Home Internship Digital marketing: College Internship report Online Earnings and Website Programming Part II

Digital marketing: College Internship report Online Earnings and Website Programming Part II

This chapter is about Digital marketing: College Internship report Online Earnings and Website Programming Part II. This includes Selection Background of the study, Objective of the study, Method of Data Collection and Limitations of the Study.



1.1 Background of the study

The internship program has become the bridge for those who want to enter to corporate level from the college life; through the internship, we can be able to know the real working environment which was very much different from my course study.

The internship has developed a kind of confidence in me that now I can do something different from new employee and I can work as like an employee. The main things we can learn from the internship are the value of time and importance of punctuality and rules and regulations that we should follow as an employee.

1.2 Objective of the study

The general objective of this report is to partially fulfill the requirements for the degree of BCIS. However, the specific objectives are as follows:

  • To find the use of Websites today.
  • To develop the Management Skills, Personality, and Teamwork.
  • To develop the interpersonal skills, conceptual as well as technical skills.
  • Tips and techniques to design and program website.
  • The technique to earn online.

1.4 Limitations of the Study:

Major limitations of internship report are as follows:

  • Lack of proper research and detailed information about the company and its operating activities.
  • Time frame to perform internship was short.
  • Lack of knowledge to run programs and software used by DP Sign.
  • Object-oriented based programming and use of different programming languages in DP Sign stopped me to learn more.

1.5 Selection Method of Data Collection

There are two major approaches to gathering information in my internship about the situation, person, problems or phenomenon and software in DP Sign.

  • Internal information
  • External Information

This information was collected with the help of both primary and secondary resources.

  1. Primary Data:  They are collected by me on the concerned topic, which is original. While studying I have come across with the sources such as direct interviews with the supervisor, opinion of the different employee, informal talks with the employees, etc.
  2. Secondary Data: They are collected by me based on the study of networking in the organizations. For preparing this report on networking and data communication I have collected information through Nepal Bank, internet, books, teachers, and some previous records.



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