Great experience working with Limelight CRM

We have had great experienced working with Limelight CRM. Here are the following things that we have worked:

  1. Campaign management and offer management
  2. Maintain the servers
  3. Sites are all hosted in RackSpace and have load balancing to balance the visitor’s load.
  4. Maintain security: Uses Cloudflare to maintain security and have performed many other tasks to obtain the best security
  5. Maintain page loads
  6. Integrate limelight in more than 50 websites.
    Uses both the Webform and API form and integrated into the design, sometimes 2-page checkout sometime one-page-checkout
  7. Subscription management of the campaign
    Have not to design the PSD but can perform image changing and editing as per the necessity of the site.
  8. Bootstrap uses for responsiveness
  9. Upsell management for each offer and campaigns
  10. Payment load balancing management
  11. and many more.

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions or requirements. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


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