, and API users in the Opencart check the following blog post:

User menu



In localization, we manage the local values of the stores like store locations, languages, currencies, stock statuses, order statuses, returns, countries, zones, geo sones, taxes, length classes, and weight classes.

Store location:

We can show multiple locations for each store so this is the section where we enter the store locations. Visit the blog below which shows how to add multiple stores and show it on the Contact us page.



Opencart supports multi-language, so the languages section manages the languages for the store, by default it has the English language. We can upload a new language, add a new language, set a different default language than English, and create a new custom language pack for Opencart. Check the following two links for languages:




Go to admin >> System >> Localization >> Currencies where you will see the currencies available for use in the storefront. In the store by default is the US dollar. There are Euro, Pound, and US dollars. Go to the following post to learn all about the currencies in Opencart.


Stock Statuses

In Opencart 3 we can manage the stock statuses. For that go to admin >> System >> Localization >> Stock Statuses then you can enter the Stock Status Name. For details go to the following post for stock statuses:


Order Statuses

In Opencart 3 we can manage the order statuses. For that go to admin >> System >> Localization >> Order Statuses then click “Add New” and you can enter the Order Status Name. For detail go to the blog post:


Returns (Return Statuses, Return Actions, and Return Reasons)

Opencart 3 has return functionalities by default. In this Opencart user manual, we are showing you how returns are managed and handled in Opencart 3 by the site administrator and customer. Read the following post for details:


Countries and Zones:

You can manage countries and zones in Opencart.
Go to the blog post and learn more:


Geo Zones set up in Opencart

Zone Shipping is simply shipping that is based on the different destinations, or geo zones, based on the weight of the total order.


Taxes management in Opencart

We can manage and set up taxes with geocodes in OpenCart for each product.


Length Classes and Weight Classes management in Opencart

Opencart user manual where we are showing how we can manage length classes and weight classes. These lengths and weights are used by Shipping extensions like FedEx, UPS, etc, and will be used by Shipping API to calculate the shipping cost.


Maintenance (Backup/Restore, Uploads and Error Logs)

In this Opencart user manual, we are giving you details of the Maintenance links: Backup/Restore, Uploads, and Error logs.


Add categories and sub-categories in Opencart

The video shows steps to add categories and sub-categories in OpenCart.


Add product options and attributes in Opencart 4

This video shows how to add products, their options, and attributes in Opencart, it shows physical product additions.


Add Manufacturers or Brands

We can add manufacturers and brands in Opencart and assign them to products and brands to have their own pages. The video shows how to create the brands or manufacturers in Opencart:


Reviews management

Visitors or customers can give reviews of the product, the video below shows how we can manage the reviews in Opencart.


Add and change the Information page, edit the About Us page, and Add a new Information page

We can add an information page, change it, and edit the About Us page, the video shows how we can do it.


Edit the Contact Us page and add a Google map to the Contact Us page

All the Contact Us page contents are handled from the settings, so if you have read the above settings posts then you can see how to change the contact addresses, phone numbers, and other stores. In the video below we show we can add Google Maps to the Contact Us page.


Add and manage Recurring profiles

If you are selling products where you can distribute the prices in installments then the recurring profiles are ways to set up, likewise we products with a subscription. See the video below, where it is described how to set up the recurring profiles.


Add filters

If your eCommerce site needs filters then watch the video on how to set them up in OpenCart


Manage extensions


Setup Marketplace



Manage Advertising


Manage Analytics

In this Opencart tutorial, you will learn how to add HTML in Opencart, similarly how to add Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Adroll, Facebook pixels, MailChimp conversion code, Google Ads conversion in success page only, and other third-party JavaScript code in the Opencart, likewise our best way to manage the JavaScript code through google tag manager and test and preview in the google tag manager.


Manage Captchas in Opencart


Manage Dashboard


Manage Feeds


Manage Anti-Fraud


Manage Modules


Manage Payments


Manage Shipping


Manage themes


Manage Order Totals

See how Opencart Store credits work


Manage Modifications


Manage Events


Manage Layouts and Positions



Theme Editor


Language Editor


Manage Banners


Manage SEO URL




Sales and Manage Orders


Manage Returns


Manage Gift Vouchers


Customers, manage customers, customer groups and customer approvals

It is the same for Opencart 3 and Opencart 2.3


Affiliates management in Opencart


Manage Custom Fields


Marketing and Manage Marketing


Manage Coupons


Manage Mail


Reports, Who’s Online, and Statistics


We hope these lists of videos and blog posts will help you to start the Opencart shop and go deeper into it. Please don’t forget to post your questions comments or errors so that we can help you. You can follow us on our Twitter account @rupaknpl. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for Opencart tutorials, and click to see all Opencart user manuals.
