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How to upgrade from Opencart to Opencart and minor versions of 4

We started upgrading some of our clients to Opencart from Opencart Here are the steps that we follow and some of the issues that we face and their solution to fix the issue.

Before upgrading:

Undertake a meticulous pre-upgrade assessment to identify and address potential issues

  • Backup Backup Backup – database, files and folders, and images, if you are using downloads, don’t forget to backup both the system and the storage download.
  • Review system requirements – mainly Opencart 4 needs PHP 8.0+, so make sure your hosting or servers can be upgraded to PHP 8.0+
  • Plan and check for extensions and themes – ensure all extensions, modules, and themes are available in Opencart version 4 to fulfill your requirements. Many modules are still not upgraded to the Opencart 4 version.
  • Review the custom modifications that are added to the OpenCart 3 installation, you’ll need to upgrade those changes to OpenCart 4. All OCMOD customization will not work on Opencart 4. Either you have to convert it to an event system or install the VqMod in Opencart 4 and change the OCMOD to VqMod
  • Prepare the staging/testing: Set up a staging environment and test the upgrade process there first. This allows you to identify and resolve any issues before applying the changes to your live store.

Backup of all things before you start and make sure twice everythinG is Backed up

While upgrading:

First, do everything in the development or testing environment and then only do the same thing to live servers. Download the Opencart version, this is the latest while we were upgrading. Then, extract the zip file and upload all of the files inside the Upload folder to your server. In some of the cases we use SFTP, this is a way we do this if we have not set up any CI/CD for clients else we follow Continuous integration and continuous deployment.

File override while Opencart Upgrade

Once you upload all the files and folders, now run YOURWEBSITEURL/install, then you will see like below:

Opencart 4 admin url to upgrade

Patch one and Patch two are easily applied.

Opencart Upgrade process

We started seeing errors in Patch Third. We see errors like the following:
Error one:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<b>Excepti"... is not valid JSON
<b>Exception</b>: Error: Table storage engine for '#sql-263_175e' doesn't have this option<br/>Error No: 1031<br/>ALTER TABLE `oc_product_discount` ENGINE = `InnoDB` in <b>/home/rupaknpl/merging/system/library/db/mysqli.php</b> on line <b>68</b>
Opencart upgrade steps error

Maybe this issue is only for us in one client, some of their database tables were in InnoDB and some were in MyISAM. So to fix it we ran the following query.

AND table_schema = 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME';

Successful upgrade

After the above fix, we ran YOURWEBSITEURL/install again and it went smoothly. The 3, 4,5,6, and 7 are also quick but 8 takes some time, so just have some patience and wait, 9 was quick overall time taken was around 7 mins. If you guys see any console errors that we did not mention above then please let us know and we can help you to fix them.

Upgrade process completion

Once the upgrade is complete.

Admin login issue

Now we tried to go to the admin section. We were not able to log in with the old username and password, so we had to insert the username and password from SQL. Here is the SQL that we use:

INSERT INTO `oc_user` (`user_group_id`,`username`,`password`,`firstname`,`lastname`,`email`,`image`,`code`,`ip`,`status`,`date_added`) VALUES (1,'admin','$2y$10$3Tofs9U7zGWhbQ67l7uageuxOjo6zU88pRESFZaxY.D3Ms4RSSIAu','John','Doe','youremail@gmail.com','','','::1',1,'2022-06-04 11:39:23');

With the run of the above query, now you can log in with username: admin and password: admin123. After you log in you can remove the /install folder, set the new storage folder, and rename the admin folder to your desired name.

Missing extensions:

In one of our clients, we saw all the installed extensions are missing, install Extensions are empty like below:

Missing extension in Opencart 4

We upload all the files and folders inside the /extension folder of the Opencart 4 zip extract. Then we ran the following queries to add all the opencart extension paths.

INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (1,1,'opencart');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (2,1,'opencart/admin');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (3,1,'opencart/admin/controller');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (4,1,'opencart/admin/controller/analytics');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (5,1,'opencart/admin/controller/analytics/index.html');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (6,1,'opencart/admin/controller/captcha');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (7,1,'opencart/admin/controller/captcha/basic.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (8,1,'opencart/admin/controller/currency');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (9,1,'opencart/admin/controller/currency/ecb.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (10,1,'opencart/admin/controller/currency/fixer.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (11,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (12,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/activity.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (13,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/chart.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (14,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/customer.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (15,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/map.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (16,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/online.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (17,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/order.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (18,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/recent.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (19,1,'opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/sale.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (20,1,'opencart/admin/controller/feed');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (21,1,'opencart/admin/controller/feed/index.html');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (22,1,'opencart/admin/controller/fraud');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (23,1,'opencart/admin/controller/fraud/ip.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (24,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (25,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/account.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (26,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/banner.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (27,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/bestseller.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (28,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/category.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (29,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/featured.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (30,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/filter.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (31,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/html.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (32,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/information.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (33,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/latest.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (34,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/special.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (35,1,'opencart/admin/controller/module/store.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (36,1,'opencart/admin/controller/payment');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (37,1,'opencart/admin/controller/payment/bank_transfer.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (38,1,'opencart/admin/controller/payment/cheque.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (39,1,'opencart/admin/controller/payment/cod.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (40,1,'opencart/admin/controller/payment/free_checkout.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (41,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (42,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/customer_activity.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (43,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/customer_order.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (44,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/customer_reward.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (45,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/customer_search.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (46,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/customer_transaction.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (47,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/customer_subscription.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (48,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/marketing.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (49,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/product_purchased.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (50,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/product_viewed.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (51,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/sale_coupon.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (52,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/sale_order.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (53,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/sale_return.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (54,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/sale_shipping.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (55,1,'opencart/admin/controller/report/sale_tax.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (56,1,'opencart/admin/controller/shipping');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (57,1,'opencart/admin/controller/shipping/flat.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (58,1,'opencart/admin/controller/shipping/free.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (59,1,'opencart/admin/controller/shipping/item.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (60,1,'opencart/admin/controller/shipping/pickup.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (61,1,'opencart/admin/controller/shipping/weight.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (62,1,'opencart/admin/controller/theme');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (63,1,'opencart/admin/controller/theme/basic.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (64,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (65,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/coupon.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (66,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/credit.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (67,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/handling.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (68,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/low_order_fee.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (69,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/reward.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (70,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/shipping.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (71,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/sub_total.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (72,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/tax.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (73,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/total.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (74,1,'opencart/admin/controller/total/voucher.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (75,1,'opencart/admin/language');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (76,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (77,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/captcha');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (78,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/captcha/basic.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (79,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/currency');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (80,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/currency/ecb.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (81,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/currency/fixer.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (82,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (83,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/activity.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (84,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/chart.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (85,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/customer.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (86,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/map.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (87,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/online.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (88,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/order.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (89,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/recent.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (90,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/dashboard/sale.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (91,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/fraud');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (92,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/fraud/ip.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (93,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (94,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/account.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (95,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/banner.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (96,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/bestseller.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (97,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/category.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (98,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/featured.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (99,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/filter.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (100,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/html.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (101,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/information.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (102,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/latest.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (103,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/special.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (104,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/module/store.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (105,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/payment');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (106,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/payment/bank_transfer.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (107,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/payment/cheque.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (108,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/payment/cod.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (109,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/payment/free_checkout.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (110,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (111,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_activity.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (112,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_order.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (113,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_reward.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (114,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_search.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (115,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_transaction.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (116,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_subscription.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (117,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/marketing.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (118,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/product_purchased.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (119,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/product_viewed.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (120,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/sale_coupon.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (121,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/sale_order.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (122,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/sale_return.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (123,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/sale_shipping.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (124,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/sale_tax.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (125,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/shipping');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (126,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/shipping/flat.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (127,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/shipping/free.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (128,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/shipping/item.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (129,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/shipping/pickup.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (130,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/shipping/weight.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (131,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/theme');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (132,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/theme/basic.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (133,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (134,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/coupon.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (135,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/credit.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (136,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/handling.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (137,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/low_order_fee.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (138,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/reward.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (139,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/shipping.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (140,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/sub_total.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (141,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/tax.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (142,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/total.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (143,1,'opencart/admin/language/en-gb/total/voucher.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (144,1,'opencart/admin/model');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (145,1,'opencart/admin/model/dashboard');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (146,1,'opencart/admin/model/dashboard/map.php');
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INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (310,1,'opencart/catalog/language/en-gb/total/total.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (311,1,'opencart/catalog/language/en-gb/total/voucher.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (312,1,'opencart/catalog/model');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (313,1,'opencart/catalog/model/fraud');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (314,1,'opencart/catalog/model/fraud/ip.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (315,1,'opencart/catalog/model/payment');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (316,1,'opencart/catalog/model/payment/bank_transfer.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (317,1,'opencart/catalog/model/payment/cheque.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (318,1,'opencart/catalog/model/payment/cod.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (319,1,'opencart/catalog/model/payment/free_checkout.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (320,1,'opencart/catalog/model/shipping');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (321,1,'opencart/catalog/model/shipping/flat.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (322,1,'opencart/catalog/model/shipping/free.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (323,1,'opencart/catalog/model/shipping/item.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (324,1,'opencart/catalog/model/shipping/pickup.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (325,1,'opencart/catalog/model/shipping/weight.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (326,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (327,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/coupon.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (328,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/credit.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (329,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/handling.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (330,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/low_order_fee.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (331,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/reward.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (332,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/shipping.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (333,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/sub_total.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (334,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/tax.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (335,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/total.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (336,1,'opencart/catalog/model/total/voucher.php');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (337,1,'opencart/catalog/view');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (338,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (339,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/captcha');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (340,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/captcha/basic.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (341,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (342,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/account.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (343,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/banner.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (344,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/bestseller.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (345,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/category.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (346,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/featured.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (347,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/filter.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (348,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/html.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (349,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/information.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (350,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/latest.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (351,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/special.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (352,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/module/store.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (353,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/payment');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (354,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/payment/bank_transfer.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (355,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/payment/cheque.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (356,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/payment/cod.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (357,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/payment/free_checkout.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (358,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/total');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (359,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/total/coupon.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (360,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/total/reward.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (361,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/total/shipping.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (362,1,'opencart/catalog/view/template/total/voucher.twig');
INSERT INTO `oc_extension_path` (`extension_path_id`,`extension_install_id`,`path`) VALUES (363,1,'opencart/install.json');

Likewise, to fix the above issue we ran another query to insert the extension install.

INSERT INTO `oc_extension_install` (`extension_install_id`,`extension_id`,`extension_download_id`,`name`,`code`,`version`,`author`,`link`,`status`,`date_added`) VALUES (1,0,0,'OpenCart Default Extensions','opencart','1.0','OpenCart Ltd','http://www.opencart.com',1,'2020-08-29 15:35:39');

With those above three steps, we were able to see all the extensions again.

Admin Dashboard is empty

All of the admin dashboard reports were missing.

Empty dashboard

To add reports in the admin dashboard of Opencart 4, we follow the instructions on this blog:

SEO URL changes in Opencart 4

Database SEO table oc_seo_url was not updated or transferred fully as the Opencart version 4 change added a new table structure. The oc_seo_url table is fixed by running the following queries:

UPDATE `oc_seo_url` SET `key` = SUBSTRING_INDEX(query, '=', 1), `value` = SUBSTRING_INDEX(query, '=', -1)
SEO table changes

Install Extensions

After upgrading, make sure you install all the extensions again so that you don’t conflict with any other things.

After upgrade

Functionality Testing: Thoroughly test all website functionalities, check for add to cart, all pages like home, product, category, cart, checkout, etc, sign up, log in, forget the password, etc.

Extensions Testing: Check all extensions are installed, and make sure you check the Order Totals, payments, shipping, modules, etc.

Checkout Page: Opencart 4 has a one-page checkout by default so check if it is showing the right shipping address, payment address, shipping methods, and payment methods and see if the totals are correct.

Coupon Functionalities: Check for coupon functionalities.

SEO Review: Verify that SEO elements such as meta titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and URLs are showing correctly on the page. See the top 25 opencart SEO best practices.

Security Audit: Conduct a security audit to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Mail Function: Don’t forget to check the email functionalities.

Product Feeds: Enabled your feed and sitemap. And don’t forget to submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster.

Test Thoroughly: After upgrading, test your store to ensure that all functionalities, extensions, and themes are working correctly. Check for any broken links (we mostly check with https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com), missing images, or other issues.

Monitor Performance: After the upgrade, keep an eye on your store’s performance, and address any performance issues.

Analytics and Tracking: Check your analytics and tracking codes.

Please take a look at the OpenCart Site Launch Checklist, we have listed most of the functionality to test before launch.


In this way, you can upgrade Opencart from version 3 to 4, it is a complex process, and it’s common for some issues to surface post-upgrade. Being proactive in testing, monitoring, and addressing issues will help ensure that your website remains functional and user-friendly after the upgrade.  Upgrade your OpenCart e-commerce platform effortlessly with our professional services. Enjoy enhanced features, improved security, and a smoother user experience. Contact us for a seamless upgrade process. Please let us know if you faced any problems while upgrading Opencart and have questions or concerns so that we can help you out, similarly, let us know if there are other best solutions. Till then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Opencart video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Unleash Your Creativity With AI Tools for UX Design

Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, may seem like a complex term at first glance. However, in the UI UX design services space, AI can be a powerful “assistant” helping in creative processes. In this article, we take a deeper dive into its fundamental concepts and demonstrate AI’s role in optimizing UX design processes and how using AI-powered tools can bring about greater efficiency and creativity in design works.

AI and its Implications on Modern UX

AI is not another buzzword or a mere trend; it represents a transformative shift not just in the UX design space but in vastly all aspects of life. Here, we examine its transformative role in shaping modern UX. From automating routine tasks to producing innovative designs, AI is changing what designers can accomplish. In this subsection, we look closely at real-world examples of AI tools that are revolutionizing this field of design.

Let’s embark on this adventure together to uncover the immense potential of AI tools in UX design, demystifying their concepts and exploring their practical applications.

UXPilot by Adam Fard Studio: For Designers by Designers

UXPilot stands as a testament to the ingenuity of AI-driven tools in the realm of UX design. Developed by Adam Fard Studio, this tool is a true ally for designers, crafted with a deep understanding of their needs and challenges. Here are five key features:

AI-UX Design Review: UXPilot leverages AI to conduct in-depth design reviews. It identifies areas for improvement, suggests design enhancements, and ensures that your user interfaces are intuitive and user-friendly.

ChatGPT Integration in Figma: With seamless integration into Figma, UI UX design services Pilot brings the power of ChatGPT right into your design environment. This allows for real-time collaboration, instant insights, and the ability to brainstorm and refine ideas within your design tool.

Custom Workshops: UX Pilot provides the flexibility to create custom workshops tailored to your specific design challenges. These workshops facilitate team collaboration, idea generation, and problem-solving, all guided by AI-powered insights.

Requirements Gathering: The tool assists in gathering project requirements by analyzing user needs and project objectives. It ensures that your design aligns perfectly with the goals of your product or service.

From Requirements to Style Guide: UXPilot covers the entire design journey, from gathering requirements to creating a comprehensive style guide. It streamlines the process, helping designers maintain consistency in design elements.

Framer: A Revolution in Website Development

Framer is a fantastic tool that’s been creating waves in the world of web development. Framer isn’t just another tool for design, it’s a revolution. Framer makes use of AI to expand the boundaries of what’s possible in web design.

Custom-designed interactive designs: Framer allows you to design fully custom dynamic web design. There are no limitations on templates or pre-built elements, allowing you the ability to create websites that reflect your ideas precisely.

AI-powered Design Suggestions for Designers: Framer’s algorithms for AI aid you in creating design suggestions. The suggestions taken from these algorithms are built on the user’s behavior and trends, which ensures that your designs aren’t just visually appealing, but also optimized for engagement with users.

Prototype testing: The tool provides an environment that is robust to test prototypes. It is easy to test the usability and functionality of your designs. You can also identify areas of improvement and quickly iterate.

Collaboration Features: Framer facilitates collaboration among design teams. Multiple team members can collaborate on the same project at the same time while sharing feedback and participating in your design in real-time.

Code Export: Framer eases transitions from designing to developing by permitting you to export your production-ready code. This simplifies the transfer process to developers, making sure that your designs are accurately converted into web-based applications.

Wizard: Design Automation and Ideation

Wizard is an AI-powered, cutting-edge tool that is focused on ideation and design automation. It provides a range of remarkable tools to simplify the design process and boost creativity:

Instant Design Prototyping: The Uizard lets designers convert sketches and wireframes into interactive prototypes in a matter of minutes. This feature speeds up the prototyping stage, thereby reducing precious time during design.

Real-Time Collaboration: With Uizard Multiple team members can work on designs in real time. This improves communications and helps ensure that everybody is on the same level.

Design-to-Code Converter: Uizard is able to create code from design files. This is a bridge between development and design which makes it simpler to convert designs into functional websites and apps.

AI-Powered Idea: Uizard employs AI to provide layouts and design elements in response to the project’s requirements. It gives creative insight to designers, generating new ideas and improving the design quality.

Users Testing Integration: This tool effortlessly integrates with platforms for user testing which allows designers to collect valuable feedback from users and make data-driven design decisions.

ChatGPT: Generative Content Creation Powerhouse

ChatGPT is an AI-powered program that is known for its unique generative content creation capabilities. It comes with a range of tools that allow users to produce high-quality content with ease:

Human-quality text generation: ChatGPT is a pro at creating text that is similar to human writing. It’s an invaluable tool for bloggers, content creators, and other marketers seeking to create interesting as well as informative material.

Seamless Language Translation: Language barriers are not a problem for ChatGPT. It can translate text into different languages easily and is a useful instrument for the production of global content.

Profound Insights: ChatGPT gives users extensive insights into a broad variety of subjects. If you’re looking to study the subject or gain a better understanding of your target audience, ChatGPT can deliver valuable data.

Multi-purpose Content Creation: This tool can be proficient in creating various kinds of content such as blog post articles, articles as well as social media content, and many more. Its flexibility makes it an essential tool for creators of content.

Continuous Learning: ChatGPT constantly learns and grows from user interaction. This means it changes and improves as time passes, delivering users with ever-sophisticated content.

Jasper: Brand-Focused Content Optimization

Jasper is a remarkable AI-powered tool designed to optimize content with a focus on branding. It offers a suite of features that cater to businesses looking to enhance their content creation process:

Brand-Centric Content Generation: Jasper excels in creating content that aligns perfectly with your brand’s voice and style. It ensures consistency and reinforces brand identity in every piece of content produced.

Adaptable Writing Styles: Whether you need blog posts, articles, or social media content, Jasper can adapt to various writing styles and genres. This versatility ensures that your content is tailored to your specific needs.

Personalized Writing Preferences: Jasper adapts to your writing preferences over time. It understands your unique style and provides suggestions that resonate with your brand’s character.

