Configure and show how default featured module works Opencart 3

To configure and show default featured module you need to login to the Admin dashboard, then follow the following steps:

  1. Admin >> Extensions (Left Menu) >> Extensions >> Choose ‘Modules’ from the select box.
  2. It will list modules
  3. Find the Featured Module
  4. Then check ff the Featured module is already installed or not, if not installed then click on the green install button, or you can start by clicking on the blue edit button in order to
    configure the featured product.
  5. On clicking the blue edit button of the Featured product, you will see as the following image:
  6. Enter the Module Name.
  7. Now, start typing the name of the product in the Products field. It is autocompleted and pops up a list of the names of products that match with the words of the typed product name.
  8. Select the products you want to display in the featured products.
  9. Now, to add another product, just start typing again and choose the right product.
  10. Like this, you can make a list of featured products.
  11. If you don’t want a product on the featured list, then click on the black minus sign to the left of the product, and the product will be removed from the list.
  12. Limit: Number of products to show in front.
  13. Width: Width for the product’s image.
  14. Height: Height for the product’s image.
  15. Status: Shows at the frontend only if it is enabled.
  16. Now click the blue Save button at the top right.
  17. By the above steps, we install and configure the Featured module. Now to show at the front we have to work out on the layout.
  18. Let’s say we want to show the module in Information pages.
  19. For that go to the Admin >> Design >> Layout
  20. From the list of the layout edit the Information
  21. Then in the Content Top section click the plus blue button and select the Information Page Featured Module.
  22. Then click save button
  23. Now go to the front page and go to about us page, you will see like as in the below image

Like this way, you can install, configure and show the featured module at the presentation layer.


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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


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