Home Other Questions Collection of Digital Economy

Questions Collection of Digital Economy

This is the collection of the common questions of Digital Economy that we mostly get in the exam of Bachelor of Computer Information system.

  1. a) What is knowledge management? Explain the framework for developing a knowledge management program. (8)
    b) Define e-Governance. Explain the levels of e-Governance Maturity Model. (7)
  2. State the use of the business model. Explain the issues to be addressed by a business model and their respective components. (15)
  3. Write short notes on any two: (2*5=10)
    roots of knowledge management
    features of e-Commerce technology
    layers of internet economy
  4. a) What is Secure Electronic Transfer. Explain the steps involved in the SET transaction. (8)
    b) What is the value chain? Explain Porter’s Generic value chain. (7)
  5. What is understood by value proposition? Explain in details the attributes that characterize value proposition. (15)
  6. Write short notes on any two: (2*5=10)
    a) Broadband
    b) Features of SET
    c) Digital convergence

(Questions for reference only)

BCIS Digital Economy

a) Explain how knowledge has become the fourth factor of production.

b) Explain e-Governance as a means of governance reform and outline its scope

a) What is meant value chain? How can  IT contribute to improving value chain efficiency?

b) Explain the term CRM and explain why firms invest in CRM

a) Explain e-Governance maturity model
b) What is open source movement? Explain how developing countries stand to benefit from it

c) Explain the term broadband and list down 3 major broadband technologies.

b) What do you understand by the term ‘knowledge economy’ and what are its key enabling elements?

a) What is e-commerce? List out its typologies (types) and distinguish between e-commerce and e-business?

b) What is your opinion are the limitations for the growth of B2C e-Commerce in Nepal?

a) What is meant by Knowledge Management?

Explain the significance of Knowledge management in organizations

b) What is VoIP? Explain benefits and challenges of VoIP and discuss in favor or against of legalizing VoIP

7. Write short notes on (any two):

a)Venture capital

b)Open Source

c)Digital convergence

d) Supply chain

BCIS: Digital Economy

  1. a)  Explain how knowledge has become the fourth factor of production.
    b)  Explain e-Governance as a means of governance reform and outline its scope
    c)  What is meant by value chain? How does e-commerce contribute to improving value chain efficiency?
    d)  Explain the term value proposition with examples
    e)  Explain e-Governance maturity model
  2. What is the open-source movement? Explain how developing countries stand to benefit from it
  3. What is understood by e-readiness? List out some of the indicators used in e-readiness assessments and its significance in IT policy formulation
  4. What do you understand by the term ‘knowledge economy’ and what are its key enabling elements?
  5. What is e-commerce? List out its topologies and distinguish between e-commerce and e-business?
  6. What is your opinion are the limitations for the growth of B2C e-Commerce in Nepal?
  7. What is BPO? Explain BPO with examples and outline international trends in BPO with special reference to India
  8. What is VoIP? Explain benefits and challenges of VoIP and discuss in favor or against of legalizing VoIP
  9. Write short notes on (any two):
  • Venture capital
  • Open Source
  • Digital convergence
  • Unified Messaging System
  • Explain what is meant by e-Governance and list key elements of e-Governance maturity model (EGMM)
  • Scope of e-Governance
  1. What are the limitations for the growth of B2C e-Commerce?
  2. What is BPO? Explain BPO with examples and outline international trends in BPO with special reference to India
  3. What is VoIP? Explain benefits and challenges of VoIP and discuss  in favor or against of legalizing VoIP
  4. Explain what is meant by e-Governance and list key elements of e-Governance maturity model (EGMM)
  5. What is the difference between VoIP and IP telephony?
  6. Write short notes on two of the following
    a)Unified  Messaging System b) Value chain c) Supply chain
  7.  What do you understand by the term ERP? Explain the benefits that ERP systems offer to the organization as well as challenges in ERP implementations
  8. Explain the term CRM and explain why firms invest in CRM?
  9. Explain how internet bandwidth will become a crucial issue in the days to come for the development of the ICT sector in the country
  10. Explain the term broadband and list down 3 major broadband technologies.
  11. What is understood by e-readiness? Explain in detail the significance of e-readiness assessment surveys in IT policy formulation.
  12. Explain the major features of Nepal’s IT policy and strategies.
  13. Explain what value proposition in your opinion could the IT park in Banepa offer to potentials IT firms wishing to locate their operations in the park.
  14. a. Define Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy. Explain the four pillars of the Knowledge Economy.
  15. Explain the benefits of e-Governance and outline its scope.
  16. Define e-commerce and explain the features if e-commerce technology.
  17. What, in your opinion, are the factors, limiting the growth of B2C in Nepal.
  18. Explain the elements of e-business model that a firm can pursue in order to operate successfully in the Internet era.
  19. What is understood by the value chain and explain how firms can gain competitive advantage through the value chain.
  20. Define Broadband along with its benefits and explain its role in the economic development of a nation.
  21.  Define ERP and explain why firms undertake ERP. Outline some of its limitations.
  22. Define CRM. Give reasons as to why firms today should invest in CRM.
  23. Define the value proposition. What according to you is the value proposition offered by IT Park in Banepa to IT professional and IT firms in Nepal?
  24. Discuss some of the policies and strategies outlined in IT Policy of Nepal.
  25. Write short notes on any two: (5*2)
    1. Venture Capital
    2. Internet Economy
    3. VoIP
    4. OSS/FS



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