Enhanced Writing Abilities: Jasper doesn’t just generate content; it actively collaborates with users to improve their writing skills. It offers feedback and suggestions to elevate the quality of your content.

Effortless Creativity: With Jasper, the creative content production process becomes seamless. It empowers businesses to produce engaging and brand-focused content efficiently.

Fronty: Image to HTML Magic

Fronty is an AI-powered program that specializes in converting pictures to HTML code, which makes web development easier and more effective. Here are some of the key advantages of Fronty:

Image-to-HTML Conversion: Fronty makes it easier to complete the process of converting photos to HTML as well as CSS code. Developers and designers can save time and energy by automatizing this process.

Responsive Design: Fronty makes sure that the code generated is flexible, adjusting to various screens and sizes. This helps to create websites that offer a seamless user experience across different platforms.

Clean Code output: It generates clear and well-organized code, which is vital for keeping websites up-to-date and maintained. The resultant websites are functional and user-friendly.

User-Friendly Interface: Fronty provides an intuitive web interface, making the conversion process available to developers and designers with all levels of skill.

integration capabilities: Fronty can integrate the most popular software and tools for design which makes it an adaptable tool to be used in any workflow in web development.

Khroma: Palette Perfection

Khroma is an AI-powered tool that specializes in helping designers develop the perfect colors for their projects. Five key characteristics of Khroma:

Personalized Algorithm: Khroma uses a personalized algorithm based on your color preferences. You can train it to generate colors you like and block ones you don’t right in your browser.

Infinite Combos: The tool has learned from thousands of popular palettes on the internet to create great color combinations. These combos can be viewed as typography, gradients, palettes, or custom images.

Search and Filter: Khroma allows you to search and filter the color generator by hue, tint, value, color, as well as hex and RGB values, making it easy to find the perfect colors.

Save to Your Collection: You can create an unlimited library of your favorite color combinations and save them for future reference. Khroma provides color names, hex codes, RGB values, CSS codes, and WCAG accessibility ratings for each pair.

Efficiency in Workflow: Khroma simplifies the process of selecting colors which saves designers time while aiding them in maintaining the consistency of their designs.

Visualeyes: Testing and Prototyping Marvels

Visualeyes is an AI-powered tool that allows testing and prototyping by users in this UI UX design services process. Five key functions of Visualeyes:

Automation of User Tests: Visualeyes will perform user testing automatically analyze the way the users use your design and provide valuable insight.

click tracking and heatmaps: This tool creates heatmaps and click tracking data to assist designers in understanding the user’s behavior and making better design choices.

Interactive Prototyping: Visualeyes enables designers to build interactive prototypes in a short time and improve the experience of testing for users.

Behavior Analysis: It gives users insight into how they navigate through the prototypes, identifying weak areas and areas of improvement.

Customer Feedback Integration: Visualeyes is a tool to collect feedback from users and feedback, further improving the process of iterative design.

Adobe Sensei: Elevating Adobe Tools with AI

Adobe Sensei is the AI-powered platform of Adobe which integrates with a variety of Adobe toolkits for design. Five key functions in Adobe Sensei:

Image Recognition: Adobe Sensei can instantly recognize and label objects in images and make the management of assets more efficient.

Content-Aware Fill: This feature intelligently fills in gaps or eliminates undesirable items from photos, thereby saving time during the editing process.

The ability to match fonts: Adobe Sensei can suggest font matchups to text within images, which ensures consistency in designs and branding.

Automatic Tagging and Organization: The platform will automatically tag and categorize assets making it easier for users to find and utilize the assets in design projects.

Enhanced Search: The user can search for advanced terms in the design file, which includes looking for specific elements within images.

What is C# used for? A Complete Guide for decision-makers

If you’re thinking about which programming language to use, you’ve probably come across C#. But what is C# used for and why should you care? 

C# developed by Microsoft is a general-purpose programming language. It is an object-oriented programming language that is part of the .NET framework. This makes it very relevant for organizations that need a reliable, scalable, and secure language for a wide range of software development services.

What is C#?

Keys to use

Let’s dive right into the key applications of C#.

Web applications development

  • First on the list is web application development. C# is the core language of ASP.NET, a framework designed specifically for creating dynamic and robust web applications.
  • We’re not talking about basic websites. ASP.NET allows you to create complex, data-driven web applications that can scale to meet the demands of large user bases.
  • Whether you’re building an e-commerce platform, a social media site, or an internal business application, C# provides you with the necessary tools and libraries.

Game development

  • Later, C# has carved out an important role in the world of game development.
  • This is largely due to its seamless integration with Unity, one of the industry’s leading game development engines. Unity’s capabilities are not limited to any specific type of game, meaning you can use C# to develop anything from a mobile puzzle game to a high-definition console game.
  • The language’s object-oriented programming features make it easy to manage complex game architectures, providing both flexibility and control.

Desktop and mobile applications

  • But the usefulness of C# does not end there. The language is also a solid choice for creating both desktop and mobile applications.
  • For desktop applications, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) offers a rich set of features to create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces. On mobile, Xamarin lets you use C# to create apps that run smoothly on Android, iOS, and Windows.
  • This cross-platform capability means you can target multiple operating systems without having to learn a new language for each one.

Cloud computing and IoT solutions

  • Finally, let’s not overlook the growing presence of C# in cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • The compatibility of this language with the .NET platform makes it ideal for developing cloud-based applications and services.
  • Whether you want to build a scalable web service or manage IoT devices, C# offers libraries and frameworks that simplify these complex tasks.

Benefits: Why choose C#?

Understanding the benefits of C# can provide valuable information to decision-makers. Here’s a more detailed, yet concise, look at why C# might be the right choice for your projects.

Static typing: Early error detection

One of the most notable features of C# is static typing. This feature allows you to detect errors during the development phase instead of after the application is live. It’s a proactive approach that saves time and resources, making your development process more efficient.

Class libraries: Streamline your development

C# includes a large number of class libraries. These are essentially building blocks of pre-written code that your developers can use. This speeds up the development process and allows you to bring your app to market faster.

Integration with Microsoft Visual Studio: 

All-in-one development environment. C# integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Visual Studio, an industry-leading IDE for software development. This integration provides a unified environment for your development needs, making the process more agile and efficient.

Community Support: A wealth of resources

C# has enormous community support, which is a significant advantage. If your team runs into a problem, there is a good chance that solutions or workarounds are readily available. This community-driven support can be very valuable in resolving issues in a timely manner.

Current Status: What’s new in C#?

Microsoft updates C# frequently to introduce new features and functionality. This constant evolution keeps C# at the forefront of the most popular programming languages. Below are some key points that highlight the continued advances in C#:

Features and functionalities

  • Pattern Matching – This feature allows for more expressive and concise code, making it easier to work with complex data types.
  • Records – Introduced to simplify the creation of immutable types, records are a game-changer for custom software development companies that prioritize immutability in their applications.
  • Nullable Reference Types – This feature helps developers avoid null reference exceptions, a common mistake in C# programming.
  • Asynchronous streams – This makes it easier to work with real-time data and improves the performance of applications that rely on data streams.

Integration with the .NET platform

C# is tightly integrated with the .NET platform, which is updated regularly. The latest versions of .NET offer improved performance, new libraries, and better cloud integration. This makes C# a solid choice for any organization looking to invest in a robust, scalable, and well-supported programming language.

Community Contributions

One of the strengths of C# lies in its enormous support from the community. The community often contributes to the development of the language, offering libraries and frameworks that enrich the C# ecosystem.

Industry adoption

C# is not only popular but also widely adopted in various industries. From web application development to game development and from cloud computing to IoT solutions, C# is a versatile and reliable choice.

Risks and challenges: What to consider

When adopting any programming language, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. C# is a popular programming language with a lot to offer, but it also has its own set of challenges that decision-makers need to consider.

Learning curve

One of the first things to keep in mind is the learning curve. Although C# is an object-oriented language that many find intuitive, it can be more challenging for beginners compared to other languages such as Visual Basic. This could mean a longer onboarding process for new developers, which could slow down the initial stages of development.

Performance optimization

Another concern is performance. C# is a powerful language, but if not optimized correctly, it can result in slower application speeds. This is particularly important for real-time applications, where milliseconds matter.

Compatibility and integration

C# is very versatile and integrates well with various databases and front-end technologies, making it a good choice if you already use Microsoft technologies or the .NET platform. However, if your technology stack is built on other platforms, integrating C# could require more time and resources.


Although C# itself is free to use, the software development services environment, particularly Microsoft Visual Studio, may require paid licenses. Additionally, since C# is one of the most popular programming languages, the demand for skilled developers can increase labor costs.

Community support

Although C# has enormous community support, it’s worth noting that some niche applications may not have as many resources or solutions readily available as more commonly used technologies. This might mean relying more on internal problem-solving.

Despite these challenges, it is important to note that C# remains a solid choice for a wide variety of software development projects. Its versatility, robustness, and the support of a large community and Microsoft make it a language that can offer more advantages than disadvantages, especially for projects that require scalability, security, and performance.

Sufficiency: Is C# suitable for your project?

The suitability of C# depends on the specific needs of your project. For example, if you are dealing with web services or cloud-based solutions, C# is often the preferred choice. It’s essential to evaluate your project requirements and see how they align with C# capabilities.

Collaboration opportunities with external developers

C# occupies a position as one of the most popular programming languages, creating a favorable landscape for organizations considering external development resources.

C#’s extensive pool of third-party developers offers a wealth of contract and project work options, 

presenting a valuable opportunity for organizations to leverage specialized expertise as needed.

Positive aspects to take into account:

  • Cost Flexibility : 

The deep talent pool for C# allows organizations to find developers to fit various budget constraints. Whether you’re looking for emerging talent or seasoned experts, there’s likely a cost-effective option for your needs.

  • Diverse Skill Sets : 

Since C# is used in a variety of fields, from web application development to game development, you have the opportunity to find developers with the exact skill set that matches your project requirements.

  • Immediate availability : 

The popularity of C# means that there are a large number of developers available for hire. This can streamline the hiring process, allowing you to get started on your project sooner.

  • Ease of project alignment :

Given the structured and well-documented nature of C#, bringing in third-party developers can be a simple process. This helps quickly align them with your project goals.

  • Cultural synergy : 

The large community around C# often shares best practices and values continuous learning, making it easy to find third-party developers who fit well with your organization’s culture and communication style.

Security and Compliance

C# offers robust security features, but like any language, the security of your application ultimately depends on best practices during the development process. Therefore, it is important to consider how C# aligns with your organization’s compliance requirements.

Long term aspects

C# offers several advantages for long-term maintenance, primarily due to its object-oriented programming structure. This allows for modular code, which simplifies updates and changes. Additionally, C# benefits from tremendous community support and regular updates from Microsoft as part of the .NET framework. These factors help make long-term maintenance easier and more cost-effective.

However, there are also considerations:

  • Project complexity: A more complex project will require more specialized knowledge for long-term maintenance.
  • Choice of frameworks: Choice of frameworks can influence long-term maintainability.
  • Costs: Although C# is free, some associated tools and frameworks have costs that can add up.

Alternatives to C#

When considering C# for your next project, it’s important to weigh it against other programming languages that might also meet your needs.

Here are some alternatives:


  • General-purpose object-oriented language: Similar to C#, Java is also a general-purpose programming language.
  • Community Support – Java has a large and active community, comparable to that of C#.
  • Cross-platform: Unlike C#, which is strong on the .NET platform, Java offers broader cross-platform support.
  • Web Application Development – Java is commonly used to create enterprise web applications.


  • Ease of use: Python is famous for its simple syntax, which makes it easy to learn.
  • Versatility: This language is used in various applications, from web services to data analysis and artificial intelligence.
  • Rapid development: Python is designed for agile development and offers several frameworks that speed up the process.
  • Community and libraries: Although different from the .NET framework on which C# is based, Python has an ecosystem of libraries and an active community.


  • Developer Ease – Ruby is designed to be easy to read and write, prioritizing the developer experience.
  • Web development: Thanks to Ruby on Rails, a very popular framework, Ruby is a solid choice for web application development.
  • Community: Although smaller than the C# or Java communities, the Ruby community is committed.
  • Flexibility: Ruby allows for greater flexibility in the code, which could be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the needs of your project. The best choice will depend on several factors, such as your project requirements, the experience of your custom software development company, and your long-term technology strategy. Therefore, understanding the nuances of these programming languages can provide valuable information for decision-makers.

Conclusion: Make an informed decision

C# is a versatile and reliable programming language that offers a wide range of applications for modern businesses.

From web application development to game development, and from cloud computing to IoT solutions, C# is a strong contender for any organization looking to invest in a robust, scalable, and well-supported programming language.

Final year Project Proposal On E-shopping with affiliation

Project Proposal On E-shopping with affiliation

A Project Proposal On E-shopping with Affiliation

Submitted By:
Jayman Tamang
Rupak Nepali

Submitted to:
Nobel College
Faculty of management
Pokhara University

July 2010

Table of contents

Chapter 1

  1. Introduction to e-shopping
  2. History of e-shopping
  3. Historical Timeline of E-shopping
  4. Objectives of e-shopping
  5. Current e-shopping sites in Nepal

Chapter 2

  1. Purpose of the project
  2. Scope of the project
  3. Phases of Development of the Project
    3.1 Problem definition: pay by the customer for the product, advertisement
    3.2 Feasibility study
    3.3 Project Analysis
    3.4 Project design
    3.5 Project Coding and Testing

Chapter 3

  1. Tools and techniques that are required
  2. Threats and Risks


Chapter 1


Electronic Commerce or e-commerce is business transactions that take place through communication networks. It is a process of buying and selling products, services, and information over the computer network. E-commerce is a set of dynamic technologies, applications, and business processes that link organizations, customers, suppliers, and communities through electronic transactions and the electronic exchange of information products and services

Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the other hand, is referred to as business-to-consumer or B2C. This is the type of electronic commerce conducted by companies such as Amazon.com.

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where the buyer is directly online to the seller’s computer usually via the Internet. There is no intermediary service. The sale and purchase transaction is completed electronically and interactively in real-time such as Amazon.com for new books. If an intermediary is present, then the sale and purchase transaction is called electronic commerce such as eBay.com.

History of e-shopping

Originally, electronic commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions electronically, using technology such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). These were both introduced in the late 1970s, allowing businesses to send commercial documents like purchase orders or invoices electronically.

Online shopping, a form of electronic commerce, In 1979 Michael Aldrich, an English inventor, connected a modified 26″ color domestic television to a real-time transaction processing the computer via a domestic telephone line and invented online shopping. The first recorded B2B was Thomson Holidays in 1981 the first recorded B2C was Gateshead SIS/Tesco in 1984. The world’s first recorded online home shopper was Mrs. Jane Snowball, 72, of Gateshead, England in May 1984. During the 1980s Aldrich sold many systems mainly in the UK including Ford, Peugeot, General Motors, and Nissan. The Nissan system of 1984/5 was revolutionary. It enabled a car buyer on a dealer’s lot to both buy and finance the car, including a credit check, online. Aldrich invented both the online shopping system and the business rationale for using it. His 1980s systems were as fast as the 2010 internet shopping systems. They used dial-up and leased telephone lines as broadband was not available
From the 1990s onwards, electronic commerce would additionally include enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), data mining, and data warehousing.

An early example of many-to-many electronic commerce in physical goods was the Boston Computer Exchange, a marketplace for used computers launched in 1982. An early online information marketplace, including online consulting, was the American Information Exchange, another pre-Internet online system introduced in 1991.

The Internet became popular worldwide around 1994 when the first Internet online shopping started; it took about five years to introduce security protocols and DSL allowing continual connection to the Internet. By the end of 2000, many European and American business companies offered their services through the World Wide Web. Since then people began to associate the word “eCommerce” with the ability to purchase various goods through the Internet using secure protocols and electronic payment services.

Historical Timeline

1979: Michael Aldrich invented online shopping
1981: Thomson Holidays, UK is the first B2B online shopping
1985: Nissan UK sells cars and finance with credit checking to customers online from dealers’ lots.
Pizza Hut offered online ordering on its Web page in 1992
1995: Jeff Bezos launches Amazon.com
2010: US e-Commerce and Online Retail sales are projected to reach $173 billion, an increase of 7 percent over 2009

Objectives of e-shopping

The main objectives of the e-shopping are given below:

  1. To provide information about various products in different categories.
  2. Customers can purchase Products Online.
  3. Customers can log in and get various information about products and can purchase a suitable product with price and quality comparison.
  4. Customers can pay online, so security is a must, therefore, e-shopping provides secure transactions.
  5. After-sale e-shopping also provides after-sales service in which customer problem is solved.
  6. Data security is maintained at a relatively high level by implementing it at the Database level, to ensure that only authorized users have access to confidential client information

Current e-shopping sites in Nepal

The current e-shopping sites in Nepal are:

  1. KathmanduMart.com: This site will deliver state-of-the-art Online Solutions by bringing technology and people together to resolve a wide range of shopping necessities.
  2. NetForNepal.com: A site through which you can send gifts to your family & friends in Nepal.
  3. Nepa Rudraksha: Nepa Rudraksha is founded to achieve the objectives of promoting Nepali Rudraksha and Saligrams.
  4. Pashminarus.com: For the finest collection of the highest quality pashmina shawls from Nepal.
  5. Thamel.com: For all kinds of occasions, send gifts to Nepal
  6. Muncha House – An e-commerce site to send gifts to loved ones in Nepal

Chapter 2

Purpose of the project

We cover a wide variety of topics which are:

  1. Build a product catalog that can be browsed and searched
  2. Implement the catalog administration pages that allow adding, modifying, and removing products, categories, departments, and other administrative features
  3. Create your own shopping basket and check-out mechanism in PHP
  4. Increase sales by implementing product recommendations and product reviews
  5. Handle payments using PayPal and other electronic payments.
  6. Implement a customer accounts system
  7. Integrate Amazon.com web services to sell Amazon.com items through our website.

While implementing these features, we’ll learn how to

  1. Design relational databases and write MySQL queries and stored procedures.
  2. Use the MySQL full-text search feature to implement product searching.
  3. Use the Smarty templating engine to write structured and extensible PHP code.
  4. Implement search engine optimization features
  5. Use AJAX to improve the users’ experience utilizing your website
  6. Integrate external web services

Scope of the project

  1. Increasing the value of the content with accessibility, reusability, and durability.
  2. We will develop the necessary skills to get our business on the Web and available to a worldwide audience.
  3. We’ll understand the concepts, and we’ll have the knowledge.
  4. Affiliation program helps to generate many visitors and is one of the best marketing strategies.

Phases of Development of Project

  1. Problem definition: pay by the customer for the product, advertisement,
  2. Feasibility study
  3. Project analysis
  4. Project design
  5. Project coding and testing

Problem definition

Viewing the latest e-commerce sites implemented in Nepal, it does not contain product reviews, marketing for the products and the sites as well as search engine optimization which ultimately drives visitors to the site and increases the chances that visitors will buy from the same site and not from the competitor.

