Import youtube videos as WordPress posts – free WordPress plugin

Free WordPress plugin to import youtube videos as WordPress posts, it imports youtube titles, youtube descriptions, and youtube date and assigns them to the selected author and category. Video content has become increasingly popular, and YouTube remains the go-to platform for sharing and consuming videos. If you have a WordPress website and want to import YouTube videos as WordPress Posts into your content strategy, then you can download and use this free WordPress plugin. Click below to download:

Introducing the Youtube Video Importer Plugin:

The “YouTube Video Importer” plugin helps to import YouTube videos as WordPress posts. To import you need to create a JSON file and upload it to the plugin. Download the plugin by clicking the above button and it seamlessly integrates with WordPress and makes it easy to import YouTube videos directly as posts. The plugin offers various customization and you can import it to any specified category and assign it to specific authors as well.

Install the Youtube Video Importer Plugin

Download the plugin by clicking the above button and go to the word press admin >> plugins>>add new>> upload plugin>> install now >> activate the plugin.

Upload youtube import plugins
Activate youtube JSON post plugin

Create Google Cloud Youtube API V3 API key:

Now you need to create an API key in Google Cloud to get the JSON file. For that follow the following steps:

Go to and log in with your Gmail account and click on the “Console”

Google Console

Now agree to the “Terms of Service” and click “Agree and Continue“.

Google Cloud Terms of Services

After that, click the “Select a project”


New Project Google Cloud

Enter the “Project name” and click “Create”

New Project creation

Once you click the create, it will take some time to create the Project. Once it is created, select the project.

Select project youtube wordpress

Once you select the project, in the left menu select the “APIs & Services” >> “Enabled APIs & services”

Youtube WordPress APIs service setup


Enabled Youtube API V3

Search for “Youtube” and select “Youtube Data API v3”

Youtube Data API v3

Once you selected the YouTube Data API v3, you will see like below, click the “ENABLE” button to activate the YouTube Data API v3.

Youtube data API v3 Enable

Once you enabled the Youtube Data API v3, you need to create the credentials. To create the credentials, click the “CREATE CREDENTIALS”

Youtube Credentials API key

Once you click the Create Credentials, you will fill out the form below, select the “Youtube Data API v3” select “Public data” and click “NEXT”.

API public Data activate

You will see the API Key like below:

API key

Click the “RESTRICT KEY” and add your website or IP and assign to the API key.

Restrict Key API

Now your API key is generated. You copy that key, save it, and click DONE. Here is the API key that is generated for our website AIzaSyA_rOzyU9duJzIQZkFrBX35YkO3SvgWoDo

How to find the Youtube Channel ID?

You can find the Youtube channel ID from the URL as well, for example, if you find the URL like then the channel ID is UCVsTBiG6oCFg0LyrF5l37Hw But sometimes you will find username at the URL like so you can get the channel ID by entering the name in the following input field and get the channel ID.

Get the JSON file of the Youtube videos

Now the full URL is like below where the channel ID is the channel ID of your youtube and the key is the API key that you created in the Google Cloud console.

Change the above URL with your channel id and key and open it and you will find the JSON for youtube video data. So, save it as a .json file and your file is ready to upload in the Youtube JSON importer as a Post plugin.

Youtube JSON

Now, upload the saved JSON file to the “Youtube JSON Importer as Post” plugin, and select the category, and author that you assigned to the videos.

Youtube video Import as wordpress post

Once the import is completed, you will see the posts in the selected category:

Youtube Video imported as Posts


The “Youtube JSON Importer as Post” plugin helps to import youtube videos as WordPress posts, it imports youtube titles, youtube descriptions, and youtube date and assign them to the selected author and category. Hope you liked this post, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Opencart video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook. Enjoy a free WordPress plugin to import Youtube Videos as WordPress posts.

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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


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