Home Opencart Extensions Workflow or markup to make hello world module – OpenCart Module Development

Workflow or markup to make hello world module – OpenCart Module Development

When we created the hello world module then it will be like as shown below:

Hello World Module in Extension’s Module

hello world module opencart extension listing

Installing Hello World Module

Click on the green (install) button, then click edit blue button. You will see a form to insert the hello world text.

Hello World Module form

helloworld form opencart module development

Enter the hello world text and select the status to enabled and click the save button. As Opencart can have unlimited module instance, so we can have multiple instances of the hello world

Set up layout and position for Hello World Module

To setup layout and position, go to Design >> Layout, edit Information layout then add the hello world module to the column left.

hello world module layout and position

Show up in Front/Presentation side

As we added to the column left of the information page, let’s go to the front page about us page URL.

hello world front presentaion opencart

Files and folder creation

  • Making language file in admin/ for Hello World Module
  • Making the controller file in admin/ for Hello World Module
  • Making view file in admin/ for Hello World Module
  • Making language file in catalog/ for Hello World Module
  • Making the controller file in catalog/ for Hello World Module
  • Making view file in catalog/ for Hello World Module
Hello world opencart files and folders structure

Now go to full details to create a hello world module in OpenCart

Thanking you


 : onlinegyannepal




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