JavaScript or Ruby: which programming language should you learn?

Do you have doubts between the JavaScript or Ruby? We show you their differences.

There are so many programming languages ā€‹ā€‹available that choosing one can be difficult. JavaScript and Ruby are two of the most well-known languages ā€‹ā€‹for good reason. We have created this guide to inform you and allow you to make an informed decision about which one is best for you. Of course, don’t forget that in programming there is no wrong answer, only different ways to achieve the same goal.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an interpreted, high-level, multi-paradigm, dynamically typed language that complies with the ECMAScript standard. If it seems like we are speaking to you in another language, don’t worry. Let’s define each term:

JavaScript: interpreted

This word means the opposite of ā€œcompiled.ā€ And what does it mean? AĀ  compiled language is one whose source code must be translated into machine language (a bytecode language based on 1s and 0s) using a compiler, which is a program that allows your computer to understand and execute the code. An interpreted language is not pre-compiled; Instead, an interpreter reads the code line by line and executes the instructions without the need for a precompiled code base.Ā 

JavaScript: high level

The term “high-level” is relative, but the consensus is that JavaScript is. A high-level language abstracts the details of the machine on which it runs; and provides developers with tools (language elements) that make it easier for them to think and solve problems without having to worry about the details of how the computer works. After all, to change a light bulb you need a degree in electrical engineering as much as a computer science degree to program.Ā 

JavaScript: multiparadigma

As you delve into the world of technology, you will hear this popular term more and more. As programming languages ā€‹ā€‹evolve, their maintainers add features from other languages ā€‹ā€‹that can be useful for software development services. This means that as they grow, they become more and more similar to each other. What does this have to do with the ā€œmultiparadigmā€?Ā 

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm in the sense that its features are associated with languages ā€‹ā€‹that would be considered functional or object-oriented, which are two completely independent paradigms. We explain it better:Ā 

  • JavaScript is functional because functions are ā€œfirst-class citizensā€ and can be passed, returned, and consumed by other functions. 
  • You can write fully functional code in JavaScript using only function composition. 
  • JavaScript is also object-oriented: it allows you to create objects that inherit from other objects and complex data structures that a ā€œpurely functionalā€ language would never support.

JavaScript: dynamically typed

As with many other interpreted languages, JavaScript features dynamic typing, that is, the consistency of the types assigned to variables, parameters, and functions is not checked before the code is executed. This feature has several advantages, but also some drawbacks. It allows custom software development companies to write short scripts very quickly, but can also lead to hours and hours of frustration when a type mismatch causes an error that would never have happened with a statically typed language.Ā 

With this in mind, if you are looking for a language that complies with the ECMAScript standard, but with strong and static typing,Ā  TypeScript is for you.

You don’t have to perfectly understand the terms we just defined to write good JavaScript code, but as a developer, you should know the details of the tools you use. 

In the case of JavaScript, it’s pretty simple: JavaScript is the de facto front-end web development programming language and the overwhelming majority of websites use it for their client-side scripts; Any serious web browser will contain JavaScript language dedicated to running code efficiently on user devices.

Is JavaScript right for me?

  • Do you want to be a front-end web developer? So yes, JavaScript is exactly the language you should learn.Ā 
  • Would you like to be a back-end web developer? In that case, JavaScript is a great option, but there are many other languages ā€‹ā€‹and frameworks to choose from.
  • Or do you prefer to become a full-stack web developer? So yes, yes, and a thousand times yes. JavaScript will allow you to write all the components of your applications with ease.Ā 

The best ways to learn JavaScript

It’s a concept introduced by Malcolm Gladwell that basically means that the more you do something, the better it will get. Gladwell claims that only after practicing something for 10,000 hours do you become an expert. And while we can’t guarantee that this is what you need to become a programming ace, we can give you some advice: get to work as soon as possible! 

If it seems too obvious to you, these are other ways to learn:

  • Sign up for aĀ bootcamp! You will receive expert guidance with clear learning objectives and real-time feedback on your progress.
  • Follow the guides on the official JavaScript website.
  • Use a book! TryĀ  Eloquent JavaScript, by Marjin Haverbeke, or JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, by David Flanagan.

