If you own a business, there are certain technologies that you just can’t live without such as payment processing and payroll software, cybersecurity, social media, and CRM, just to name a few. But what happens when you need to roll out a replacement software solution? What steps should you take to ensure that everyone within your organization stays up-to-date on the newest technologies? Here are ten tips for a smooth replacement software rollout.
eCommerce website site launch checklist
Test Out the Software
Use a virtual machine to test out the new software and check for compatibility issues with your existing setup. Discovering problems on a virtual machine before a company-wide replacement software rollout will save you money and will prevent potential business disasters down the line.
Designate a Contact Person
Learning new software can take time, and questions may arise as employees work with this updated technology. Select a contact person, either within or outside of your organization, who will be in charge of gathering questions and answers while everyone learns the ins and outs of the program.
Organize a Training Session
New or updated software means changes in terms of use and capabilities. Ask everyone in your organization that will work or will be involved with the technology to participate in a training session so they know what to expect with the new product and how to use it.
Choose a deployment Strategy
Depending on the size of your business, Computer Tech Reviews notes that you may deploy the new software in batches, releasing it first to a small group of users who can report any issues they encounter to the contact person and can easily revert back to the old software, or deploy it in phases, starting with one department then moving to another.
Listen to the Users
As your employees start using the replacement software, consider checking in on them regularly to see if they’ve encountered any problems, or if any new features are lacking or missing, and SHRM suggests keeping track of their comments and concerns for implementing changes in the future rollouts.
Keep in Touch with the Designers
Even once you’re familiar with the software, bugs and glitches can and will happen. Staying in touch with the people who designed the product can be a lifesaver if you’re unable to troubleshoot a problem yourself, and reaching out to them when you encounter an issue will save you a lot of time and stress. This also rings true if you’ve hired someone to build a website for your business. Since your website is an essential part of your business tech arsenal, it’s important to keep a working relationship with the developer so they can address any problems or make improvements as the need arises.
Ask for Clear Documentation
Training sessions with your existing employees are essential, but think ahead and request all documentation, videos, seminars, user notes, etc. pertaining to your replacement software. You will be glad you have it when onboarding future hires so that they too can learn how to use the software.
Stress the Importance of Transitioning
Some employees may be reluctant to implement changes in their day-to-day work and balk at the idea of having to learn a new program and new procedures, so make sure they understand that updating software is often crucial in terms of productivity, reliability, compatibility as well as cybersecurity, and that transition is a necessity.
Get Everyone on Board
Once you’ve decided on rolling out your replacement software, get everyone in your organization on board by clearly explaining the benefits it will provide, not only for the business but for the employees as well, be it added online security, improved features that make their jobs easier, or better technology to improve sales and performances.
Be Receptive to Feedback
Get feedback from the end users to make sure the replacement software is actually filling a need and doing what it’s supposed to do. After a trial period, if it’s not improving workflow, you may need to go back to the drawing board and find another software solution better adapted to your business needs.
Technology can help your business run easier and faster, as long as you know how to use it. So, research the tools and services that will help you and your collaborators stay at the top of your game.
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