The sites are also not implementing the latest technology like Drupal, Magento, jQuery, and Ajax and are not user-friendly.

The sites are also not maintaining CRM (customer relationship management) for their future reference

Feasibility study

With the problems addressed above we are making the e-shopping site remove the problems the technological feasibility of this project is that we are using known technologies as well as open-source codes like PHP and MySQL and the operational feasibility is that we can be able to do as per the business requirement, and the economic feasibility is that we are preparing the project as per the partial fulfillment of the BCIS so the economic feasibility is fulfilled.

Project analysis

In this stage, we gather information from different sources for project development. The methods of collecting information are:

  1. Interviewing
  2. Observations
  3. Viewing of documents and manuals from different e-commerce sites

Project design

In this phase, we design the output of the project and its format, inputs, procedures, etc. In this stage we design

  1. PayPal implementation(transactions through PayPal)
  2. Product creation and recommendations
  3. Product Attributes
  4. Creating your own shopping cart
  5. Implementing Ajax features
  6. Searching the catalog and catalog administration
  7. Search engine optimization
  8. Advertisements with affiliation and other media

Project Coding and Testing

In this stage, we convert the system design to a final project using a programming language. In this stage format, error and logic errors are eliminated, and a complete project without any errors.
After completion of coding, the project will be tested to find out that all individual programs perform correctly. Whether the implementation of PayPal, affiliation program, and other services are performing correctly or not is tested.

Date July August September
Phase Week
Feasibility study
Project analysis
Project Design

Project coding and Testing

Gantt chart for project

Chapter 3

Tools and techniques that are required

Tools and techniques Name
Text editor Macromedia Dreamweaver
Flash generator Dreamweaver Flash
Programming languages PHP, Mysql, Javascript, Facebook Markup Language, Paypal Code, Jquery, Ajax, Smarty templating, HTML, XML, DHML, Style Sheets (CSS)
Guidance Oscommerce, Drupal, Magento, and other e-commerce sites
Web Server Apache

What are the requirements that we need?

  1. Affiliation program creation
  2. Basic knowledge of SEO and other marketing strategies such as the Facebook application
  3. How Paypal Transactions work or the implementation of the sandbox.
  4. Knowledge of JavaScript, Ajax, Jquery, and Flash.
  5. Embedded code generation
  6. Knowledge of osCommerce, Drupal, Magento, and other e-commerce sites.

Why go online?

  1. Get more customers
  2. Recognize worldwide
  3. Reduce the costs of fulfilling demands or orders.
  4. Increasing Business Revenue
  5. Increasing the operational value
  6. Increase flexibility

Will the site generate revenue?

Of course, there are so many ways to generate revenue and draw customers to E-shopping sites. The most common uses are:
a) Google Adsense
b) Referral Programs
c) Local Advertisements
d) Newspaper and Media
e) Customer relations management.

Read More: Project proposal presentation of hotel reservation system- eCommerce

What’s new in our project?

Basically, e-shopping is a new concept and many projects have already been made and is emerging in new eras and covers many techniques.
In our project E-shopping with affiliation program, the product on our site can be advertised to the other sites and the affiliated account holder can earn money.
The strategy can be PPC (Pay Per Click) means the affiliated account holder can earn money as per the clicks on our product.

Make money with an affiliate program that pays the account holder for every click
Affiliated account holder gets paid for every visitor that clicks on an advertisement. Our goal is to enable you to make as much as possible from your advertising space, by letting advertisers bid on your ad space. We pay monthly, either by check or instantly through PayPal with a minimum of only $50. They can also promote our site with the banners available and other promotional texts and click providers.

Risks and Threats

All this might make it sound as if your e-commerce business can’t possibly fail. Some risks are particularly relevant to e-commerce companies, such as:

  1. Hacking
  2. Credit card scams
  3. Hardware failures
  4. Unreliable shipping services
  5. Software errors
  6. Changing laws



User-Centric Brilliance: Unleash the Power of Exceptional Design Services

The current importance of accessibility is indisputable. So much so that it is increasingly implemented in practically any sector. As our dependence on the web and digital UI UX design services increases (some companies are already abandoning analog services altogether), ensuring the web is an accessible place is crucial. 

Before we delve into designing accessible online tools, we want to explain what accessibility is, why it’s important, who it affects, and the problems people face when it’s not prioritized. 

What is accessibility?

Broadly speaking, we can say that accessibility allows anyone to use something, whether it is a product, a service, an experience, information, or anything else,  regardless of their situation. The term is usually related to people with some type of functional diversity and, although it is not new, as the Internet relatively is, it is now more relevant than ever. Therefore, the new generation of technology professionals must be prepared to create inclusive designs that guarantee equal access for everyone. 

Among the most common reasons why accessibility is necessary are visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive disabilities, although creating a truly accessible website goes much further. When designing accessible websites for children, for example, designers must put themselves in the children’s shoes and create attractive, interesting, and colorful sites that correctly guide the youngest children. On the other hand, websites intended for seniors should not contain small text or excessively technical information. 

We have just revealed the content of the rest of the publication, but before delving into accessible designs for the aforementioned sectors, we are going to explain the importance of accessibility.

Why is accessibility important?

Very simple: accessibility allows everyone, regardless of age, economic level, degree of disability, or sex, to access the same services. In the case of public services, such as immigration and health, it is even more necessary that people also understand their rights. 

We must strive to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be an active member of society in all aspects, including web design.

Accessibility in web design

As we have already mentioned, the importance of the Internet has increased exponentially, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Suddenly, everything was done online and people with disabilities could not always access the same information or services as others. Herein lies the importance of accessibility in web design: the Internet is a tool that can be used to spread information, learn, and connect with others,  but this only happens when the experience produces the same result for all users.

For something to be accessible online,  it must meet the following requirements :

Perceptible: The user must be able to appreciate the information through one of their senses; For example, if the website is made up of text, it should also contain an audio option for deaf users. 

Understandable: The content must be understandable to the intended audience; If you are creating a website for immigrants, ensuring that information is available in multiple languages ​​makes this task easier.

Operable: If someone can only use the computer by voice, the website should function the same as it would for someone who can use a keyboard or mouse.

Robust: the website must function in the same way as for a person without disabilities, that is, everyone must have an equally satisfactory experience. 

Are accessibility and usability the same thing?

People often use “accessibility” and “usability” interchangeably, but there are several key differences. Although they share similarities, usability focuses on the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of a design, while accessibility prioritizes that all users, regardless of their disability, can use said design correctly.

Accessible web designs

Now that we have explained what accessibility is and why it is important, especially in web design, we are going to delve into the topic with some specific cases and give you some suggestions. We will start with specific disabilities, but we will also address some common barriers that are not always taken into account. 

Important: As with everything, people’s levels of disability vary considerably. Some people are completely blind and others who only do not distinguish colors; A deaf person can communicate only through sign language or be able to read lips. 

Visual accessibility

When designing a website, keep in mind that people who don’t distinguish between similar colors will easily have difficulty with subtle changes; Therefore, it is recommended to incorporate multiple elements in the design. For example, use both the color red and the word “Error” to communicate a failure to the user. 

In the case of completely blind people, including accessibility options that read the content of the website is a before and after. But be careful: if the website includes many images or a menu, for example, you must make sure that there is an accessible version that can also read that information to the user. 

Hearing accessibility

Creating an accessible design that deaf and hard-of-hearing users can use requires planning: using subtitles that are reviewed, synchronized, and correctly displayed what is being said in the videos is essential. And, if the only method of contact is by phone, consider adding an email or chat option so that people who cannot communicate by phone can have equal access to your company. 

Motor accessibility

People with motor disabilities may suffer from tremors, involuntary movements, paralysis, lack of coordination, or the absence of a limb, which can make using a website very difficult. Fortunately, we’ve made great strides in this area by creating custom keyboards with more space between the keys or different types of mice. When designing a website, make sure that all functions are available through the keyboard, not the mouse, since including software that helps the user navigate is very easy. 

Cognitive accessibility

When talking about accessibility, we often forget that people with cognitive disabilities can also benefit from a personalized web experience. Make sure you implement a clear layout on your site, with buttons and tabs that are easy to read and access. For example, a large amount of text can overwhelm a user with dyslexia. It offers information in various formats (infographics, videos, etc.) and uses simple language. 

Environmental accessibility

Has it ever occurred to you that someone might need your services in a place without Wi-Fi or coverage? Or in a public place where you can’t enter personal data, like the library? Offering offline services and the ability to browse without entering personal information makes your website more inclusive. 

Educational accessibility

Surely you have ever ended up on a website full of technical terminology while searching for information about something. Not everyone has the same level of knowledge about a given topic, so creating very technical or dense content about something immediately excludes people who don’t know it. Use simple, explanatory language and go into detail only when necessary. 

It is essential when creating content for children. Children don’t just visit gaming and entertainment sites: imagine you work on a website so they learn how to call emergency services in case a problem arises. If you present the information as you would for an adult, the child may not understand the most important details. Use images, include videos and audio options, and use writing adapted to the little ones so that the content reaches them. 

Linguistic accessibility

Ensuring that users have equal access to information and services regardless of their native language must be a priority. Especially in the case of government, immigration, or refugee services. Having quality translations, videos with subtitles, and language-specific contact methods will include a sector of the population that was previously banned from the service.

Casual Accessibility

This is the type of accessibility that is least taken into account, but it is as important as the rest. Have you ever answered your phone in the middle of the night and been momentarily blinded by the light from the screen? Or, half asleep, have you pressed the wrong button and ended up in another section of a web page? Giving users the ability to lower the brightness, increase the font size, or use a black-and-white setting can make the design more drinkable. 

Tips to improve web accessibility 

If the points we have discussed have convinced you of the need to create an accessible design for your next project, read our tips to achieve it: 

Include people with different disabilities, ages, and educational levels when creating buyer profiles

Always include alt text on images and graphics

Research the choice of colors and font size before making a decision or include the option to adjust the size

Ensures the site has a mobile version 

Provide quality transcriptions and subtitles on videos and anything with audio

Implement a clear and simple design and language

Creating accessible content is an essential requirement. When you commit to creating truly accessible web designs, your audience will grow and more people will be able to enjoy your product or service. If you’re ready to take the next step and dive headfirst into high-quality, accessible web design, Ironhack’s UI UX Design services bootcamp is the ideal choice for you. 

Future of Business Intelligence trends and predictions

Business intelligence, better known as Business Intelligence (BI); refers to all those technology-driven strategies to analyze each of the data that corresponds to a company, in order to provide actionable information that helps workers, managers, and executives make good business decisions. From a business point of view, BI can be one of the best strategies on the market, not only because of its innate ability to increase revenue in a short period but also because of its ability to improve operational efficiency and gain advantages over the competition.

What is Business Intelligence?

Regardless of the sector, the business universe faces an increasingly challenging environment. This has given rise to the need to look for strategies that maintain a certain number of sales, as is the case of Business intelligence.                                 

Business Intelligence is the set of methodologies, applications, and technologies that allow gathering, analyzing, and transforming business data to convert it into knowledge; so that they are the basis when making an important decision.

Also, it is defined as a variety of tools that provide quick and easy access to information about the current state of an organization, based on available data.

As part of the BI process, companies collect their data, both from external sources and internal systems, then prepare it for analysis, run queries, and create reports to make analytical results available to business users.

This strategy has the ultimate goal of driving better business decisions for software development companies and other businesses that help companies increase their revenue, stand out from their rivals, and improve operational efficiency.

How is the implementation of Business Intelligence?

A company that masters the information and knowledge of its data can be much more productive and have better profitability than organizations that do not keep their data in order.

To use this tool and gain an advantage over the competition, organizations must distinguish strategies, technologies, enterprise software development services, and roles that refine their brand approach.

Currently, many companies implement plans based on Business Intelligence, which allows them to carry out their tasks in an agile way and make precise decisions. However, it is necessary to have a solid foundation and define requirements.

The steps to implement Business Intelligence include: 

  • Determine critical processes.
  • Define roles.
  • Specify metrics and indicators.
  • Identify sources of information.
  • Delimit architecture and technology.
  • Design panels together with users.
  • Manage the project with agile methodologies.

Benefits of Business Intelligence

This is one of the business strategies that resonates the most in the market, thanks to the fact that it combines business analysis, mining, visualization, tools, and data infrastructure to help organizations make accurate decisions and guarantee the future of companies. For this reason, it has a positive impact and numerous benefits:

  • Gather and analyze external and internal information, regardless of its origin or provenance.
  • Improves decision-making by being based on accurate data.
  • Promotes comprehensive reporting to handle large amounts of data.
  • Increases the ability to organize and forecast accurately.
  • It allows you to investigate consumer behaviors and trends in different markets.
  • Provides a more detailed perspective of the organization.
  • Identify each of the company’s failures; allowing them to be corrected and operational efficiency improved.

Business Intelligence Trends

Over the years, Business Intelligence continues to evolve and face the challenges that arise at the business level; For this and many other reasons, as 2022 passes and technological innovations emerge, BI allows those doors to become wider.

Below, we present the main transformations of this commercial strategy:

Business Intelligence becomes operational: With the use of operational business intelligence, also known as operational BI, data is collected from different sources, including user behavior and supply chain suspensions.

More accessible data: with the arrival of new functions, aimed at making data more accessible, BI had an advantage in terms of growth, because previously data analysis had remained in the hands of private profiles.

Information cloud: one of the most notable trends in BI is its adoption of cloud software, which requires information technology (IT) teams to continue operating and providing income to key business applications. .

Rise of Analytics: The enhancement of analytics promises an exciting future for data-driven businesses. Augmented analytics refers to the use of technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning.

Business Intelligence Predictions

Like any other software development, Business Intelligence will continue to grow and strengthen. The modern tools of this strategy open a world of possibilities in which data management will no longer be an impossible mission.

It is important to mention that thanks to the large number of abilities that this instrument has, it is expected to be worth $33,000,000,000 by 2025. Currently, this strategy provides various organizations with ingenious ways to improve productivity and increase profits. As technology advances, the future of BI looks increasingly promising.

Artificial Intelligence for Business Intelligence

When talking about Artificial Intelligence for Business Intelligence, it is normally believed that it is a physical and old-fashioned environment, where gigantic machines process data, but the reality is that it is a web development that allows the use of tools that help companies enhance their brand, facilitating data processing and offering a better customer experience.

Likewise, you can increase the number of sales; Thanks to the fact that there is an order to manage truthful and timely information, which allows predicting the client’s needs and improving communication.

With respect to marketing, both tools are very useful, as they help classify consumers according to their interests, profiles, or preferences to direct personalized recommendations.

In general, by combining Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, strong operational advantages are achieved. Between them:

  • Reduces decision-making times.
  • Improves processes and allows employees to focus on more important tasks.
  • Guarantee customer satisfaction.
  • Increases efficiency and operational agility.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a scientific discipline in the field of Artificial Intelligence that creates systems that learn automatically, that is, systems that are capable of identifying complex patterns in thousands of data.

This process is carried out by an algorithm that reviews the data and predicts future behaviors automatically, which means that they can be improved autonomously over time, without human intervention.

The future role of business intelligence

Business intelligence continually evolves according to business needs and software development services, so each year we identify current trends to keep users up to date with innovations. It is clear that artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to grow and that companies can integrate AI insights into a broader BI strategy. As companies strive to become more data-driven, efforts to share data and collaborate will increase. Data visualization will be even more essential for working together across teams and departments. This article is just an introduction to the world of business intelligence. BI offers near real-time sales tracking capabilities and allows users to discover insights into customer behavior, forecast profits, and more. Various industries such as retail, insurance, and oil have embraced BI, with more joining each year. BI platforms adapt to new technologies and the innovation of their users. Learn about all the trends and changes in business intelligence as we list the top 10 current trends in BI.

Data governance: Key importance for business success

The increase in the need to adequately structure and organize the information generated in companies has encouraged the application of Data Governance for productive and commercial management of the business.

For this reason, according to Webinarcare, companies that have Data Governance management manage to improve data analysis time by 2%, registering a 31% increase in confidence in the quality of the information obtained.

Currently, we find ourselves in a “ data society ”, made up of services that support it, such as Cloud Computing, artificial intelligence, and Big Data.

Learn a little more about these technological methodologies that support the growing culture of intelligent Data Governance in companies.

Data Governance

What is Data Governance?

For Google Cloud, Data Governance is a process focused on the rigorous management of information throughout its useful life cycle for the custom software development company, starting from its creation or origin to the application of the analysis results obtained.

Hence, data governance uses the availability, integrity, usability, and security of information to generate the necessary insight into the company’s decision-making.

Its main objective is to increase business productivity, reduce the use of resources, and maximize the security of stored data.

All productive areas can be covered in aspects such as:

  1. Internal company policies and procedures.
  2. Production, distribution, and marketing processes.
  3. Management of human talent and collaborators.
  4. Use of technological resources involved in the management of business processes.

In short, data governance allows you to execute correct decision-making by providing you with more accurate analysis and results of your company’s situation based on the information obtained from the business.

Data governance components

The framework under which Data Governance actions are developed is made up of the policies, rules, processes, business areas and technology implemented in the company.

For TechTarget , this framework must detail aspects such as:

  1. Mission, objectives, and metrics.
  2. Responsible for decision-making and accountability.
  3. Detailed documentation of each process and role.

In the case of technology, tools such as Robotic Process Automation are not a mandatory part of management, but they allow for streamlining the workflow, as well as collaboration and compliance with company policies.

These software are also used to create data catalogs (file and record structure) and other functions that promote governance in the company.

Importance of data governance.

As Data Governance is a system for making business decisions based on the analysis of processes related to information, each individual or group involved in the process becomes responsible for the company’s most precious asset: the data.

These figures reflect the confidence that data governance offers within an organization by providing effective solutions in the management of information in aspects such as sales projections and forecasts, business opportunities, improvements in production processes, etc., 

The alignment of information with business policies under an environment of stability and security has generated this adequate environment to obtain more competitive results.

Therefore, among the notable advantages obtained by implementing this data governance, the following stand out:

  1. Increase in business operational efficiency. Improves production, as well as monitoring processes effectively so that they meet objectives and mitigate errors.
  2. Reduction in costs. By having more assertive activities with less use of resources, the operational costs of the business are reduced.
  3. Increased profitability. Productivity is increased, reducing costs, and allowing for more efficient and economical products and services in greater volume.
  4. Reduction of risks. When you manage data in a controlled and protected environment under processes validated by data governance, you provide reliable final results.
  5. Optimizing data security. The use of technological tools for the digital transformation of the business through solutions such as Cloud Computing and all associated services helps you shield both On-premise and Cloud operations.
  6. Making more precise and correct decisions. Good information governance will always lead to the best results and benefits for software development services and other companies. 

