Worked, tested Opencart DragonPay Module and its APIs

Today we worked on the DragonPay module and have tested it successfully and now my client is able to accept the orders successfully.

Dragonpay provides alternative online payment solutions to businesses of all sizes in the Philippines.

We can get the test account with the help of support of DragonPay

dragonpay opencart module
dragon pay opencart module

Merchant ID: *******

Test Gateway:
Admin URL:

For the full API specification
You can forward this link:

For testing purposes, use the “Bogus Bank Online” (with an id and password) and the “Bogus Bank Over-the-Counter” payment channel
simulators to test the behavior of online banking and OTC payments.

We feel free to contact them for assistance on the integration and they have helped us fully.

Following is the last form that we used to make before sending the data to the DragonPay

<form action="" method="get">
  <input type="HIDDEN" name="merchantid" value="****">
  <input type="HIDDEN" name="txnid" value="56">
  <input type="HIDDEN" name="amount" value="1000.00">
  <input type="HIDDEN" name="ccy" value="PHP">
  <input type="HIDDEN" name="description" value="Order Of Dec 2013">
  <input type="HIDDEN" name="email" value="">
  <input type="HIDDEN" name="digest" value="e66ec5ac75d9816ff3a4f88889e592223868673a">
  <div class="buttons">
    <div class="right">
      <input type="submit" value="Confirm Order" class="button">

Let me know if you like to integrate the Dragon pay into your website or in the Opencart store.

If you like to learn more about how to integrate the API in opencart then you can watch the video below:

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Opencart video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook. Enjoy!

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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


  1. Hi sir, please help me I have a problem in Implementing Dragonpay in my Opencart ecommerce website, I’m done downloading and installing the module dragonpay payment gateway in my admin section but upon testing it gives me this error
    Invalid digest: JCOMPANY:201300039:8499.00:PHP:Order Of Jan, do you know why?

    Please Reply

    • I’m done with it sir, now my problem is the code or the script for the url that i’ll send to dragonpay to get the return url which is passed to the customers browser and for me the merchant to responds with a visual web page to inform the customer status of transaction,

      Please help me, Thank you

    • Hello,
      please help, i used to copy the codes and save it to HTML format, just to try how it works.
      The dragon pay send me the generic biller account. my question is if generic biller account username and password from them, is also same as Merchant ID and Digest on the codes above? because the password i have only 6 alphanumeric. or should i call them to get my DIGEST?


  2. Hi Rupak,

    Please send me an email right away. Need help integrating Dragonpay to Opencart. 🙂



  3. Hi Rupak,

    Please send me an email right away. Need help integrating Dragonpay to Opencart. 🙂



  4. Sir , i want to integrate dragonpay in my ASP.NET MVC application. Can you tell me the link for this api where i can get how to integrate it completely. Or can you please explain it step by step

  5. Ive seen the sample php script for payment integration of dragon pay, and they’ve just attach the datas being submitted in the url, and i think these sample script of yours is much better,, my question is, how to create a bogus account for testing, ive visited dragon pay site and i just cant find it, and is this script of yours really working? thank you, pls reply.

  6. Good Day,

    Can I have the step by step how to integrate the dragonpay API to the opencart framework

    email: jeffrey A. Cabang

    Jeffrey Cabang

  7. Good Day Sir
    I’m facing an Invalid Email Address when I redirect the details to Dragon Pay
    But I’m sure the email address is valid
    Any idea why?
    Can you please email me so that we can discuss the issue?
    I’m hoping you can help me, thanks in advance Sir


    Jv Soriano


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