Home Other file transfer server, corrupt images when uploaded through FTP

file transfer server, corrupt images when uploaded through FTP

corrupt images when uploaded through ftp but works fine by uploading from the cpanel

I used Filezilla 3.5.3 to upload images and files. When i upload the other files it work but when i upload the images then no images are shown in the server but it is working fine in the localhost. After uploading the updates I noticed that images were corrupt. I verified that images worked on my system, uploaded them and tried to view, but nothing.

Then I downloaded the image and tried to view it on my laptop, but the downloaded image was corrupt as well. I finally used the built in Windows Explorer to upload the PNG files and that worked, so I know the issue is in Filezilla.

I have not had this issue in the past with Filezilla.

I finally find out that the file transfer server software, Filezilla have the setting from where there is

I mistakenly set the file transfer type to ASCII by which the images are not uploaded but other files are uploaded. Again setting to the Auto I am now able to transfer the images as well.



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