Data Governance Principles

To achieve the benefits described above, PowerData mentions that certain parameters must be followed that will allow you to solve data-related problems efficiently. 

Among these principles, we can mention the following:

  1. Integrity: All participants in data governance must be communicative and truthful in information-related processes.
  2. Transparency: From entering the data in each process, until obtaining the results, it must be done clearly and without manipulation that alters the integrity or content.
  3. Auditability: Data Governance must offer better control of audit processes since it has adequate documentation that supports verification requirements.
  4. Responsibility: Clearly define the tasks and those responsible for making decisions.
  5. Control and Balance: The incorporation of technology in the business must be in correct accordance with the management of standards and requirements in the collection of information.
  6. Standardization: Clear and unique processes must be created that support the data, without generating doubts or operational dualities.
  7. Change management: Data Governance should enable proactive and reactive activities to reference data values, master data, and metadata. 

In summary

The need for companies to effectively regulate the information generated through their operations has allowed Data Governance to cover business sectors with great impact such as banking, finance, and commerce.

These data management projects target all companies regardless of their size, providing continuous improvement of their operations thanks to the establishment of consolidated guidelines with business objectives and appropriate technology.

We know that it is not a process that takes time to carry out, but it can be achieved more easily if changes are applied in the processing of information associated with this culture of data governance.

Design thinking in UX/UI design

To make a profitable product, it needs to solve the right problem for the right audience. We understand that, as a startup founder, you may be a bit biased with your idea. And that’s ok. Design thinking and a bit of common sense will come to the rescue.

Contrary to a common misconception, design is not really about design. It’s used as a solution-driving force by UI UX Design services agencies in the business, healthcare, finance, etc. However, as we’re designers who often work in different domains, we’ll talk about what design thinking actually has in common with design. Especially, considering the design disciplines are changing their focus from the objects of design (old) to the purpose of designing (new).

Design thinking is about problem-solving.

Design – isn’t just pretty visuals, but rather heavy problem-solving.

In order to find the most effective and reliable way to solve a design issue you’ll be conducting research and defining what is the right problem (sometimes it may be different from what you or your customer expects it to be) and once the real issue is completely clarified you can follow the next steps to solve it:

Define the pain points;

Generate ideas on how to overcome the obstacles;

Create the prototype;

Test it.

Why is design thinking important?

Globally speaking, it’s a way of transforming your users’ lives for the better.

Design thinking contains 5 steps that cure users’ real pain points with the help of human-centered design.

Originally, the design thinking concept was formalized to help creative professionals understand the business better and to help businessmen leverage the creative process better.

This procedure isn’t fully linear. Using trial and error you may want to return to a certain phase and repeat it. Oftentimes, you gain a deeper understanding of what you’re actually doing.  At the end of the day, you reach an outcome that satisfies the user’s needs and solves his/her problem or satisfies a desire. Otherwise, why else would people be your clients?

The design thinking methodology allows us to answer daily questions like ‘How to develop a unique business concept?’, ‘what solution is the best for my new business partner?’, ‘how to develop my MVP in the shortest terms?’, ‘how to cut on the estimation time?’, ‘how to accelerate the development process?’ and many, many others.

What’s obvious to one person, can be absolutely not noticed by another.

That’s why it’s crucial that the teams involved in the design thinking process are multidisciplinary. It allows you to get as many points of view from as many different perspectives as possible. Now you can see the problem from an unbiased angle (with a fresh eye).

Phases of design thinking

Let’s quickly go over what you need to know about the 5 key design thinking phases. Referencing to d.school in Stanford University these are:

  • Empathize;
  • Define;
  • Ideate;
  • Prototype;
  • Test;

Design thinking in UX/UI design – phases_bg – Qubstudio

For a better understanding, let’s consider each one in detail. However, let’s keep in mind that if at any stage one of the steps fails, they can go parallel or repeat.

1. Empathize

You are not your target audience.

How often do designers design for designers?

That’s why you’re or your designers’ assumptions based on your vision of problems might not be 100% relevant.

That’s why empathy is the heart of human-centered design. Doing any UI UX design services without it makes pretty much no sense.

You can have empathy as the ability to stick your eyes to any subject or person. For example, if you were the driver, empathizing would mean seeing the world as if you were a passenger, wheel, car radio, seat, air conditioner, etc.

You’ll move away from your own assumptions and start understanding the user and concentrating on their experiences, especially emotional ones.

The other crucial aspect of the empathy phase is to find your user and get (find/receive) as much data as possible. By running data-driven decisions, you’ll make better conclusions about what people are doing, and why and learn about their emotional and physical needs.

The following hints will help you instantly get closer to your users:

  1. In-depth interviews – talk to a target audience representative in an informal atmosphere. Encourage stories, ask open-ended questions, ask ‘why?’, and dig for emotions.
  2. Observe people in their natural environment. Open or hidden, keep in mind, that when people don’t know they’re being observed, they calmly play and behave as usual. You can apply the ‘one day of life’ observation method. Long story short, you ask a person to record every hour everything that happens to him/her.
  3. Diving in their environment to try to experience yourself. For example, how we talk about how we buy products and how we actually behave in a supermarket are different things:
  • Guided tour: Literally intruding into the user’s life and observing his/her home or workplace (or another environment) of the person you’re designing for can reveal true user behavior, habits, and values.
  • Service safari: People are asked to go out ‘into the wild’ and explore examples of what they think good and bad service experiences are.
  • Walk in their shoes: Try your end-user experience by yourself, eat where they eat, spend what they spend, and live how they. Use limits they are experiencing. Record all the data with a photo or video camera.

Understanding your users is key to innovation.

Alright, we’ve gained the data about users. We know, understand and even feel them. So what?

It’s time to define the problem and pain these users are trying to solve.

2. Define

The next stage of Design Thinking is ‘Define the problem’. You need to collect and process all the information you have received in the previous step. It’s time to analyze all the data collected from observations and interviews.

The main value of this stage is to form questions (challenge). Just think of need as a verb, not a noun. There are three types of needs: Explicit needs, Implicit needs, and Needs’ meaning. To get answers that reflect reality, make sure you spend time thinking through your questions thoroughly. The way people answer questions is pretty much determined by the questions asked.

In order to identify the problem correctly, it is necessary to process the received information in the following order:

  • Write down all the problems on the stickers. One sticker – one problem that was announced by your user (hang everything on the wall or on the board).
  • After identifying all the problems it is necessary to group them by a similar symptom (insight), provide a title for each group, and figure out the connections between them.
  • Identify critical problems, and ‘pain points’ as room for improvement.
  • Vote to identify the problems you will try to solve.

After the definition of the problem, the next step would be creating a user persona goal-oriented, paying attention to the insights that you received during the interview.

The next thing is to work out the case ‘point of view’.

Here are some examples of how we create it:

First sight:

User: Alexa

Need: buy a present

Insight: an important date is coming soon and she needs a gift

Real purpose:

User:  A young doctor who spends most of her time on work or studying

Need: do something nice for someone special

Insight: she loves a person who needs to buy a gift but she is a very busy person and doesn’t have enough time to search for a really nice gift.

Create a POV using a simple formula:

Use it to capture and harmonize 3 key elements of a POV: user, need, and insight.

And now it’s time to ask a question. So you choose the problem and rehash it into the question. Ask yourself  ‘How may we?’ – how can we help? Then include the user in your phrasing.

How May/Can We help Alexa to buy a present in one click (fast)?


  • Human-centered
  • Broad enough to keep it creative
  • Narrow enough to make it manageable
  • After forming the right question, you are ready to move to the next step.

3. Ideate

After two previous stages, you can move on with idea generation.

This is the phase where we switch from learning about users and problems to generating solutions for them.

The following tools can help you move forward in this stage: Brainwriting, Worst Possible Idea, and SCAMPER. We’re going to use Brainstorming (ed. mostly because the article author loves this method the most).

Before starting with this methodology, you need to remember the following rules:

  • Say ‘No’ to judgment (DON’T KILL AN IDEA).
  • Say ‘Yes’ to the wildest ideas.
  • Build your idea over the ideas of others (Yes, and…)
  • Go for quantity.
  • Make one conversation at a time.
  • Don’t forget to visualize each idea.
  • Ditch obvious, generic, and obvious ideas.

Start with group generation (20-30 min). Put all the ideas on the stickers. Take 10-15 min to do individual work. Make participants use this time to generate 2 maybe 3 more ideas. See more: IDEO.org’s Brainstorms Rules.

At a certain point, our brain can stop distinguishing good ideas from bad. So it’s time to use the collective mind.

Once you’re done with idea generation (meaning: neither you nor your team will be able to invent at least one more, even at gunpoint) it’s time to choose the one to process during the next steps. To identify viable ideas, they need to be filtered, so the best way is to allow everyone to vote (each member of the team must have 3 votes).

4. Prototype

A simple prototype can do so much.

Why do you need it? Think of this as MVP for MVP. Fail fast and learn quickly. There is no need to spend much time and money on the implementation, just to discover that your assumptions don’t work. Don’t postpone the process until it’s too late and too expensive to fail. Follow the rule  – ‘five minutes and a few cents’. You’re learning fastest by doing.

In order to create an interface prototype you can use:

  • paper to a wireframe by hand
  • live prototype using additional programs
  • vector prototype using the Sketch.

Here’s another rule of thumb – your prototype should not need a software developer.

Moreover, your creative process is not limited at all. You can also use many other materials:

  • cardboard or paper model;
  • storyboard (draw a step-by-step usage scenario).

5. Test

This is the last step, and the best solution is to test your prototype on the same people you have interviewed in the Empathy phase.

It’s crucial that you collect feedback from real people who are using or are going to use your solution. And adequately react to it (which isn’t that easy, if you’re not a robot).

The feedback perception rules are as follows:

  • don’t sell
  • don’t defend
  • ask ‘why?’
  • notice everything.

You can try to give the users a task or simply show them a prototype and follow their actions.

The main task is to understand if there is something that really affects a person and if so, you can start with MVP implementation.  Once the first version is ready you can start over with a more detailed and deeper testing. Still, you need to understand (and be mentally ready:) This step can bring you back to the idea generation phase if your MVP wasn’t really helpful enough to your users.

Iterations are the basis of good UI UX design services. Therefore, you’ll probably need to repeat the entire design thinking process or its individual stages.

Design Thinking and ‘Outside the Box’ Thinking, are the same?

According to the design thinking approach, we must question our knowledge continuously. Such a method enables redefining problems, and finding alternative strategies and ways out. As a result, new solutions contribute to business and personal improvement.

The definition of ‘design thinking’ is often associated with thinking ‘outside the box’. And really, in both cases, the specialists strive to develop new concepts and cognitive methods in order to invent better problem-solving methods.

For example, ‘thinking outside the box’ as an element of design thinking can be mentioned in the work of an artist. Creative people keep on developing their drawing skills, analyzing the outcome, and watching how their creations impact human minds.

The goal is to provide the best solution after:

You analyze the way users interact with it;

Investigate the conditions the product will work in;

Dive deeper into user impressions;

Constantly improve the user experience.

All in all, ‘outside the box’ thinking is simply one of the methods employed by design thinking.

How you can apply design thinking in everyday life (examples with explanations)

Design thinking in UI UX design services – Workshop illustration_bg – Qub Studio

If you implement design thinking in your daily life it will be much easier for you to use it for your business.

Be human-centric

In your daily routines, think of humans first. For example, each time you plan your visit to your parents, think of what they would like to hear from you and build a conversation in such a way.

Exercise your memory

Our mind capabilities are limitless. Try various trainers for memory, read professional literature, extend your contacts, and communicate with different people. Enhance your way of thinking.

Redesign the world around you

All of us need some changes in our lives. Start from the basic things. Add some new colors to your wardrobe, redesign your apartment, visit a new country, and take a look at some new landscapes and places. Something unusual and interesting happens every day and every minute, just don’t be too lazy to look for it.

Use Prototyping

Before making the weighty life choices, build the imaginable ‘prototype’, and visualize the consequences. Build the user journey (in this case – your own journey) and try to estimate the potential risks.

10 ways to speed up the Opencart 3 and 4 – website speed optimization

In this Opencart tutorial on website speed optimization, we are showing you 10 ways to speed up Opencart 3 and 4 which you can do from the free Opencart module and tips provided below. This helps to optimize website speed in Opencart and increase opencart page load speed.

Choose a better hosting provider and better cache module

Just choose a better hosting provider for Opencart, better is always expensive so choose as per your budget. Choose a good cache module for Opencart. If you are using the shared hosting then ask them which cache are they providing and use the cache module as per it, our is using LSCache so we use the LSCache module.

Defer all the extra CSS and JS at the footer.

In the module, we just defer all the JavaScript with ‘defer=”defer”‘, with this, the script will not run until after the page has loaded, better to use only for the external scripts.

<script defer='defer' src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

For jQuery, we load at first because it is a building block so we load at the header and without defer. The following is the Ocmod XML which makes those changes. This is done with above downloaded module and works only for the Opencart 3, for opencart 4 we will provide it soon.

<file path="catalog/controller/common/header.php">
		      $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
      <add position="replace">
        $data['links'] ="";
          //$data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
		$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
      $data['styles'] ="";
  //$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/controller/common/footer.php">
		$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts('footer');
]]>      </search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
    $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
    $data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
    //$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/header.twig">
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="6"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">-->
]]>      </add>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="3"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>-->
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/footer.twig">
        <![CDATA[{% for script in scripts %}]]>
      <add position="before"><![CDATA[
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">
{% for style in styles %} 
<link href="{{ style.href }}" type="text/css" rel="{{ style.rel }}" media="{{ style.media }}" />
{% endfor %}
{% for link in links %}
<link href="{{ link.href }}" rel="{{ link.rel }}" />
{% endfor %}
<script defer="defer" src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </add>

Use the image sizes properly

One idea to size the image is to use the ratio in all image settings. The best image ratio is 16:9. So, create images of size 1200px width and 675 px height and in all settings use a 16:9 ratio. Go to Admin >> Extensions >> Extensions >> Choose Theme as extension type >> Then edit your active theme >> Then enter the sizes for Images in the ratio of 16:9, like we are using it as:

Opencart image sizes width and height

Use the proper extension for the image:

JPEGs are for photographs and realistic images. PNGs are for line art, text-heavy images, and images with few colors. See the difference

PNG vs JPEG load time

You can easily convert the PNG to jpeg or jpeg to PNG online as well as on Photoshop. Like, we use https://www.photopea.com/ online tool to convert them which is easy and fast.

Convert Jpeg to Png

Optimize the image properly

Use the ImageOptim for properly optimizing the image. It optimizes as per the page speed insight. You can download the ImageOptim here. Right-click the image and open with ImageOptim and it will optimize and replace the image with an optimized one.

image optimizer opencart

Lazy loading of images:

With just adding loading=”lazy” in the image tag it will lazy load the images.

 <img loading="lazy" src="catalog/language/en-gb/en-gb.png" alt="English" title="English">

Created one module for lazy loading of the image:

<file path="catalog/view/theme/*/*/*/*.twig|catalog/view/theme/*/template/*/*/*.twig">
        <![CDATA[<img ]]>
      <add position="replace">
        <![CDATA[<img loading="lazy"   ]]>

GZIP for more efficient transfer to requesting clients. The compression level must be between 0 – 9.

Gzip Compression is an effective way to reduce the size of files. To enable the text compression in Opencart, go to Admin >> System >> Settings >> Server tab >> Add the “Output Compression Level”. The value should be 0-9, what we find out is most of the time it works above 5 but hit and trial is the only option that we see. With these, it minimizes the byte size of network responses and fewer bytes means the page loads fast.

Speed up the repeat visit by serving static assets with an efficient cache policy 

You can serve static assets with an efficient cache policy by adding the following code in the .htaccess file, these are just our ideas, you can make changes as per your requirement and this is code to add on the .htaccess for Apache server, if you are using nginx then you can configure similarly

# Set up 1 week caching on javascript and CSS
<FilesMatch “\.(js|css)$”>
ExpiresDefault A604800
Header append Cache-Control “proxy-revalidate”
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
# LBROWSERCSTART Browser Caching
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/gif “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/png “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType text/css “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/html “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/xhtml-xml “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/pdf “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access 1 month”
ExpiresDefault “access 1 month”

Compress and minify the output

<file path="system/library/response.php">
            <search position="replace"><![CDATA[
    public function output() {
    public function output() {
        if ($this->output) {
            $this->output = preg_replace("/(\n)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\r\n+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\t)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\ )+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>(\n)+</", '><', $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>\r\n</", '><', $this->output);

Minify your HTML, CSS, and JS

<file path="system/library/template.php">
      <search><![CDATA[return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);]]></search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
    if (strpos($template, 'template/') !== false) {
        return $this->minify($this->adaptor->render($template, $cache));
    } else {
        return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);
            ]]>      </add>
      <search><![CDATA[private $adaptor;]]></search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
	 * @param	string	$body
	 * @return	string
	public function minify($body) {
        $search = array(
            '/\>[^\S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space
            '/[^\S ]+\</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space
            '/(\s)+/s',         // shorten multiple whitespace sequences
        $replace = array(
        $body = preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);
        return $body;
            ]]>      </add>

Index the database table

First backup your database.
Download the turbo.php, upload it where Opencart is installed, run YOURSITEURL/turbo.php and click the “Add Database Indexes” button, this will index all the database tables as per column name.


Or you can run the following SQL directly in your database:

ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `parent_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `top` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `sort_order` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category` ADD INDEX ( `status` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_category_description` ADD INDEX ( `language_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_category_to_store` ADD INDEX ( `store_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_category_path` ADD INDEX ( `path_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `model` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `sku` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `upc` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `manufacturer_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `sort_order` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product` ADD INDEX ( `status` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `product_option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `product_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `option_value_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_to_category` ADD INDEX ( `category_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_attribute` ADD INDEX ( `attribute_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_attribute` ADD INDEX ( `language_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_description` ADD INDEX ( `language_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_product_to_store` ADD INDEX ( `store_id` );
ALTER TABLE `oc_option` ADD INDEX ( `sort_order` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_option_description` ADD INDEX ( `name` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_option_value` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_option_value_description` ADD INDEX ( `option_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_url_alias` ADD INDEX ( `query` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_url_alias` ADD INDEX ( `keyword` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `oc_url_alias` ADD INDEX ( `url_alias_id` );

Developer or Designer tasks: Ensure text remains visible during Webfont load

Follow the idea provided at https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/02/font-display. Just for your information, we tried that and in our case, we used font-display: swap, and only works. Something like below:

@font-face {
font-family: ‘Arvo’;
font-display: swap;
src: local(‘Arvo’), url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/arvo/v9/rC7kKhY-eUDY-ucISTIf5PesZW2xOQ-xsNqO47m55DA.woff2) format(‘woff2’);

Look for Critical CSS: Defer unused CSS, remove all unused CSS on a page, and try to target CSS for each page.


