This is the Annual Report of the Department of Health Services for the fiscal year 2062/63, and it is the 12th consecutive report of its kind. This is also the fourth report of the tenth Five Year Plan period of the Government of Nepal (GoN). This document not only focuses on the performance of the fiscal year 2062/63 but also covers the following areas, which will be the basis for the analysis of performance in the coming years.

  • Program-specific policy statements, including goals, strategies, targets, and major activities;
  • Program-specific indicators for the monitoring of program performance on a regular basis; and
  • Problems/constraints and actions to be taken in order to improve performance in the coming years.

Preparation of this report followed the Regional Annual Performance Review Workshops conducted in all five regions which culminated in the National Annual Performance Review Workshop. These review meetings were attended by the Regional Directorates, all technical/support divisions, centers, and representatives from external development partners and NGO/INGO at each level.

During the workshop, the policy statements of each program were reviewed and refined in light of the present context. The data generated from the HMIS in the form of raw numbers were carefully and critically analyzed along with data available from other sources. These data were interpreted during a series of presentations and discussions.

The National Performance Review Workshop achieved the following objectives:

  • The achievements were reviewed against the target/plan set for the FY 2062/63 (2005/2006) by Divisions/Centres with respect to the released budget and expenditure and recommendations were made for further improvement.
  • The trend of service coverage for the FY 2062/63 was compared with the previous two fiscal years and progress was assessed toward achieving the targets set for the 10th plan.
  • Reviewed the progress made in achieving the objectives of the Nepal Health Sector Programme Implementation Plan (NHSP-IP) and its milestones.
  • Identified and addressed issues related to the handing-over of health facilities to local VDCs in relation to the delivery of health services.
  • The implementation status of recommendations made at the National Annual Performance Review of the FY 2061/62 (2004/2005) was reviewed and clarified the reasons for not being able to implement the recommendations made during the preceding year.
  • Identified specific modalities and programs for low-coverage districts to extend their coverage.
  • Discussed issues/problems/recommendations made by the Regional Annual Performance Review Workshop and made recommendations to MoHP for necessary action.

The outcome of this workshop can be seen in the programme-specific chapters of this Report. Detailed district-specific data and analyses are available in each of the five Regional Reports as well as in the annexes of this document.

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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


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