Combined Checkout steps, shipping and payment addresses and methods on Opencart

Today we completed two works to decrease the checkout steps where we have to combine the shipping and payment address at one as well as shipping and payment methods at another and transfer the shipping estimate to the shipping methods on the checkout step.

We made the shipping estimate on VqMOD and now the next work is to combine the checkout steps. Combine the shipping address and payment address at one step and shipping methods and payment methods on other steps.

checkout steps decreased

When the customer has logged in and checkout then it will show Step 2: Billing Details and Delivery Details, if the customer likes to change the address then he has to insert the new address and choose from the select list. After clicking continue it will redirect to Step 3: Delivery Method and Payment Method, where he has to choose the delivery method and the payment method. Then on clicking the continue, it will redirect to the confirmed section.

checkout steps payment and shipping

If the products don’t have the shipping then no shipping address and shipping methods are shown.

Similarly, it works for the guest checkout.

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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at



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