In this way, you can perform the Opencart website speed optimization, please let us know if you have any other tips and tricks. You can visit Opencart SEO to read around 25 best practices for Opencart SEO. Let us know if you have questions or concerns so that we can help you out. Till then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Opencart video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The whole code XML is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <name>10 ways to speed up the Opencart site</name>
  <author>Rupak Nepali</author>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/*/*/*.twig|catalog/view/theme/*/template/*/*/*.twig">
        <![CDATA[<img ]]>
      <add position="replace">
        <![CDATA[<img loading="lazy"  ]]>
  <file path="system/library/response.php">
      <search position="replace"><![CDATA[
    public function output() {
            ]]>      </search>
    public function output() {
        /*source compressor*/
        if ($this->output) {
            //$this->output = preg_replace('/<!--(.|\n)*?-->/', " ", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/(\n)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\r\n+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\t)+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\n(\ )+/", "\n", $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>(\n)+</", '><', $this->output);
            $this->output = preg_replace("/\>\r\n</", '><', $this->output);
            ]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/controller/common/header.php">
		      $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
      <add position="replace">
        $data['links'] ="";
          //$data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
		$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
      $data['styles'] ="";
  //$data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/controller/common/footer.php">
		$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts('footer');
]]>      </search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
    $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks();
    $data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles();
    //$data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts();
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/header.twig">
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="6"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">-->
]]>      </add>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </search>
      <add position="replace" offset="3"><![CDATA[
<!--<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>-->
]]>      </add>
  <file path="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/footer.twig">
        <![CDATA[{% for script in scripts %}]]>
      <add position="before"><![CDATA[
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<link href="catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="catalog/view/theme/default/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">
{% for style in styles %} 
<link href="{{ style.href }}" type="text/css" rel="{{ style.rel }}" media="{{ style.media }}" />
{% endfor %}
{% for link in links %}
<link href="{{ link.href }}" rel="{{ link.rel }}" />
{% endfor %}
<script defer="defer" src="catalog/view/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="catalog/view/javascript/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
]]>      </add>
  <file path="system/library/template.php">
      <search><![CDATA[return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);]]></search>
      <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
    if (strpos($template, 'template/') !== false) {
        return $this->minify($this->adaptor->render($template, $cache));
    } else {
        return $this->adaptor->render($template, $cache);
            ]]>      </add>
      <search><![CDATA[private $adaptor;]]></search>
      <add position="after"><![CDATA[
	 * @param	string	$body
	 * @return	string
	public function minify($body) {
        $search = array(
            '/\>[^\S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space
            '/[^\S ]+\</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space
            '/(\s)+/s',         // shorten multiple whitespace sequences
        $replace = array(
        $body = preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);
        return $body;
            ]]>      </add>

10 eCommerce Automation Ideas to implement on the Website in 2024

eCommerce automation simply means switching manual tasks into automated ones through software. With the advancement of technologies, shopping can be done in Just Walk Out Technology, the checkout-free shopping experience is introduced. Just Walk Out Technology detects products taken from or returned in the cart automatically and when you leave the store it charges you automatically on the card that you sign up for. So, to keep up with enhancement and competitors, we need to automate the workflow of your eCommerce as much as possible. Tasks like billing, email checking, notifications, and other similar tasks are easily carried out through automation.

Automating your online store may not cause any harm to your employers but saves their precious time. It boosts customer interaction, creativity corners, and big-picture thinking. All these things have really important roles in the line of your business.

Here are some of the best lists of eCommerce automation ideas that will prove themselves fruitful for your eCommerce.

Online Try-Ons with 3D visualization, VR and AR

With the introduction of cutting-edge innovative technologies like computer vision, VR, AR, sensor fusion, and deep learning, now it is possible to implement the online virtual Try-Ons so the customers can experience the 3D look and try it online and accurately sizing. AR technology will help with 3D visualization so the customers can try as many clothes as they want and keep on trying until they are fully satisfied. Having these kinds of technologies implemented, there will be an increase in conversions, reduced returns, personalization, safe, and security.

AR VR 3D Tryon

Read about: How e-Commerce will be affected by Web 3.0 and blockchain?

Recommender system with machine learning algorithms

The recommender system is part of machine learning and all big companies like eBay, Amazon, Walmart, google shopping, etc everyone use some sort of recommender system. As you see “Recommended Products”, “Sponsored Products” and many other sections of the page show different products for everyone, so it is recommending similar products as per your search, order history, geographic, demographic, etc. It keeps on learning what are your preferences, ideas and predict what products you like and recommend similarly, with which the conversions can increase. The recommendation can be content-based, collaborative filtering, item-based, user-based, scoring each item, ranking, and re-ranking, analysis of criteria or constraints with machine learning and provide relevant things that are expected as a recommendation, so in this evolving using recommender system in eCommerce website and we highly recommend to use it as it can help on increasing the conversions.

Extensive use of API and Web Services

APIs are easy to use by third parties, such as providing helpful documentation, monitoring API performance, and even monetizing API usage. With APIs, you can connect data, apps, devices—all the “things” you need to speed innovation with APIs and microservices. A web service for automating shopping over the Internet from a portable mobile device accessed by a user. First, shopping automation is considered a hardware system like an embedded device product. They are connected to the network through protocols. At the same time, portable mobile devices also use the WAP protocol to connect to the network. So, to automate development and innovate easily and maximize the investment, extensive use of API and web services are important.

Read More: Pull products from another website through API and syndicate it

Opencart API

Image and video interactivity and quality 

Image interactivity technology enables the creation and manipulation of product images on websites, affects experiential value and instrumental value. So having quality and interactive images and video can help a lot. Like a 360° view of the products, like for example if selling cars, exterior 360°view and interior 360° view and multiple quality images may help get the assurance of the customers. Factors dependent upon Web site interactivity have been embraced by online marketers to entice the consumer to visit the site, purchase online, and be satisfied enough to get a repeat visitor/customer

Addresses Automation – use google map API to automate the Shipping Address and Payment Address

The Place Address Autocomplete form gets selected addresses from the Google Places database and uses them to fill out the address form automatically. Automatic address form filler is important and useful when you are using a shipping address for an online order, a credit card billing address, a ridesharing booking form, etc. You can easily integrate the google map API to your checkout form with something like the below:


Google map at the opencart store
how to show the shop on the google map

Cognitive behavioral analysis of the Customer

You can boost your eCommerce up to 95 percent only by paying attention to your customers by just 5 percent. Google will display the results in different ways, depending on what is most useful for the type of information you are looking for with analysis of components of cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, browser cookies, browser history, etc. Once you search in one platform for example google.com then it will show the ads and similar products or content on Youtube, Google maps, etc. So, cognitive-behavioral analysis of the customers is very important to understand your customers and improve as per it. Like

  • Collect feedback after every sale

Honest reviews matter in the line of your eCommerce business. They can make or break your online store. To have honest and good reviews, you need to gather your customers’ reviews on every sale. You can encourage reviews by sending follow-up emails to your customers. Simply, you can provide the link where your customers can share their reviews.

  • Trace negative feedbacks

If you ever receive any bad reviews on your sales products, make sure that you are responding to them. Find out the case and cause behind it. Never let anyone joke about your market products as it has a catastrophic effect on your eCommerce.

Dropshipping is beneficial

Many of the eCommerce businesses automate order fulfillment so businesses do not need to think about logistics like shipping, payment, etc and this is possible by dropshipping. Dropshipping means simply adding products to your store and shipping them directly to the customers. Dropshipping lowers the risk of harming your eCommerce business as there is no inventory problem. You should be cautious in selecting the market products for your eCommerce store for dropshipping. But automating your eCommerce businesses just to handle websites can help you lower the risk and higher the profit.

Automate your inventory for low-stock items, Printing and sending shipping labels

It is so frustrating for the customers if they find any item out of stock. So, to handle such a hazardous situation you can automate your inventory list. Setting up a notification system, you can notify on time when you are nearly going out of stock. And thus you can lessen your customers’ frustration. Likewise, you can automate printing and sending shipping labels and also send the tracking numbers in just one click.

Email Automation: Sending reminders to your customers for re-orders

If your eCommerce business is related to products like health stuff, food, make-up stuff, then you should be sending reminders to your customers every week. They will need the items once they are out of it. Note the time of the product you sell to them and fix automated mailing on a specific date as a reminder. You can use the most outstanding eCommerce automation tools to sync the accounts of your daily eCommerce customers. So it may be easy for you to send your newsletter and emails to your customers. One example is like:

  • Send abandoned cart emails to your customers

Almost 80 percent of the cart emails are abandoned automatically. Abandoned cart emails help you get back all your old customers. You can integrate your eCommerce software with any native mailing provider.

Another simple workflow example of how to create subscribers from the website to Mailchimp and then log the activity to the Pardot marketing automation tool.

Mailchimp Pardot flow step

Read about: How to integrate Pardot on the website easily?

Social Media on Autopilot, Schedule social media posts for your eCommerce

To promote your eCommerce, you need to know about marketing tactics on social media but you don’t need to consume your energy on it, you can automate the posting of products, content automatically on social media platforms. These tools automatically post your schedule plans on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. You can boost your eCommerce with just a single click in today’s world. That is the reason we should opt for automation regarding our eCommerce projects.

In this way, you can implement multiple automation in your eCommerce website. Please let us know if need support to create any automation we have created automation for reporting, stock monitoring, batch processing, API analytics, and many more, as well as please post your questions or comments, or any other automation that you guys are using. In our upcoming posts, we will write about tools that we use for automation as well. You can follow us at our Twitter account @rupaknpl Facebook page @Webocreation. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for Opencart tutorials, and click to see other eCommerce tips and tricks.

Code flow, Request & response, and MVCL pattern in OpenCart -Video

Hi everyone, me Rupak Nepali. In our fifth video, we describe OpenCart objects and a list of methods. Today, in our sixth video we are going to describe OpenCart framework code flow and how requests and responses are handled by OpenCart. Describe how MVCL works in OpenCart which will create a good foundation to start programming in OpenCart.

 “OpenCart theme and Module development” book say “OpenCart is an e-commerce shopping cart application built with its own in-house framework which uses MVCL (Model, view, controller, and language)pattern. Thus, each module in OpenCart also follows the MVCL pattern. The controller creates logic and gathers data from the model and it passes data to display in the view.”

OpenCart is based on this MVCL pattern. Let’s see what is MVCL pattern:

  • The user request to the controller through URL,
  • The controller loads the language and set the variable for any text used in the data.
  • If data is needed from the database controller loads the model, ask for results and model send back results, then controller set results to data.
  • All these data are sent to View which renders and shows the output.
MVCL pattern
From OpenCart.com

In the catalog and admin directories, you can see a tree structure of MVCL so whenever we create modules or pages we follow these directories structure:

  • Controller – The controller loads the language and set the variable for any text used in the data. If data is needed from the database controller loads the model, ask for results and model send back results, then controller set results to data.
  • Model – Database layer – All calls to the database are done. It is to structure DB calls so that all other files have access to the same DB queries.
  • View – Presentation/Template/display layer – This is where the HTML and designing are done in the respective tpl files.
  • Language – Localization/Language – This is layer is to make the translation easy, variables and text are assigned and these folder files are translated to the respective language with the same variables name.

OpenCart handles each request with a simple pattern for every incoming request are interpreted by the routing URL “route=” and passed to controller class matching the URL route part which returns Response objects. The controller is the only file in the MVC-L framework to be accessed by URL in OpenCart. The controller is where all logic goes: it’s where you interpret the request and create a response.

It’s that easy! Yes!

  • Each request executes a front controller file
  • The routing system determines which Controller class index method will be executed based on information from the request and routing URL you’ve passed.
  • Returns the appropriate Response object.

Let’s see some example
Here “route=account/login”, it means that the controller to find in Opencart is catalog/controller/account/login.php as there is no third one so by default the method is index().

Here “route=account/return/add”, it means that the controller to find in Opencart is catalog/controller/account/return.php and method is add().

  • The controller name must be like Controller + directory path+ filename
  • If your file name contains (_) underscore then no need to add in controller name.
  • The controller class must extend the parent class i.e.Controller

Let’s check the code. Let say the user request the same URL http://webocreation.loc/index.php?route=account/login
With route=account/login, the controller to process is ControllerAccountLoginclass and index method.

Request and response flow in Opencart
MVCL Opencart 3 defined

So, by defining MVCL we completed our fifth video, we hope you liked it. As always please don’t forget to post your questions or comments so that I can add extra topics or things that I need to develop which will help to develop the quality of videos series. You can follow at my twitter account rupaknpl and subscribe to our youtube channel opencart tutorials. Similarly, keep on visiting my personal blog https://webocreation.com where you will find lots of free modules.

In the next video, the real fun program begins the “Hello World” Opencart module. So, see you in the next video and happy learning and thanks for watching videos.
See you.

What is UX/UI design and what are its advantages?

What is UX design?

UX is the design of products and services prioritizing the human being, with the aim of creating pleasant experiences for our users.

Donald Norman is credited with coining the term “user experience” in the late 1990s. Norman believed that regardless of your medium, UX Design encompasses all interactions between a potential customer and a company.

It is commonly thought that UI UX design services can only be used on digital products such as websites or mobile applications. However, it is a discipline that can be implemented in both digital and physical services or products.

Whether the user goes to the supermarket to do the grocery shopping, or books a hotel room from an application, UX design can be applied in both cases.

However, the tech industry has adopted the name and practically made it its own. For this reason, whenever we talk about UX design, we think exclusively of digital applications.

User experience is determined by how easy or difficult it is to interact with a product or service.

UX design seeks to answer the following questions:

  • Is the experience easy and intuitive or difficult and confusing?
  • What parts of the process are very complex and could be simplified?
  • Is enough information being provided to the user to make decisions in their process?
  • Does it feel “natural” to navigate the app or definitely not?
  • Does interacting with the app give people the feeling that they are efficiently accomplishing their desired tasks or does it feel like a struggle?

UX design in a nutshell

Here’s what you need to know about UX design in a nutshell:

  • User experience design is, in theory, a non-digital practice (cognitive science), but predominantly used and defined by the digital industry.
  • It is the process of developing and improving the quality of the interaction between a user and all interactions with a company
  • Focuses on the overall feel of the experience
  • The ultimate purpose of UX design is to create easy, efficient, relevant, and completely pleasant experiences for the user.

Now that we have understood what UX design is, we can define what UI design is.

What is UI design?

UI Design refers to the design of the user interface, that is, the graphic design of an application.

It consists of the buttons that users click, the text they read, images, sliders, text input fields, and all other elements that the user interacts with. That also includes screen layout, transitions, interface animations, and every micro-interaction.

UI design is the appearance of an application’s user interface (it’s how it looks) so it involves color combinations and button shapes, the width of the lines, and the fonts used for text.

UI design seeks to make the application’s interface attractive, visually stimulating, and appropriately styled to match the purpose and personality of the application.

UI design seeks to answer the following questions:

  • Do the colors and fonts match the company’s brand identity?
  • Are the animations and micro interactions fluid?
  • Is the visual aesthetic of the site consistent with the story you want to tell?
  • What will the application look like in its mobile version?
  • Is the design of the application visually pleasing to the customer?

Let’s say you mainly care about making the product look aesthetic or pretty.

UI design in a nutshell

  • UI Design Is a Purely Digital Practice
  • A UI designer will think about icons and buttons, typography, color schemes, spacing, images and responsive design
  • UI design transfers brand strengths and visual assets to a product’s interface , ensuring that the design is consistent, coherent, and aesthetically pleasing
  • The final objective of UI design is that the visual aesthetics of the product are pleasant for the user.

Differences between UX and UI

Let’s make an analogy to understand the differences between UX and UI.
Imagine a car rental website, the user interface design (UI design) includes its logo, typography, and composition; On the other hand,UI UX design services have to do with how easy it is to choose a car and the process of renting it.
It is important to understand that UX and UI go hand in hand, you cannot have one without the other. To have a good UX you must have a good UI and vice versa.

However, the main difference to keep in mind is this: UX design is all about the overall feel of the experience, while UI design is all about how the product’s interfaces look and work. A UX designer considers the entire user journey to solve a particular problem, what steps they take, what tasks they need to complete, and how easy the experience is. Much of their work focuses on discovering what kinds of problems and pain points users face and how a certain product could solve them.

You will conduct extensive user research to find out who your target users are and what their needs are in relation to a certain product.

Subsequently, the UX designer will map the user’s journey through a product considering: the information architecture, that is, how content is organized and labeled in a product, and what type of functions the user might need.

This way you will create diagrams that establish the basic plans of the product.

With the skeleton of the product mapped out, the UI designer steps in to bring it to life.

UI design considers all visual aspects of the user journey, including all individual screens and touchpoints the user may encounter.

In short, UX/UI design is the discipline of creating digital products that are simple, intuitive, efficient, and aesthetic for the end user.

The advantages of UX/UI design

Reaping the benefits of great UX/UI design is more vital than most think.

Every time a user does not intuitively understand what they have to do to complete the desired task, they will feel frustrated, as a result they will prefer not to use your application.

That is undoubtedly bad for your product.

It could damage your reputation and even affect your marketing and sales strategies. Here is the importance of a well-designed UX/UI.

Improve customer acquisition

Customer acquisition requires a lot of planning and strategizing, one of which is user experience.

Delivering a strong and valuable user experience gives businesses a huge competitive advantage in attracting and retaining their customers.

The more aesthetically pleasing a brand’s site design and the more intuitive the features are, the easier it will be for them to build trust and therefore the chances of the brand attracting more users and converting them into repeat customers will increase.

Optimize development time and cost through UX/UI

People hate using apps that are buggy, crash frequently, or have an outdated design.

Likewise, a website that is confusing to navigate, uses poor typography and disjointed color schemes, will have a high bounce rate.

These reasons point to the need for brands and companies to turn to a professional design agency because with their help, they will be able to integrate an efficient and optimized UX/UI, which will allow them to save valuable time and costs.

Companies that integrate UX/UI design into their development processes easily identify and address usability issues they encounter during and after development.

Designers can anticipate user needs before releasing the solution to a broader audience and ensure the design is scalable and flexible.

More user engagement

It is a priority for all UXUX designers to prioritize user engagement and use it to inform their design and style choices.

When a potential customer ends up on a brand’s website, the brand has three seconds to convince them that they’ve come to the right place. If you are successful with that, you will have another 30 seconds to hook it.

The easiest way to get visitors to interact with a brand’s site is to guide them toward a particular action through well-thought-out design.

It’s much better for a site to be direct and clear about what it’s supposed to do, and that should take priority over a complicated design that looks great.

How to start making a UX/UI effort in your company

Given all of the above, it is not surprising that good UX/UI design has gone from being desirable to becoming a priority for almost all companies. If you’re not sure how to get started at your company, these steps might help:

Know your industry and your users

Your task is to gain users, make sure you always think from their perspective. The first thing you should do before starting your UX design process is find out what your end users expect. You can achieve this through defining your user personas and studying your competition.

