This is final year report example on E-shopping, E-commerce with affiliation which details about the page title, declaration of the report, Acknowledgement, table of contents, and executive summary.
Final Year Report on E-shopping
named Rupjaygri Shop
Rupak Nepali
P.U. Reg. No: #####, Roll. No: #####
Jayman Tamang
P.U. Reg. No: #####, Roll. No: ####
Grishma Shah
P.U. Reg. No: #####, Roll. No: ####
Final Year Project Report
Submitted To:
Nobel College
Faculty of management
Pokhara University
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Computer Information System (BCIS)
November 2010
Pokhara University
Faculty of Management
Nobel College
We hereby declare that the work reported in this project work on E-shopping named Rupjaygri Shop submitted to Nobel College, Pokhara University is our original work done in the form of partial requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Computer Information System (BCIS) under the supervision of Mr. Surendra Shrestha Principal, Nobel College, and Mr. Dipesh Shrestha, Coordinator, Nobel College, Mr Sanjay Lama Project-Coordinator and Mr. Nimesh Shrestha Lecturer, Nobel College.
Grishma Sharma JaymanTamang Rupak Nepali
Faculty of Management Studies
This is to certify that the final year report:
Submitted by:
Rupak Nepali
Jayman Tamang
Grishma Sharma
E-Shopping named Rupjaygri Shop has been prepared as approved by this college. This internship report is forwarded for examination.
——————————— ——————-
Principal Coordinator/Lecturer
Nobel College
Date: June 14, 2010
This report has been prepared for the Final Year Project on topic E-shopping named Rupjaygri Shop to implement the theory in the real field with the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the course of BCIS (Bachelor of Computer Information System).
The aim of this project is to make familiar to the practical aspect and uses of theoretical knowledge and clarifying the career goals, so we have successfully completed the project and compiled this report as the summary and the conclusion that we have drawn from the project.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Project Coordinator Mr. Sanjay Lama who had given his valuable time and given us chance to learn something despite having his busy schedule, Principal Mr. Surendra Shrestha and Coordinator Mr. Dipesh Shrestha for their great guidelines.
Lastly, we would like to thank Mr. Nimesh Shrestha who had provided us with the guidance and his easiest MVC framework and for his encouragement, patience and expert advice and also for supplying so much invaluable information and finally special thanks go to my friends and family who have supported us throughout our project.
Table of Contents
SN | Contents | Page No |
a. | Title Page | i |
b. | Declaration | ii |
c. | Recommendation | iii |
d | Acknowledgment | iv |
e. | Table of Contents | v |
f. | List of Figures | vii |
g. | Executive Summary | ix |
h. | Chapters | |
Introduction 1.1. Background of Study 1.2. Objectives of the Study 1.3. Limitations of the Study 1.4. Selection Methods of Data Collection Report Body 2.1. Introduction of the D.P Sign 2.2. Corporate Goal of the D.P Sign 2.3. Mission Statement of the D.P Sign 2.4. D.P Sign™s Spirit is infused into every component 2.5. Services 2.5.1. Web-Based Application Design and Development 2.5.2. Flex printing and other printing services 2.5.3. Custom Software Solutions 2.5.4. Embedded Software Solutions 2.5.5. Online Earning Training 2.6. Engagement Models 2.6.1. Fixed Price Turnkey Model 2.6.2. Per Resource Model 2.6.3. Offshore Model 2.7. Delivery Model 2.8. Process and Standards 2.9. Domain Profile 2.10. Competitive Advantage of DP Sign 2.11. Physical Infrastructure 2.12. Organizational Hierarchy Chart 2.13. The number of employees 2.14. Introduction of Departments We have worked at 2.15. Major Clients 2.16. Business Volume 2.17. Products Offered by DP Sign 2.18. Time Frame of Internship Analysis 3.1. Strategic Business Units 3.1.1 Web Development Department Analysis 3.1.2 Online Earning Department Analysis 3.1.3 PEST Analysis 3.1.4 SWOT Analysis 4 Recommendations 5 Summary and Conclusion 6 Program Workplace Relationship | 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 11 13 14 15 16 16 20 20 21 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 | |
i. | Bibliography | |
j. | Appendices |
List of Figures
SN | Name of Figure | Page No. |
Fig:2.1 | Organization Structure | 13 |
Fig:2.2 | The business volume of DP Sign | 19 |
Fig:2.3 | Timeframe representation in Gantt chart | 22 |
List of Tables
SN | Name of Table | Page No. |
Tab:2.1 | System unit and its Software | 11 |
Tab:2.2 | List of technology with the platform | |
Tab:2.3 | Number of employees | |
Tab:2.4 | Collection of Pay Per Click sites | |
Tab:2.5 | List of major clients | |
Tab:2.6 | Printing product of DP Sign | |
Tab:2.7 | Web services providing by DP Sign |
DP Sign | Digital Printed Sign |
CRM | Customer Relation Management |
IT | Information Technology |
QA | Quality Assurance |
CMS | Content Management System |
SWOT | Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats |
PEST | Political, Economical, Social and Technological |
RFQ | Request For Quotation |
RFP | Request For Proposal |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
PMBOK | Project Management Body of Knowledge |
PMI | Project Management Institute |
CMMI | Capability Maturity Model Integration |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ODC | Offshore Development Center |
IP | Internet Protocol |
CVS | Current Version Software |
TFS | Team Foundation Server |
The main objective of this report is to recapitulate our Final Year Project on E-shopping named Rupjaygri Shop and to be familiar with the practical aspect of the theoretical knowledge gained in a classroom. This report is the part of the final year project, required by Pokhara University in partial fulfillment for the requirement of BCIS program.
We (Rupak Nepali, Jayman Tamang, and Grishma Sharma) feel that Nepal is progressing in the ICT field thus the import and export of this country are mounting with the help of e-commerce and e-businesses. Thus, there is a need for shopping software so that people can broaden their business worldwide.
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