I already know JavaScript: so what language should I learn?

If you already know JavaScript, chances are you’re a front-end web developer. JavaScript is the logical choice for your job and there are no serious alternatives on the market. Instead, if you’re wondering what language you should learn next , you’ll probably want to expand your skills to broaden your competencies. In that case, consider learning Python, Java, C orā€¦ Exactly: Ruby!


Python is very similar to JavaScript in that it is also an interpreted, high-level, multi-paradigm, dynamically typed language. As if that were not enough, it is also often classified as one of the most popular languages ā€‹ā€‹in the world , which means that there is a huge community of users who can answer any question you have and thousands of user-tested libraries that will help you do everything you want, only faster. 


Java is another great option. Unlike JavaScript, this language is compiled, high-level, object-oriented, and statically typed. You will have to do things and approach problems differently due to the nature of the differences between the two. And you won’t have any problem learning it, since there are plenty of great books on the subject.Ā 


C doesn’t look like any of the options mentioned above; It is a compiled, low-level, statically typed language. To learn C, you’ll need to become familiar with pointers and pointer arithmetic. You’ll soon miss the features of other high-level languages ā€‹ā€‹that you took for granted, such as garbage collection. C is incredibly fast and every piece of hardware you use has a built-in C compiler. If you know how to program in C, you can write a computer program anywhere.


If you already know JavaScript, consider learning Ruby. Like JavaScript, Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, multi-paradigm, dynamically typed language. It is influenced by many of the same languages ā€‹ā€‹that influenced the creation of JavaScript, but it has one big difference: Ruby’s primary purpose is programmer productivity.Ā 

What is Ruby?

Let’s refresh your memory: Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, multi-paradigm, dynamically typed language, initially created as anĀ object-oriented scripting languageĀ  (it was the first of its kind at the time), but has since added several features that make it as valuable as Python and Java. What’s the trick? More than a ā€œlanguage,ā€ Ruby is a design philosophy; Ruby’s main goal is to createĀ happy and productive programmers.

Is Ruby right for me?

That depends on your objectives:

  • If you want to program software and are looking for a language that prioritizes the happiness of the programmer, Ruby is just what you are looking for. 
  • If you want a popular, powerful, and easy-to-learn language, choose Ruby! 

As it was designed as a scripting language, but has evolved into a general-purpose beast, it is very easy to start writing code and explore all the features that Ruby has to offer.Ā 

The best ways to learn Ruby

There are many ways to learn Ruby, it all depends on your learning preferences:

  • Have some reference manuals on hand, such as Programming Ruby 3.2, by Noel Rappin, or Eloquent Ruby, by Russ Olsen.
  • Continue with the completion of a project from one of the previous books.
  • LearnĀ  Ruby Koans.
  • Choose a project and start programming! 

Whatever your choice, remember that achieving perfection takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. The trick to getting good at something is to persist: decide how you want to learn, to practice, and in no time you’ll be programming in Ruby.Ā 

I already know Ruby: so what language should I learn?

If you already know Ruby, then you already know the easiest-to-use language ever created: the rest of the languages ā€‹ā€‹you learn from now on will make you question the reason for all its features. However, depending on your goals, you have excellent options:Ā 

  • If you want to be a front-end web developer, we advise you to learn JavaScript.Ā 
  • If you prefer to become aĀ back-end web developer, you have many more options, but Java or Python are two logical options widely used by the industry.Ā 
  • If you’re just interestedĀ in learning something new and exciting, consider learning a purely functional language like Haskell.
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Glad you are reading this. Iā€™m Yokesh Shankar, the COO at Sparkout Tech, one of the primary founders of a highly creative space. I'm more associated with digital transformation solutions for global issues. Nurturing in Fintech, Supply chain, AR VR solutions, Real estate, and other sectors vitalizing new-age technology, I see this space as a forum to share and seek information. Writing and reading give me more clarity about what I need.


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