Make sure everyone in your organization knows about your user journey

Everyone on your team should understand users inside and out to resolve friction points and meet their needs. The UX team should have it almost tattooed, newcomers should learn it from you.

Involve everyone in the UX/UI strategy

Working with a happy and committed team will make it easier to connect with end users. To do this, treat your most valuable users, in this case, your employees, as you would your target audience.

Share user feedback with the entire company – even casual conversations with a few customers can drive new improvements or change the way you think. This may be enough to make your collaborators identify with customers and prioritize UX efforts to improve the company’s results.

Prioritize and develop

The Lean Startup philosophy might be helpful to you because it suggests starting small, and focusing on creating the UX design for an MVP rather than the entire product right away.

In that sense, you should start by defining which features are essential to show the value of your application and which can be postponed; Skip every action, screen, or feature that doesn’t help demonstrate your MVP. That will save you time, and money and help you focus on your unique value proposition.

Choose a simple and pleasant interface for the UX/UI of your site

The UI UX design services should be uncluttered and easy to navigate. As for the UI, you could build it using native platform UI components or libraries. This must coincide with the general principles of visual design (unity, balance, hierarchy, proportion, emphasis and contrast), in addition to the principles and conventions of internal design.

Tips to Overcome Mobile App Deployment Challenges

Launching a mobile app is a pivotal step in the app development journey. As a leading mobile app development company, we recognize the importance of making your app accessible across various platforms, guaranteeing flawless performance, and meeting diverse user expectations. Numerous challenges arise during this crucial implementation phase, potentially impacting the success of your application. Recognizing these challenges and implementing effective strategies to overcome them is essential for a seamless and triumphant application launch. In this article, we will explore the prevalent challenges encountered in mobile app deployment and offer practical tips, drawing from our expertise as a trusted mobile app development company, to ensure a successful launch.

Identification of Common Implementation Challenges

Before discussing the solutions, it is essential to understand the common challenges faced during mobile app deployment. These challenges often include:

Scalability: Ensuring that your application can handle an increasing number of users, functions, and resource demands without compromising performance.

Cross-platform compatibility: Address the unique requirements of various platforms (such as iOS and Android) and ensure that the app provides a consistent user experience.

Inadequate testing: Failure to thoroughly test the application across multiple devices, OS versions, and network conditions, resulting in undetected errors and performance issues.

App Store Optimization (ASO): Improving your app’s visibility in app stores, can significantly impact your success.

Monitor and improve application performance: Constantly collect and analyze user feedback and performance metrics to improve application quality and user experience.

Let’s explore these challenges and their solutions in more detail, starting with adopting a scalable architecture.

Adopt a Scalable Architecture

One of the most critical aspects of mobile app deployment is ensuring that your app can scale to accommodate the growing number of users, features, and resource demands. A scalable architecture allows you to add features, expand functionality, and increase capacity without overloading the system or compromising performance. Here are some practical tips for adopting a scalable architecture:

Make a growth strategy: Determine possible areas for expansion, such as more users, additional features, or system integration. Consider these factors during the design phase to ensure that your application architecture can adapt to growth-related changes without compromising performance.

Modular architecture: Implement a modular architecture that divides the application into independent and interconnected modules. This approach allows you to isolate and update specific components without affecting the entire system, making it easier to scale and maintain your application.

Optimize resource utilization: Ensure your application efficiently uses system resources (such as memory, CPU, and network resources) to avoid performance bottlenecks and ensure smooth operation at scale. To do this, you may use techniques like caching, data storage optimization, and network overhead reduction.

Make use of cloud-based services: Make use of infrastructure and cloud-based services for your mobile application. This approach allows you to quickly scale your application resources, such as server power and storage, in response to user demand. Cloud-based services offer built-in redundancy, security, and automatic updates, making scaling even simpler.

Load balancing: Distribute incoming requests across multiple servers to avoid overloading a single server and ensure high availability and reliability. Load balancing techniques can help your application handle increased user traffic without causing slowdowns or downtime.

Adopting a scalable architecture from the beginning will ensure that your application can grow and evolve, significantly improving its performance, stability, and user experience.

Prioritize Cross-platform Compatibility

With many devices, operating systems, and screen sizes on the market, ensuring cross-platform compatibility is essential to achieving a large user base and a seamless user experience. Developing apps that work seamlessly across platforms like Android, iOS, and the web can be challenging, but it’s crucial to the success of your app. Here are some tips for prioritizing cross-platform compatibility during the deployment process:

Use Cross-platform Development Frameworks

Several cross-platform development frameworks allow developers to create mobile applications for multiple platforms using a single code base. These frameworks, such as React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin, allow businesses to save time, effort, and resources while reducing potential implementation issues. Still, it is critical to carefully select the right framework based on your specific application requirements, technical expertise, and desired platform support.

Adhere to Platform-specific Design Guidelines

Every platform has its own set of design standards, elements of the user interface, and user experience requirements. To ensure smooth and consistent user experiences across platforms, it is essential to follow respective design guidelines, such as Material Design for Android and Human Interface Guidelines for iOS. While cross-platform frameworks can speed up the development process, adhering to platform-specific design principles will improve the user experience.

Consider Progressive Web Application Development

Another approach to prioritizing cross-platform compatibility is the development of progressive web applications (PWA). PWAs are web applications that offer a native experience on both mobile and desktop devices. They can be accessed through a web browser, can be installed on devices, and can work offline. PWAs can be an attractive option for businesses looking to reach a broader audience without developing standalone apps for multiple platforms.

Test on Real Devices

While emulators and simulators can be helpful during the development process, it is essential to test your app on multiple real devices with different operating systems, screen sizes, and hardware configurations. Testing on actual hardware ensures a more realistic evaluation of the app’s cross-platform capabilities by revealing how users interact with it in real time.

A Powerful Testing Strategy

Deploying mobile apps requires careful consideration of testing. An effective testing strategy helps identify and fix issues before deployment, ensuring a smooth user experience and reducing the chances of receiving negative reviews on the app store. To provide a quality application, consider implementing a testing strategy that consists of the following:

Functional Testing

Functional testing ensures the application works as intended and meets all specified requirements. Test every feature and functionality across all devices and platforms, checking buttons, navigation, forms, and other UI elements. Consistency is paramount, as users expect an app to perform similarly across platforms.

Test of Performance

Performance testing involves measuring the responsiveness, scalability, stability, and resource usage of the application under different conditions. This includes testing under different network conditions, device configurations, and user loads. Additionally, consider stress and load testing to ensure your application can handle maximum user traffic and scale smoothly as needed.

Security Testing

Security is a primary concern for both users and application developers. Protect user data and privacy by rigorously testing the application for vulnerabilities and data breaches. Implement encryption, authentication, and other security measures to ensure your application complies with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA.

Usability Testing

Usability testing involves evaluating the user interface and application experience from the user’s perspective. This process helps identify potential obstacles, confusing navigation, or counterintuitive layouts that could negatively impact the user experience. Gather feedback from real users and consider A/B testing to fine-tune the app’s usability.

In addition to these testing strategies, consider integrating with various testing tools, services, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate and optimize the testing process.

Incremental Implementation with A/B Testing

As businesses continually evolve and update their mobile applications, it is important to ensure that new features and improvements effectively meet user needs. Incremental deployment with A/B testing is a great way to minimize the risk of introducing new features that degrade the user experience. The following advice can help you implement A/B testing successfully:

Identify Key Metrics and Objectives

Before launching an A/B test, determine the key metrics and objectives you want to measure. These can include conversion rates, user engagement, session duration, or any other specific goal you want your app to achieve. Set benchmarks and establish criteria for a successful test.

Implement A/B Testing Scenarios

Create two or more versions of your program, each with a different feature or design component. These variations are then randomly shown to users to evaluate their performance against predetermined metrics. Employ appropriate tracking and analytics tools to closely monitor user interactions and collect user preferences and behavior information.

It is Analyzed and Repeated

After running the A/B test for a predetermined period, analyze the results to determine which variation performed best against the established metrics. Use these insights to make data-driven decisions and refine your application as needed. Continually iterate and test new features and improvements to optimize the user experience and achieve desired goals.

Utilizing incremental deployment with A/B testing is a strategic approach adopted by many companies to mitigate risks during the introduction of new features. Through this process, companies providing mobile application development services can gain valuable insights into user preferences, allowing for a refined and high-quality application that surpasses user expectations. This iterative deployment method not only enhances the overall user experience but also ensures a smoother integration of new features, showcasing the expertise of mobile application development services.

12+ Artificial Intelligence ideas that you can use for your eCommerce website

You already know that artificial intelligence can boost your eCommerce website sales. At the same time, you should understand that lacking proper use of artificial intelligence can be a giant threat to websites. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become essential in today’s world. Billions of market competitors compete in eCommerce on a daily basis. This is the reason you should know tips that can provide you with better opportunities in boosting your e-commerce up. Following are 12 proven AI tips that are regularly used by successful eCommerce websites:

Enhance full-proof Cybersecurity for your website

Cyber Security eCommerce

Always make no compromise with the security of your eCommerce. Hacking has been one of the heinous crimes in today’s growing world of online business. To lower the risk of hacking, you should select the most authentic spyware. Spywares are the most successful tools to counter any systematic harm to your eCommerce website.

Read More: 25 eCommerce websites security measures

Retargeting customers with AI

retargeting customer

It is not unheard of that AI plays a key role in retargeting your customers. What that means is that you analyze your customer’s purchase history, likes, dislikes, and behavior. Based on this analysis, you can “retarget” your customers with relevant products.

For example, if a customer has a history of purchasing men’s fashion products like wristwatches, men’s wallets, sunglasses, etc, you can show them relevant products. These products can be caps, T-shirts, and bags just to name a few.

Let your Artificial Intelligence tools dictate that, and see how your customers sustain a series of purchasing histories with you.

Read more: eCommerce conversion tracking with Google Analytics 4 and GTM

Automation of your website with AI

Artificial Intelligence has the best use in finding algorithms. It provides market retailers with all the information about what exactly they demand.

Automation keeps traffic to your eCommerce site. The task of producing customers can be done more effectively by AI. A recent survey from eMarketer shows that 65% of eCommerce businesses outperform their competitors that have their websites automated. The survey suggests that these eCommerce sites drive more traffic and repeat sales.

That is why it is inevitable to have your website automated. Consequently, this will bring you, loyal customers, in the long run.

Show Related Products to Customers Via Recommendations

Recommendations for the customers can be done through app developers. If you are unaware of the high-tech apps, then developers will help you out.

Basically, recommendations let your customers know about your brands. It collects all the data from the browsing history of customers.

Add ChatBots to your website

ChatBots allow and help your customers in the following ways:

  1. Letting your customer know what they want
  2. Answering the queries of your
  3.  Customers
  4. Act as a bridge between you and your customers 24/7

That is why it is pertinent for you to add chatbots to your website. Without chatbots, you are missing out on a massive opportunity for conversions and sales.

Read more: 40 cool projects for students in 2022

Add voice search & voice assistant to your eCommerce website

Voice Search

Artificial Intelligence has developed so vastly. There are voice assistants to buy things online. It is time-saving and customer-friendly.

In this regard, Google’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are the best AI voice assistants. You can easily add voice search functionalities supported by modern browsers by changing simple HTML code. You can: How to add voice search for input form?

Quora creative stats show that 60% of searches will take place through voice. OC&C research also shows that smart speaker searches will increase by 55% in 2022. So, make adequate use of voices searches and get the most out of them.

Forecast your sales

Forecasting your sales means letting your customers know about your daily, weekly, or monthly sales. This will benefit you in the following ways:

  1. It will create a better bond with your customers
  2. Builds trust in your customers
  3. Increase sale reliability rate.

That is why it is mandatory for you to have an estimated projection of your weekly, monthly, and yearly sales. And none can project your expected sales than Artificial Intelligence Software. HubSpot, Trello, Pipe Drive, and Gong.io are some of the best AI tools for sales projections.

Filter Fake Reviews

Reviews eCommerce

Fake reviews cause huge damage to your e-commerce. They also damage the reputation market brand.

 That is why you should be using artificial intelligence to clean up the harm. There are multiple software and AI tools for this purpose. So, make use of it as much as you.

Set up Google reCaptcha or Basic Captcha

AI-based Smart Searches

artificial search

Your brand should have a smart search engine. It conveys the following positive gesture to your customers:

  1. Gives a professional look to your eCommerce website
  2. Makes your eCommerce website interesting
  3. Makes your eCommerce website smarter
  4. Gives sufficient proof of your website to be the best one.

That is why it is necessary for your website to have smart searches.

Personalizing your eCommerce website

According to recent research conducted by Consultancy, 74% of eCommerce brands increase their sales through personalization.

You should personalize your website activity through the following ways:

  1. Keep updating fresh market products
  2. Engage yourself with customers all the time
  3. Update your market content
  4. Decrease transaction time.

These ways will help you personalize your website and will keep your customers engaged. As a result, you will notice an immense conversion rate and increase in your Year over Year (YoY) revenue.

Learn more: 5 phases in products selling life cycle of eCommerce in 2022 for startup business

Create Visual Search for your eCommerce website

It is very annoying for customers when they do not find the exact items on your e-commerce website. To avoid this, you should use NLP (natural language process).

Actually, NLP lets your customers search through pictures to match their market product. Thus, customers love shopping with you online.

Adding a visual search option to your e-commerce can boost up repeat sales and thus you can also get regular customers easily.

Add sale game options to your website

magic wheel

In order to attract potential sales and buyers should be the goal of your e-commerce website. Potential buyers are those buyers which are seriously interested in purchasing things from you.

Games like face recognition can help you in understanding the interest of your customers. Gaming also engages your customer to stay longer with your market brand.

Ways to increase eCommerce sales

Some additional AI ideas for your website

Better Customer Experience Via a 24/7 Customer Service

Real-Time Data Analysis

Active Engagement With Your Audience Via AI-based Automation

Self Designing & Building Functional Website Via AI Tools Like Take Maker

Artificial Intelligence Design (AID)

Better Solutions for Website Developers & Gamers Through AI

Proper Alignment of Sales & Marketing Team

Summing up

eCommerce websites need very careful precautions. If you want to get your eCommerce web boosted, you should be knowing basic tips. Simultaneously, you must have a hands-on understanding of Artificial Intelligence, since it plays a pivotal role in deciding the future of your eCommerce business.

That is why we have shared some of the most effective and useful artificial intelligence ideas that you can use for your eCommerce website. We are hopeful that these Artificial Intelligence ideas will help you in increasing the conversion rate and the Year over Year (YoY) revenue. Let us know if you have any other ways ideas of AI that you have used in eCommerce websites or have any questions or suggestions, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and read more about eCommerce, Web 3.0, blockchain, NFT, and the metaverse. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

How to sync two folders between two Google VM instances?

Let’s say your first VM instance is WEB1 and the second VM instance is WEB2. In the WEB1 VM instance, there is one folder called “uploads” at /var/www/html/wp-content/ and you want to transfer all the files and folders inside it to WEB2 at /var/www/html/wp-content so for that you can use the rsync command.

First, check if the rsync is installed in the WEB1 VM instance by running

rsync --version

Then check who you are, by running the command


Let’s say the output is WHOAMIOUTPUT. Now view the content of the public key

cat /home/WHOAMIOUTPUT/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

If no key is set then add the SSH key in the WEB1 VM instance just by running the following command:


Run the following command to see the SSH public key

cat /home/WHOAMIOUTPUT/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Copy the output, it starts with ssh-rsa ….

SSH public key

and add it to the Metadata of the Google Cloud.

Go to Google Cloud>> Select the project >> Compute Engine>> Metadata >> SSH KEYS tab edit it and enter the SSH public key that you copy from above at the end. If your WEB2 VM instance is in a different project then you need to select a different project.

Metadata Google Cloud Platform

Now find the IP of the WEB2 VM instance by going to Project >> Compute Engine >> VM instance and get the IP address of WEB2 VM, let’s say the IP is, then your command will be like below:

sudo rsync -e  "ssh -i /home/WHOAMIOUTPUT/.ssh/id_rsa" -avzh /FROM_FOLDER_Path WHOAMIOUTPUT@

When you have to move from the WEB1 var/www/html/wp-content/uploads folder to the WEB2 var/www/html/wp-content/ then below is an example command.

sudo rsync -e  "ssh -i /home/WHOAMIOUTPUT/.ssh/id_rsa" -avzh /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads WHOAMIOUTPUT@

In this way, you can sync two folders between two Google VM instances by which you may have removed the export-import processes. Please let us know if you know of any other easy way.

40 cool final year college projects for students in 2023

The final year project plays a vital role in deciding your career as a Computer Science student. The era of technology is constantly evolving and so is the need for great projects in the field. There are multi-billion dollar industries that demand great projects in the respective field – in order to be considered for recruitment. This raised the billion dollars question: What final-year project should I choose as a Computer Science Student in 2023? 

Well, we have got some answers and ideas that you can choose from. In this blog, we have gathered some of the most reliable final-year projects for the students of Computer Science for 2022. By the end of this blog, you will be able to:

  • Analyze different cool final-year projects for Computer Science. 
  • Get a hands-on idea of final project ideas. 
  • Decide the cool final-year project that will help you flourish in your career. 

Read More: Internship SWOT analysis final year report

Cool Final Year College Projects That You Can Do As A Computer Science Student in 2022

The field of Computer Science is one of the vast domains to study. It has an unwavering demand in the marketplace. Enterprises and high-paying companies yearn for efficient talents in the Computer Science field. Likewise, the final year college project is also equally important. This project opens the arenas of opportunities to be considered in these marketplaces. Here are some cool final year projects for Computer Science in 2022 that you can work on, we have made collections of around 40 projects, and we keep on writing for each project in our upcoming posts, so don’t forget to subscribe to our email list:

Decentralization projects ideas like:

Web 3.0 Stacks
  • eCommerce with Web 3.0 implementation
    The technology you can use are below and can make eCommerce implementation with Web 3.0 and decentralization environment:
    Frontend development with HTML, CSS, JS, React.
    Node Provider: Infura, Quicknode, Alchemy etc
    Smart Contracts: Solidity, Vyper, Rust etc
    Blockchain: Ethereum, Polygon, Solana etc
  • Decentralisation Finance (DeFi)

If it was Web 2.0 then the Currency Converter project would have been one good idea but with decentralization, it is better to work with Defi projects.

  • Non-fungible token (NFT)

Non-fungible token (NFT) generally alludes to a cryptographic resource on the blockchain that addresses a theoretical and interesting advanced thing like a piece of craftsmanship, a photograph, an in-game collectible, or a tweet that different resources can’t supplant on the grounds that it has a bunch of outstanding properties.

