Prevention of malnutrition


2.1       Activities Carried Out in FY 2062/63

2.1.1        Prevention of malnutrition

2.1.2        Protection and promotion of breastfeeding/complementary feeding (Infant and Young Child Feeding – IYCF)

  • Developed and approved National Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (an integral part of the comprehensive National Nutrition Policy and Strategy);
  • Celebrated Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7) in all districts with rallies, talk programmes, adolescent orientation and School health program etc;
  • Conducted one day orientation to HWs (including doctors, nurses and paramedics) in four teaching hospitals in Kathmandu valley;
  • Conducted survey on availability of breast milk substitutes at the local market of Kathmandu;
  • Developed promotional messages for exclusive breastfeeding through mass media and distributed of booklets on breastfeeding for health workers;
  • Conducted ToT and participant training on IYCF Counselling to HWs;
  • Conducted two-day IYCF orientation to all Nutrition Focal Persons and Health Education Technicians in five regions;
  • Developed a low cost fortified blended complementary food for social marketing campaign and its promotional materials designed and tested.

2.1.3              Growth monitoring for screening and prevention of PEM

  • Conducted regular growth monitoring at  Hospital, PHC, Health Posts, Sub Health Posts and Outreach clinics;
  • Distributed growth monitoring and counselling card;
  • Completed evaluation study of growth monitoring activities in selected health facilities of 4 districts in CDR in July 2004;
  • A booklet on measurement of mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was developed and distributed to all FCHVs throughout Nepal;
  • Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) measuring tapes (Shakir Tape) distributed to FCHVs.
  • Salter scales distributed to D(P)HOs;
  • Conducted orientation about proper method of growth monitoring practices and counselling activities to health workers including FCHVs in Syanja and Parbat districts;

2.1.4    Control of IDD

  • Finalised Iodised Salt Regulation and its implementing Guideline;
  • Conducted regular supervision and monitoring of iodized salt conducted at STC’s warehouses;
    • Iodized Salt Social Marketing Campaign V continued in Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi, Dhanusha, Siraha and Dang districts;
    • IDD month celebrated throughout the country in the month of February for intensification of promotional activities;
    • Surveillance on consumption of iodized salt along with Vitamin A was continued by conducting a mini survey. FCHV registers used for Intensification of Antenatal Iron Supplementation Program (IAISP) was also used for this purpose;
    • Second edition of €œA booklet on Iodine Deficiency Disorders for health workers and program managers€ was published;
    • National scale survey for tracking the process towards prevention of iodine deficiency disorders in Nepal completed;
    • Renewed Indian Grant in IDD control program;
    • Published IDD calendar for community level for promotional activities.

2.1.5    Control of Vitamin A deficiency disorder

  • Continued mass biannual distribution of high-dose vitamin A capsules to children between 6 to 59 months throughout the country;
  • Continued nutrition education activities through media, community-level health workers and agriculture extension workers;
  • Conducted mini-surveys to assess the outreach supplementation programme;
  • Continued postpartum vitamin A supplementation through health institutions and FCHVs;
  • Continued pilot intervention for treatment of night-blind pregnant women with low dose vitamin A capsules in three districts;
  • Continued case treatment with vitamin A through health facilities;
  • Initiated community-based nutrition reactivation training to HWs with emphasis on Vitamin A in selected districts;
  • Conducted a workshop to revise IEC materials on nutrition, especially on Vitamin A;

2.1.6        Control of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA)

  • Continued distribution of iron and folate tablets to pregnant and lactating women through Hospital, PHCC, HPs, SHPs ORCs, and FCHVs;
  • Scaled up Intensification of Maternal And Neonatal Micronutrient Program (IMNMP) in 13 new districts (Rupendehi, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Jumla, Dailekh, Bardia, Doti, Baitadi, Kanchanpur, Kailali, Surkhet, Salyan, and Pyuthan);
  • Continued production of wheat flour fortified with iron, folic acid and vitamin A few mills on voluntary basis;
  • Received commitment of KfW to provide financial assistance to procure 40 million iron tablets for the fiscal year 2062/63;
  • Initiated advocacy on use of low cost iron tablets to pregnant and postnatal women attending Maternity Hospital in Kathmandu;
  • Conducted surveillance on consumption of iron along with Vitamin A mini survey continued during October and April rounds;

2.1.7    Deworming

  • Continued regular biannual deworming of children aged 1-5 years along with vitamin A capsule distribution;
  • Continued deworming of pregnant women as per the Policy and protocol;
  • Included reporting of deworming of pregnant women in HMIS;
  • Explore school Deworming program.

2.1.8    Miscellaneous

Developed National School Health and Nutrition Strategy.


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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


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