Describe the relationship between sObjects and Salesforce records.
A. The name of a sObject field in Apex is the label of the field in Salesforce.
B. A custom object’s API name and label are the same.
C. Every record in Salesforce is natively represented as a sObject in Apex.
Answer: C
You can obtain an instance of a sObject, such as Account, in one of the following ways:
A. By creating the sObject only.
B. Either by creating the sObject or by retrieving a persistent record from Salesforce using SOQL.
C. By retrieving the sObject only.
Answer: C
Which of the following is correct about a generic sObject variable?
A. A generic sObject variable can be assigned only to another generic sObject.
B. Generic sObjects can’t be created.
C. A generic sObject variable can be assigned to any specific sObject, standard or custom. Such as Account or Book__c.
Answer: C
trailhead solution apex database sobjects
*Wrong answer
You can obtain an instance of an sObject, such as Account, in one of the following ways:
A. By creating the sObject only.
B. Either by creating the sObject or by retrieving a persistent record from Salesforce using SOQL.
C. By retrieving the sObject only.
Answer: C
Right Answer is: B
You can obtain an instance of an sObject, such as Account, in one of the following ways:
You can obtain an instance of an sObject, such as Account, in one of the following ways:
A is the right