  • Decentralized Identification

Create a decentralized identification system so users don’t need to keep on sharing their information again and again on different platforms. Simplify access to DApps with single sign-on (SSO).

  • Marketplace for Cryptocurrencies
  • Decentralisation Applications (DApps)
  • Create new Cryptocurrencies
  • Peer to Peer (P2P) sharing

The popularity of Uber, Lyft, Didi, etc, nowadays ridesharing, delivery sharing, etc are becoming popular so these project ideas can also be one.

Read More: Final year E-commerce project eShopping Process model and functional diagram

Artificial Intelligence-related projects:

  • Location Detection
    Face detection is normal nowadays, how about location detection, let’s say big construction sites where each location work is detected and updated the Apps, so they can know what timing and things are needed to move forward? 
  • Spam & Fake Detector AI Apps
    Everyone wants to get rid of spam and remove them, so Spam and Fake Detector App can be a good project like you can create Fake Spam Detector by analyzing the patterns for the Products, etc.

Other Artificial Intelligence related projects include:

  • Artificial Intelligence-Based Staffing Solution. 
  • Android Assistant like Apple’s Siri. 
  • Workflow Automator Software. 
  • Auto-monitoring Software for Workspace. 
  • Communication Tracker & Scheduler App and Extension. 
  • Chatbot – App, Software, and Extension
  • Virtual Assistant (VA) for Windows and Desktops. 
  • Online Task Assignment and Management Tools like Hubspot and Trello. 
  • Shipment Tracker for Logistics. 
  • Artificial Data Validation Software like Plagiarism Checker

API related projects

Opencart API
  • Integrated API endpoints
    Build a single and integrated platform for all APIs and your one Endpoint will call all the APIs needed.
  • NASA free APIs
  • RapidAPI free APIs
  • Google free APIs like Google Maps projects

Read More: API call in eCommerce


  • Copyright system and implementation with NFT and cryptocurrencies
  • Manage multiple ads in one system and implement Prebid, so marketers can use Google ads, media ads, and other ads from one place
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Monitoring Tool
  • Search Engine Optimization (SE0) Monitoring Software
  • Product Auto-analyzer to See How the Product is Performing in the Market
  • Google Double Click Evaluation Tool
  • Micro & Macro Content Performance Evaluator 
  • Auto Lead Generation App

Read More: 13 proven tips and tricks to boost conversions for eCommerce

Future Predictor Applications

  • Stock Price Predictor application
    Fluctuation in Stock price is one of the growing concerns of modern marketplaces. The stock price sees numberless ebbs and flows every day. Once you reckon this as a problem, you can come up with a solution to it. The best solution would be to come up with software that detects the real-time stock price. 
    Essentially, you will assemble a stock valuation indicator that can foresee the future costs of stock. The best thing about working with financial exchange information is that it by and large has short input cycles. 
    This makes it simple for information examiners to utilize new market information to approve stock value forecasts. This financial exchange information will in general be exceptionally granular, different, and unpredictable.
    You can demonstrate it to find and gather comparative stocks dependent on their value developments and distinguish periods when there are critical changes in their costs.
  • Product stock prediction and data prediction as per the shipping timing, seasonal requirement, and emotional adjustment. Order the product as per the Stock needed.
  • We see lots of Weather predictors, how about Agriculture Product Predictor as per the weather so we can control what is needed? 
  • Music Recommendation App
  • Predictive Analyzer of Products before launching them
  • Luck Predictor App Based on Age and Interest

Health-related projects ideas:

  • Blood Gift and Blood Donation Center Locator
    This online blood gift device is intended to help individuals in finding blood benefactors in case of a crisis. Clients can join to give blood to a blood donation center or present a solicitation for blood. Clients can check out the benefactors’ profiles and request help from them.
    Crises ought to forever be tended to first. Therefore, this final year project makes Computer Science understudies foster this 2022. This framework will address the requirement for blood gifts when required by a patient. Patients can check their blood classification match and ask for help from the prospects.
  • Coronavirus-infected person locator
  • Disease Detector Apps, like Cancer, Allergy, etc
  • Tools for the Management of Medications:
    Automated Software to Monitor Medicines and Healthcare Products and Record Tracker App of Medicines and Drugs

Read More: Project Objectives for health Nutrition Program and Targets of Nutrition

Programming and Developer support systems

  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery which supports the developers
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring Software
  • Designing Multi-page Functional Website where you will auto-generate HTML & CSS, as you drag and drop modules

Read more: Best extensions of Visual Studio Code for PHP developer

Robotics Projects

  • Functional Robot for Multitasking
  • Goods Transporters Robot to Handle Logistics 
  • Bluetooth-controlled Robot for Cell Phones 
  • Remote Controlled Robot as a Virtual Assistant 
  • Intermediate and Higher Level Arino Robot

Fitness Project Ideas 

  • Exercise Tracker App
  • Recess Movement Analyzer
  • Auto Yoga Trainer Software 
  • Exercise Training Virtual Assistant Tool 
  • Goal Setter for Daily & Weekly Outing


  • Currency Convertor – With Real Time Conversion Rate
    Designing a Currency Converter – both app and extension – is one of the exciting projects for the final year project. As a Computer Science student, it is a noteworthy idea to come up with a solution to modern era’s challenges. 
    This undertaking includes incorporating a money converter that can change over one cash’s worth into another money unit. For example, you can change the Indian rupee into dollars or pounds – as well as the other way around. 
    The test that lies here is that the worth of monetary standards changes day by day. Nonetheless, you can address this issue by bringing in a dominant accounting page containing the refreshed cash esteems. To assemble this task, you should have the fundamental information on python programming and the Pygame library.
  • Banking System Reformation
  • Real-time Price Determinator
  • Export and Import Management on National and International Level
  • Micro and Macro Economics & Their Impacts on Currency Values 
  • Real Time Cost Opportunity Detector 
  • Fundamental Economics & Current State Budget

We hope these titles and some details help you to select your final year project easily and wish you the best of luck for your final year project. Let us know which project you are working on, maybe we work on providing you details to complete the project successfully. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions, please click to see other internships projects. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

13 UI/UX design tools that will be used in 2024

The need to constantly innovate and offer pleasant experiences is increasingly important for companies. That’s why in 2024, it’s no longer enough to master the basics. You also need to know which UI UX design service tools can help improve customer experiences and push your skills to the next level. So while you hone your skills to stay competitive, here are the 13 best UI/UX tools that will help you create innovative designs in 2024:

Table of Contents

  1. Sketch
  2. Adobe XD
  3. Balsamiq
  4. Axure
  5. Figma
  6. InVision Studio
  7. Framer
  8. Origami Studio
  9. FlowMap
  10. Proto.io
  11. Marvel
  12. Optimal workshop
  13. Webflow
  14. Hire UI/UX designers from StarTechUP!


If you’re a user interface designer, you’ve probably heard of Sketch. Not only is he popular, he’s practically a legend! Sketch is the go-to tool for designers, and it’s easy to see why.

Sketch is an all-in-one design toolset that covers the entire design process. With more than 700 extensions, it integrates perfectly with other programs. Equipped with a set of intuitive vector editing tools, it offers everything you need for a collaborative design journey, from initial ideation to delivery to the developer.

Although it was originally a Mac-only application, it now includes a web application accessible from any browser. However, a native Windows app remains unavailable.

Key features worth mentioning of Sketch:

  • Easy-to-use vector editing and editable Boolean operations for smooth iteration.
  • Infinite canvas, adaptable artboards, customizable presets, and grids for multiple screens.
  • Variable fonts and OpenType for complete typographic control.
  • Smart reusable components for a consistent design.
  • Cross-platform tools for collaboration and live feedback.

Adobe XD

When it comes to the best UX tools, we cannot ignore Adobe XD. It’s Adobe’s offering for UI UX design services, and let’s be honest, Adobe is like design software royalty. So it’s no surprise that they offer an all-inclusive design experience.

Adobe XD gives you vector-based UI tools to create amazing prototypes and mockups. Plus, the interface will be familiar, like other Adobe programs, so you’ll feel right at home.

XD is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, so you can expect it to be packed with features and functions to bring your designs to life. And the best? You can collaborate in real-time, making it the preferred choice of UI designers around the world.

Key features worth mentioning of Adobe XD:

  • User interface kits: Apple Design, Google Material Design, and Amazon Alexa, among others.
  • 3D transformations for depth and perspective (AR and VR possibilities).
  • Components and states for fast and scalable design. Create, update, and sync UI elements effortlessly.
  • Robust animation: video, Lottie playback, micro-animations, motion effects, scroll groups, anchor links.
  • Voice prototypes: voice commands, voice playback, integrated voice functions.


An esteemed wireframing tool, Balsamiq has stood the test of time, becoming a beloved staple in the UX/UI design world. Adored by designers, product managers, and innovators alike, Balsamiq steals the show as one of the best UI design tools out there.

Balsamiq combines the best of UI and UX, but what really makes it shine are its low-fidelity wireframes. With a deliberate choice of a hand-drawn and cartoonish style, he brings a playful and unique display of elements.

Balsamiq offers a wide range of UI controls and icons, both built-in and community-generated. With Balsamiq’s linking capabilities, UX designers create prototypes for demos or usability tests.

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you can easily create customizable templates, patterns, and component libraries for future designs. In fact, it is a very useful tool during the ideation phase thanks to its sketch aspect that encourages brainstorming.

Key features worth mentioning of Balsamiq:

  • Compatible with Mac and PC
  • Recreate the experience of drawing on a notepad or whiteboard
  • More emphasis on structure and content than features
  • Minimum learning curve
  • Hundreds of integrated components
  • Drag and drop function


Axure is the ultimate UI design tool that allows designers to create functional and realistic prototypes. With endless possibilities for event triggers, conditions, and actions, unleash your creativity to explore captivating digital experiences.

It is a powerful tool for creating UX documentation along with interactive prototypes. With support for mouse, touch, and keyboard events, you can trigger interactions and add conditions and variables to improve your prototypes.

Axure is also easy to use, especially with its handy widgets. For example, you can drag and drop text fields, drop-down lists, and radio buttons. Plus, with multi-state dynamic panels, you can create anything from pop-ups to scrolling and sliding mobile screens.

This tool is ideal for project managers who do not have design or programming knowledge. They can document any issues within the platform and get everyone on the same page, working toward the same goal.

Key features worth mentioning of Axure:

  • Share prototypes instantly using the Axure Cloud feature
  • Sync with Slack and Microsoft Teams for real-time updates
  • Documentation and prototypes to improve the exchange between designers and developers.
  • Update available for co-authoring, revision history, and team hosting.
  • Seamless project delivery with extensive documentation, ideal for non-coders.


Figma is a leading collaboration tool for UI design, effortlessly bridging the gap between designers, developers, and project managers. It’s a game-changer in the world of UX tools, boosting collaboration and unleashing limitless creativity.

This browser-based UX design tool offers you a wide range of features, including wireframing. You’ll find component-based schematic kits equipped with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. It’s very easy to insert, customize, and organize all the elements of your UI design.

FigJam, Figma’s collaboration environment, allows multiple designers to work simultaneously on a project. It’s like Google Docs, but for design. Get real-time information about who is online and actively working. See your team members’ progress and collaborate seamlessly.

Key features worth mentioning of Figma:

  • Auto Layout for responsive design
  • Perform Boolean operations for combinations of shapes
  • Interactive editing at 60 fps to preview sharp designs
  • Use Vector Networks pen tool for design

InVision Studio

InVision Studio is one of the tools in the InVision suite. It is accompanied by InVision Cloud, where you can connect, store and share your entire product design process. It has InVision DSM, a design systems manager, and a library to store and control all your brand and UX components.

InVision Studio simplifies communication for UI UX Design agencies. With collaboration features, it allows for instant feedback, real-time document updates, and a digital whiteboard for team collaboration and sharing ideas.

It is one of the most recommended tools for UX designers of all levels, as well as their collaborators throughout the product marketing organization. It is the ultimate tool for rapid prototyping and seamless approval processes.

Key features worth mentioning of Invison Studio:

  • Rapid UX Prototyping with Vector Drawings
  • InVision DSM centralizes brand assets for a single source of truth
  • Organize approved assets for the content marketing team


Framer, formerly known as Framer X, is a powerful UX tool that provides realistic product examples and prototypes. It is one of the best options for professional UI designers as it offers an intuitive interface and minimal learning curve.

Framer prides itself on being “the only prototyping software based on web technologies.” It is an amazing browser-based tool with drag and drop features. You can start with a blank canvas and incorporate pre-made components and interactive elements to bring your prototypes to life.

It also includes tons of plug-ins that offer UI designers a wide range of features such as UI kits, players, and other useful components. With UI kits, designers can easily integrate social media channels like Twitter and Snapchat.

Key features worth mentioning of framer:

  • Initial collaboration with JavaScript for development translation
  • Allows you to create complex augmented reality and virtual reality prototypes
  • Multiple UI tools for functional and usable prototypes
  • React support for modern web design

Origami Studio

Origami Studio was meticulously crafted by Facebook specifically for its designers, incorporating a touch of complexity that sets it apart from others like Sketch or InVision.

This platform offers you an easy-to-use interface and all the tools you need to build complete prototypes. Thanks to a sophisticated patch editor, designers have the opportunity to integrate advanced features. The final result? Prototypes that look and function like a real application or web page.

However, since it was initially created for Facebook designers but is now available for free, it has a bit of a learning curve. This can make it a complex prototyping tool for beginners.

But do not worry; Origami Studio is one of the most advanced UX design tools on the market that brings your designs to life with realistic interactions. Plus, it integrates perfectly with Sketch.

Key features worth mentioning of Origami studio:

  • Build logical prototypes with the patch editor
  • Access the patch library in real time for great functionality
  • Copy and paste Sketch layers seamlessly
  • All in one for prototyping, design, and animation


While many other tools try to combine UI and UX into a single platform, Flow Map focuses exclusively on the art of UI UX Design Services.

Flow app provides an easy way to map user flows using a low-fidelity, wireframe-style approach. You can easily create diagrams using shapes, lines, and icons. It’s perfect for visualizing the user journey, from beginning to final conversion goals.

The nice thing is that it allows you to iterate over a traditional sitemap in the form of a tree diagram while offering Trello-like features to track status.

Key features worth mentioning of Flowmap:

  • Includes user research features
  • Easy-to-use sitemap tool with collaboration support
  • The Personas feature helps in creating buyer personas
  • Organization chart tool for project collaboration, planning, and communication


Proto.io is undoubtedly one of the few UI and UX design tools that allow you to create high-fidelity prototypes with ease. It has really established itself as a competent software.

Proto.io equips designers with a comprehensive set of tools to organize, create, and test accurate mockups. Streamlines collaboration and enables fluid communication through video comments.

When it comes to integrating with testing tools, Proto.io integrates seamlessly with leading market testing tools such as Lookback, Userlytics, and Validately.

Key features worth mentioning of Proto.io:

  • 1,000+ customizable templates for web and mobile
  • 250+ UI components and 6,000+ digital assets
  • Plugins for Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and Photoshop
  • Various interactions: tactile, gestural, transitions


Whether you’re an experienced UI designer or just getting started in the role, Marvel’s design platform makes the design process a breeze.

Thanks to its simple design and prototyping tools, creating wireframes, designs, and prototypes is a breeze. Generate design specifications instantly and connect integrations to supercharge your workflow. And if you’re part of a large team, Marvel Enterprise 3 is here to help you create exceptional products at scale.

Marvel design software has a slight learning curve, making it very effective for efficient prototyping and interface design.

Key features worth mentioning of Marvel:

  • Prototypes, deliveries, and rapid tests
  • Integrates with Sketch, Jira, Maze, Smartmockups, etc.
  • Use gestures to create prototypes
  • Handoff includes HTML/CSS for developers

Optimal workshop

Optimal Workshop is the ultimate toolbox for UX research, bringing together 5 amazing tools in total:

OptimalSort: Card Sorting for Information Architecture Planning

Treejack: Evaluate website navigation and information search

Chalkmark: One-click testing tool for an intuitive interface

Questions: Create online surveys and add screening questions to capture the right participants.

Reframer: Organize information from qualitative research

The strength of this design platform lies in its ability to test and evaluate the usability, accessibility and intuitiveness of a website or app. Its solutions accurately measure the user experience of companies in various sectors.

Key features worth mentioning of Optimal workshop:

  • Integrated tools for professional UX designers
  • Create surveys, tests, focus groups, and interviews to gain insight into your user research.
  • Get detailed data about users and how they interact with your design.
  • Design easy-to-understand reports


With Webflow, design like a pro without needing any knowledge of HTML or CSS. It features intuitive drag-and-drop functionality that allows you to create stunning user interfaces effortlessly.

When you use Webflow to create a prototype, you’ll need to create a real website that generates precise HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code for micro-interactions. This saves you time. Instead of taking what’s sketched out in a prototype and building a design from scratch, you already have everything you need to hand the HTML code to a developer.

Webflow is a super scalable UI design tool that comes with a fast, reliable, and hassle-free hosting network. And if you don’t feel like starting from scratch, you can also use one of their templates!

Key features worth mentioning of Webflow:

  • Generate CSS, HTML, or Javascript for micro-interactions
  • Instant start with various UI templates
  • Supports CMS for SEO, social networks, and content marketing

React Native vs. Swift: which one should you choose?

Swift and react native always create confusion among developers about which one to choose for mobile app development. Both technologies are relatively new. React is JavaScript’s framework and Swift is Apple’s new programming language.

What is React Native?

React Native is used to develop applications for iOS and Android systems natively. It is a framework of Javascript. 

Complex cross-platform applications can be developed using React Native. React Native can be if your project is going to be large-scale and deeply rooted. It has extensive documentation and stronger support. 

Inside the company, Jordan Walke discovered a way to use a background JavaScript thread to create UI elements for iOS. To improve this prototype so that the technology can be used to develop native applications, Facebook decided to put together an internal Hackathon. 

After months of development, Facebook released the first version of React in 2015. Christopher Chedeau, during a technical conference, explained that Facebook was already using React Native in production.

The operating principles of React Native are virtually identical to those of ReactJs, other than RN does not manage the DOM over the virtual DOM. It operates directly in a background process on the end device, which explains the JavaScript written by developers.

Additionally, it interacts with the native device through serialization, and batch bridging, and facilitates asynchronous communications. Rather it uses pure JavaScript with JSX syntax.

Advantages of React Native

  • Known for its impeccable performance

The main benefit of React Native is it helps in improving performance through native controls and modules. By connecting to both native operating system components, React Native produces code for the native APIs freely and in advance. 

There is a performance improvement because it uses a separate thread from the native APIs and UI. 

  • Modular architecture

Program functions can be segregated into interchangeable and free blocks, called modules, by using modular programming. Development can be more versatile and coordinate with each other in a better way by using this software technique. 

React Native helps custom software development companies to update apps seamlessly and quickly because of its intuitive modular architecture. Just like codes for web and mobile APIs, modules can also be reused.

