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Exploring the code of default Featured Module

To explore the code of defualt featured module, let's start with listing what files are used by the Featured module: Admin folder files: admincontrollerextensionmodulefeatured.phpExplained at https://webocreation.com/exploring-the-code-of-default-featured-module/adminlanguageen-gbextensionmodulefeatured.phpExplained at https://webocreation.com/exploring-the-code-of-default-featured-module/adminviewtemplateextensionmodulefeatured.tplExplained...

Things to consider while creating database Model Data OpenCart Guide

Hi everyone, Namaste, Me Rupak Nepali. In our third video, we describe OpenCart files and folders and told you that the next video will...

Describing files and folder of OpenCart Framework

Describing files and folders and OpenCart FrameworkHi everyone, Namaste. Namaste is the word used in our Country Nepal to greet someone. Me Rupak Nepali....

Installing the OpenCart and creating the custom URL virtual host Xampp: OpenCart Module Development...

Hi everyone! Me Rupak Nepali. I am very excited about the first video success – “Introduction and Table of Contents – OpenCart Development” and...

Configure and show how default featured module works Opencart 3

To configure and show default featured module you need to login to the Admin dashboard, then follow the following steps: Admin >> Extensions (Left Menu)...

OpenCart error : Modification requires a unique ID code!

While installing the OpenCart module if you found OpenCart error: Modification requires a unique ID code! then it means that either you are missing...

OpenCart Module Development Video Tutorial Introduction and Table of Contents

Hey everyone! Me Rupak Nepali. This is my first video recording and we are trying to make a series of OpenCart module development as...

Fatal error: Cannot use EllisLabExpressionEngineLibraryParserConditionalTokenBool as Bool because ‘Bool’ is a special class

Fatal error: Cannot use EllisLabExpressionEngineLibraryParserConditionalTokenBool as Bool because 'Bool' is a special class When you update your PHP version and you can see the above...

Drupal error white user page, the design is showing in the index page, database...

While working with one of the eCommerce websites I came up with a drupal error that shows a blank white page when I try...

Error encountered after disabling the cache in Drupal

Following is the error encounter after disabling the cache in DrupalThe website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionExceptionServiceNotFoundException: You have requested a non-existent...

Drupal Console: [ERROR] Command “site:status”, is not a valid command name

Drupal Console: Command "site:status", is not a valid command name. First try/execute the drupal list command, where you will get a list of available...

Front end Controller file to make hello world – OpenCart Module Development

OpenCart identifies existing modules automatically, simply by reading the catalog/controller/extension/module folder. Any modules existing in this folder will automatically be loaded as per the...

Service ‘page_manager.variant_route_filter’ for consumer ‘router.no_access_checks’ does not implement

Service 'page_manager.variant_route_filter' for consumer 'router.no_access_checks' does not implement The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionExceptionLogicException: Service 'page_manager.variant_route_filter' for consumer 'router.no_access_checks' does not...

Drupal 8 Symfony Component Routing Exception RouteNotFoundException Route view.products_list.page_2 does not exist

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.</br></br><em class="placeholder">SymfonyComponentRoutingExceptionRouteNotFoundException</em>: Route &quot;view.products_list.page_2&quot; does not exist. in <em class="placeholder">DrupalCoreRoutingRouteProvider-&gt;getRouteByName()</em> (line <em class="placeholder">190</em> of <em...

Admin Language file to make hello world – OpenCart Module Development

Create a language file helloworld.php at "adminlanguageen-gbextensionmodule", here en-Gb is the English language folder but if your store is multi-language then you have to...
Drupal error

%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file) Drupal error

I keep on getting this error logging at watchdog table in the database while loading front end or home page: %type: !message in %function (line...
Opencart marketplace API

Signature hash does not match! OpenCart Solution

While installing modules from the marketplace directly from the website you may encounter an error message like "Signature hash does not match!", solution for...
mongodb course answers

The solution Homework 3.1 M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

Write a program in the language of your choice that will remove the lowest homework score for each student. Since there is a single...

Final: Question 1 M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

Final: Question 1 Please download the Enron email dataset enron.zip, unzip it and then restore it using mongorestore. It should restore to a collection called...

The solution Homework 2.3 M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

You should see four files in the 'blog' directory: app.js, users.js, posts.js, and sessions.js. There is also a 'views' directory which contains the templates...