  • See changes instantly

Hot reloading or live reloading is something that React Native offers, and this allows developers to instantly see the changes that have been made to the code. These changes can be viewed simultaneously in another live preview window. Thanks to real-time feedback, developers gain a huge advantage.

  • Quickly release updates to your apps 

Releasing updates to apps used to be time-consuming as developers had to go through a separate build process again with each app. That process has been simplified with React Native. Along with updating both apps at once, the entire process has become simpler and can be completed faster.

As you develop updates and improvements for your end users, developers apply them through OTA (over-the-air) updates. These updates are deployed even when users use the app. 

So the next time the user opens the app, the update will be ready. There is no longer a need to manually update apps through app stores and get approval from Android or Apple which in turn saves a lot of time and speeds up the process. 

  • Extending an existing application

Do you have an existing application that you want to scale profitably? You can easily insert React Native UI components into your existing app without the need to rewrite the entire app. This can be a huge advantage, especially when you don’t want to rewrite the existing application entirely, but rather augment it.

To know more about the benefits of React Native, please read the Top 10 Advantages of React Native

Disadvantages of React Native

React Native, like any other technology, has its limitations. Facebook, together with the React Native community, is addressing most of these issues. Still, there are some limitations you should be aware of.

  • Not suitable for heavy-duty

React Native is a better choice when an app doesn’t need a lot of heavy lifting. If your apps require a lot of heavy lifting, opting for native development will be a better option. 

  • It is an emerging platform that needs to be updated in many aspects

React Native is still young and a new version is released regularly. These constant updates come with new ported native components, bug fixes, improved custom components, and performance improvements.

It cannot be called a disadvantage, but it is surely a limitation of React Native. If you want to maintain your app for the long term, you may need to update the platform with every build and therefore React Native might not be the best option.

  • Poorly typed language

React Native uses JavaScript code, CSS-like style sheets, and HTML-like tags for layout. The advantage here is that developers can enjoy the benefits that JavaScript offers, but there are also some problems. Unlike Java and Swift, JavaScript does not impose any variables and parameters on functions. This means that a variable can be anything at any given time.

  • Native language dependence

If developers don’t find some functionality in React Native, they end up writing native modules. These modules can be a bridge between native code and React Native code. Therefore, when developing an app, you will have to learn to program natively using the native language or ask a native developer for help. 

  • Patent and licensing controversy

Patent and licensing controversy is a major issue facing developers with React Native. Along with a BSD-style license, the mobile app framework has version 2, an additional grant of patent rights from Facebook. Facebook updated the patent and open-source licenses for React Native in 2017. According to this update, if you dispute Facebook over a patent issue, the company can terminate your right to use Facebook’s open-source projects.

  • Lack of long-term commitment

When using React Native, developers are concerned about the lack of long-term commitment to projects. React Native, like CocoaPod, is not a plug-and-play solution. It is not just a library or SDK, but a complete platform for software development services. If Facebook stops maintaining it, projects running on React Native will stop. Currently, there is no replacement for React Native.

Popular React Native Apps

  • Facebook
  • Walmart
  • Bloomberg   

Swift is an easy-to-learn powerful programming language. It’s an automatic programming language for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and more. Writing Swift code is fun and interactive. The syntax is expressive and concise. It also includes updated features that developers love. By design, Swift code is secure and also produces software super fast.  

Advantages of Swift

  • Rapid development process

Swift is a clean, expressive language with simplified grammar and syntax. It is easier to write and read. Since it is concise, it requires less code than Objective-C to accomplish the same task. ARC (automatic reference counting) does all the work management and tracking of application memory usage. Therefore, developers do not have to do it manually and the time required to create an iOS app with Swift is less.

  • Easy to climb

With Swift, you can develop a future-proof product and one that can be extended with new features when needed. Typically, Swift apps are easier to scale. 

  • Improved performance and security

Swift was designed to outperform Objective-C and focus on speed and performance. A 40% increase in performance was claimed when it was initially released. Over the years, several tests and benchmarks have been done to prove this. Additionally, Swift code can be optimized for better performance.

  • Security

Security is another of Swift’s strong points. Its error handling and robust writing system prevent errors and code failures in production. It has a shorter feedback cycle and hence developers can instantly notice errors in the code and fix them.

  • Reduced memory footprint

When it was released, Swift introduced dynamic libraries to iOS. These libraries exist outside of the code and are only loaded when they are needed. Dynamic libraries do not need to have copies in all program files. 

  • Interoperability with Objective-C

The Swift programming language is compatible with Objective-C, and within the same project, developers can use them interchangeably. This is particularly beneficial for large projects that are being updated or expanded. While leveraging the Objective-C codebase, developers can add more features using Swift. This makes the transfer process easier and risk-free.

  • Memory management is automatic

Swift uses ARC (automatic memory counting). It is a technology that aims to add a garbage collector function. This was not introduced in iOS previously. Go, C#, and Java are some of the languages ​​that use garbage collectors to remove instances of classes that are no longer used.

Although they reduce the memory footprint, they end up adding 20% ​​to the CPU. iOS developers had to manage memory manually before ARC. Now, memory is managed automatically and application performance increases without lagging CPU or memory.

  • Learnability and a vibrant open-source community

Thanks to Apple’s corporate support, Swift has gained one of the most vibrant and active open-source communities. Although it is a young language, there are many resources available for developers.

  • Device Compatibility and Full Stack Potential

The initiative to put Swift in the cloud has been successful. Server-side Swift works seamlessly with popular backend technologies. Using Swift on both the front-end and back-end of your application enables code reuse and sharing, reducing development efforts and speeding up the development process.

Swift Limitations

  • Swift is still quite young

Swift is a programming language that is only six years old. It is practically an infant language compared to Objective-C which was introduced in the 1980s. Therefore, Swift might be limited as it suffers from the complications of growing up. Application developers can benefit from more specific native libraries, tools, and resources to quickly solve certain problems.

Also, the community is not as strong and big as the developers would like it to be. Although it is growing rapidly, the numbers still do not compare to other open-source communities. The number of Swift developers sharing their knowledge online is still lacking and hence developers don’t know who to turn to when faced with real-life scenarios.

  • Compatibility issues

Backward compatibility issues are another of Swift’s limitations. The language is evolving radically, but in some ways, it is not stable. You should know that all new versions of this programming language are not compatible with previous versions.

This means that projects you have made in versions 1.0 or 2.0 of Swift can no longer be maintained or modified in Swift 3.0. However, the Swift 5.0 version has addressed these concerns and claims to have strong backward compatibility.

  • Lack of talent

The Swift community is growing rapidly. However, compared to other open-source languages, it is still much smaller. Finding Swift developers can be a problem.

Popular Swift Apps

  • Slack
  • LinkedIn
  • WhatsApp

How To Promote Your Business With Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels have taken social media internationally by using way of hurricane because of the truth in their launch in 2020.

These short, pleasing movies are a notable way for companies to exhibit products, interact with customers, and power site visitors to their Instagram profiles. With Reels being given top actual property on Instagram’s Discover page, they provide tremendous conceivable for manufacturers searching to promote themselves on the platform.

Instagram Reels: What Are They?

Instagram Reels are 15–30-2d looping multi-clip movies that can be synchronized with music

Additionally, reels let users create aesthetically appealing material with Instagram’s progressive capabilities, such as stickers, clocks, counters, and AR effects.

Much like TikTok, Reels have opened up new innovative avenues for manufacturers and influencers. The vertical video structure is perfect for smartphone viewing and lets agencies use consequences to grasp interest quickly.

How Do I Make My Enterprise Reel Go Viral?

With Instagram’s algorithm favoring pleasing and attractive content, developing viral worthwhile reels is an artwork that takes some practice. Here are a few pointers to amplify views and engagement on your commercial enterprise reels:

  • Use Popular Music or Trends: Using trending audio or music helps your reel get discovered more easily. Look for viral sounds that resonate with your brand aesthetic.
  • Keep it Short and Snappy: Videos are much less than 30 seconds and have the most impact. Use rapid cuts, textual content overlays, and multi-clip enhancing to hold the tempo fast.
  • Leverage Influencers: Getting influencers in your area of interest to collaborate on branded reels can assist in attaining their target market organically.
  • Optimize Hashtags: Include a combination of branded and trending hashtags so your reels exhibit up when humans search for applicable keywords.
  • Post at Peak Times: According to Instagram data, the pleasant instances to put up reels are 9-10 AM, 12-1 PM, and 7-8 PM at some stage on weekdays.

Unlock Savings with PromoCodes Reels

Embark on an exciting journey to unlock exclusive savings with PromoCodes Reels. Whether you’re into fashion, tech, or home essentials, our engaging content brings you fantastic discounts that fit your style. Navigate through our reels to discover incredible deals and make your shopping experience smarter and more thrilling. 

Visit Promoocodes.com, your go-to destination for a plethora of savings. PromoCodes Reels is your passport to a budget-friendly shopping spree – swipe through, explore the trends, and start saving! Don’t omit out on the excitement; dive into Promo Codes Reels these days for a world of exceptional reductions that raise your purchasing game.

Is 1k Views On Reels Good?

For most businesses just starting with Instagram Reels, 1,000 views can be considered a good benchmark. While top influencer reels garner millions of views, 1k views as a brand-new reel creator means your content is reaching a good number of people.

The more reels you post, the more data Instagram’s algorithm will have to understand your content and audience. This helps increase distribution over time. Reels that highlight your products, team, or brand personality also have better chances of driving profile visits. The goal should be to create reels that engage and delight your target demographic.

The Way To See Who Blocked You On Instagram?

If you’re curious about who blocked you on Instagram, check out this informative guide: how to See Who Blocked You On Instagram. This resource provides insights and tips on deducing potential blocks, helping you navigate through the signs and clues that may indicate someone has blocked you on Instagram. Explore the link to uncover more about this intriguing aspect of social media dynamics.

How Much Do Reels Pay For 1m Views?

Currently, Instagram does now not have a companion application that without delay will pay creators for views on reels. However, high-performing reels can nonetheless generate profits in a roundabout way for manufacturers and influencers. 

Businesses can promote products, reductions, or launches through viral reels and direct customers to their online keep or electronic mail list. Influencers can additionally reap followers and company partnership possibilities with pleasing reels.

According to enterprise estimates, influencers cost around $500 to $3000 for branded reels relying on their follower being counted and niche. For 1 million views on a branded reel post, nano and micro-influencers should cost between $1000 to $2500. Brands advantage of the exposure, whilst creators monetize their target audience this way.

How Many Hashtags On Reels?

Instagram recommends the use of a minimum of three hashtags and a maximum of 10 hashtags for reels to optimize discoverability. The proper combination of branded and area of interest hashtags makes it less complicated for your goal target audience to discover your reels organically.

Do important keyword lookups to locate the most famous hashtags in your industry. Combine these with branded tags like your enterprise name, product name, or marketing campaign slogans. Avoid the use of extraordinarily common hashtags like #reelsinstagram or #instagramreels. Position hashtags strategically closer to the beginning or give up for the most impact.

Here are some additional tips for hashtag optimization:

  • Research hashtags used by competitors and influencers in your space.
  • Use local hashtags if you have a physical business location.
  • Leverage trending hashtags and pop culture references when relevant.
  • Monitor the performance of each hashtag and refine based on engagement.

3 Key Benefits Of Using Instagram Reels For Business

  • Increase company recognition – Entertaining and beneficial reels can be extensively shared on Instagram, introducing your manufacturer to new audiences.
  • Drive Internet site visitors – Add hyperlinks to your Instagram bio or without delay inside reels to direct viewers to your Internet site or product pages.
  • Engage followers – Reels create possibilities for clients to interact with your manufacturer in a new, immersive way via feedback and likes.

5 Creative Ways Brands Can Use Instagram Reels

  • Showcase products/services – Create reels focused on specific products, their features, and visual appeal.
  • Behind-the-scenes – Give viewers a peek into your brand’s culture and team with candid office reels.
  • User-generated content – Repost customer videos of them enjoying your product for authenticity.
  • Announce sales/offers – Share discount codes or special promotions using eye-catching text effects.
  • Spotlight influencer collaborations – Develop co-branded content with relevant creators to reach their follower base.

Instagram Reels Best Practices

  • Keep a constant company aesthetic with color schemes, fonts, and song style.
  • Post reels regularly, at least 2-3 instances a week to continue to be the pinnacle of mind.
  • Interact with your target market with the aid of responding to feedback and enticing with different reels.
  • Analyze overall performance facts in Instagram Insights to refine your strategy.
  • Promote your fine-performing reels through Instagram Ads to maximize reach.


Instagram Reels grant a new avenue for manufacturers to categorical creativity and join with shoppers in an attention-grabbing video layout optimized for mobile. By combining amusement cost with your core manufacturer messaging, Reels can assist in pressuring significant enterprise consequences when leveraged efficiently as a phase of your Instagram advertising strategy.

Optimizing Delivery Routes with Delivery Management Software for Maximum Efficiency


Embracing transformational technologies that will reinvent delivery route optimization is essential to imagining the future of logistics and supply chain management. A paradigm change in optimization processes is anticipated with the introduction of future solutions, which are powered by cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of things (IoT). The future of delivery route optimization software is examined in this essay, which offers a detailed picture of a logistics environment that is not only extremely effective but also sustainable and adaptable to the changing needs of the modern world.

1. The Role of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Adaptive Route Optimization in Real-Time: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms that continually evaluate enormous amounts of real-time data will play a major role in futuristic delivery route improvement. These technologies will dynamically adjust to unanticipated disturbances in addition to optimizing routes depending on traffic, weather, and delivery priorities. The algorithms will develop and become more accurate over time as a result of machine learning models’ constant improvement of their predictions.

 Predictive Analytics for Enhanced Planning: Delivery route planning will be able to use predictive analytics thanks to AI and ML. These technologies will be able to predict demand patterns by evaluating past data, giving firms the ability to design optimal routes in advance. The scope of predictive analytics will go beyond traffic conditions to encompass variables like consumer preferences, seasonal fluctuations, and even outside events that might affect delivery timetables.

2. Integration of Internet of Things (IoT):

Infrastructure and Smart Vehicles: An important factor in upcoming route optimization will be the incorporation of IoT devices into infrastructure and delivery trucks. Real-time information about a vehicle’s state, fuel level, and external conditions may be obtained via sensor-equipped vehicles. In order to provide dynamic modifications to traffic flows and real-time route optimization, smart traffic signals and road infrastructure will interact with delivery trucks.

 Data-Driven Decision-Making:  AI and ML algorithms will be able to process data created by the Internet of Things, allowing for data-driven decision-making. When devices are connected to one another, a vast network is formed that takes into account a variety of factors in real time, improving the accuracy of route optimization. An automated and efficient level of delivery logistics will be made possible by this networked environment.

3. Blockchain for Enhanced Transparency and Security:

Immutable Records and Transparency: The delivery route optimization process will experience previously unheard-of transparency with the use of blockchain technology. Every transaction and choice taken throughout the route planning process will be transparently and impenetrably recorded thanks to the immutable ledger of blockchain technology. Accountability along the whole supply chain will be ensured by this transparency, which will foster confidence among stakeholders.

 Enhanced Security and Fraud Prevention: Delivery routes will be more secure thanks to blockchain’s secure and decentralized structure. Delivery processes are made both safe and efficient thanks to the technology’s capacity to establish a chain of custody for every delivery. Furthermore, because blockchain cannot be altered, fraudulent actions will not occur, adding a strong layer of security to the entire logistical process.

4. Autonomous Vehicles and Drone Integration:

Autonomous Vehicles and Advanced Fleet Management: Autonomous vehicle integration is intimately related to the future of delivery route optimization. Autonomous fleets propelled by artificial intelligence (AI) will traverse paths with unparalleled proficiency, adjusting to current circumstances and vehicular trends. By communicating with one another, these cars will be able to coordinate their moves to maximize fleet efficiency.

 Networks of Drone Delivery: With their quick and efficient delivery capabilities, drones will be a familiar sight in logistics in the future. Drone motions will be synchronized by AI algorithms to guarantee a smooth integration with the current delivery routes. In order to reach locations that are difficult for conventional cars to reach, drones will be essential for last-mile deliveries, which will increase the effectiveness of the delivery network as a whole.

5. Augmented Reality (AR) for Route Visualization:

   Augmented Reality for Better Navigation: In the future, delivery route optimization will make use of augmented reality to provide better navigation. Delivery staff will be able to see optimum routes superimposed on the actual world using AR devices. This not only makes navigating easier, but it also lowers mistakes and boosts delivery staff productivity.

   Real-Time Data Visualization: AR interfaces will provide real-time data visualization, revealing information about possible impediments, traffic patterns, and delivery routes. Delivery staff will be able to make well-informed judgments while on the road thanks to this visual augmentation, which will enable them to adjust to changing conditions and optimize their routes instantly.

6. Environmental Sustainability in Route Optimization:

 Green route optimization: Algorithms for route optimization that reduce carbon footprints will target environmental sustainability in the logistics industry going forward. Renewable energy sources for vehicle charging will be taken into account by AI and ML, along with environmentally friendly solutions like hybrid or electric cars. Optimizing green routes will be in line with the increased emphasis on corporate social responsibility while also lessening the impact on the environment.

   Reducing Emissions via Optimization: It will become commonplace to include emission data in route optimization algorithms. By prioritizing routes with lower emissions and analyzing their environmental effect, AI will support international efforts to create a more sustainable and greener future.

7. Customer-Centric Personalization:

Customized Delivery Preferences: In addition to taking into account the quickest and most cost-effective routes, future route optimization will also take into account the unique preferences of each client. In order to customize delivery schedules based on desired time windows, delivery locations, and packaging selections, AI algorithms will evaluate client data. Stronger customer loyalty will result from this customer-centric strategy, which will improve the delivery experience overall.

 Individualized Communication: Throughout the delivery process, individualized communication will be made possible by AI-driven technologies. Clients will have a transparent and customized delivery experience as they will receive real-time updates and alerts based on their choices. In the logistics sector, this degree of customization will usher in a new era of client happiness.


Sustainability, cutting-edge technology, and a customer-focused mindset come together to form the future of delivery route optimization. Imagining this scene displays a complex logistics ecosystem that seamlessly combines blockchain technology, augmented reality, autonomous cars, drones, machine learning, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and sustainability of the environment. The integration of blockchain guarantees transparency and trust, while AI and ML redefine efficiency through dynamic route optimization. Delivery staff can make better decisions thanks to augmented reality, and autonomous cars and drones usher in a new era of last-mile delivery. In order to establish a delivery ecosystem that is transparent, customer-focused, and sustainable, TransGenie Delivery Route Optimization Software takes the lead in integrating these technologies. Enterprises adopting 

With its cutting-edge solutions, TransGenie is leading the way into this revolutionary future, where creating unique, environmentally responsible experiences for every consumer is just as important as route optimization.
