While working as drupal developer in multi language Drupal 7 site you may find EntityFieldQuery class which allows finding entities based on entity properties and keep on getting confused with the propertyCondition and entityCondition for language translation.
Below example of entity field query helps me to find node main language specific featured blog post and
global $language; $query = new EntityFieldQuery; $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node') ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundletype) ->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED) // in case you need it ->propertyCondition('language', $language->language) ->fieldCondition('field_featured_blog', 'value', '1', "=") ->propertyOrderBy('changed', 'DESC') ->range(0,1); $query->execute();
Below will find data as per the translated entity based language featured blog.
global $language; $query = new EntityFieldQuery; $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node') ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundletype) ->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED) ->entityCondition('language', $language->language) ->fieldCondition('field_featured_blog','value', '1', "=") ->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC'); $query->execute();
When you do print_r($query), then you will get following:
EntityFieldQuery Object ( [altered] => 1 [entityConditions] => Array ( [entity_type] => Array ( [value] => node [operator] => = ) [bundle] => Array ( [value] => [operator] => ) [language] => Array ( [value] => en [operator] => = ) ) [fieldConditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => Array ( [translatable] => 1 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [allowed_values] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [allowed_values_function] => [entity_translation_sync] => ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_featured_blog] => Array ( [value] => field_featured_blog_value ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_featured_blog] => Array ( [value] => field_featured_blog_value ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( ) [indexes] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [0] => value ) ) [id] => 260 [field_name] => field_featured_blog [type] => list_boolean [module] => list [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [type] => int [not null] => ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) ) ) [column] => value [value] => 1 [operator] => = [delta_group] => [language_group] => ) ) [fieldMetaConditions] => Array ( ) [propertyConditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column] => [value] => 1 [operator] => ) ) [order] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => property [specifier] => [direction] => DESC ) ) [range] => Array ( ) [pager] => Array ( ) [deleted] => [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [translatable] => 1 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [allowed_values] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [allowed_values_function] => [entity_translation_sync] => ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_featured_blog] => Array ( [value] => field_featured_blog_value ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_featured_blog] => Array ( [value] => field_featured_blog_value ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( ) [indexes] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [0] => value ) ) [id] => 260 [field_name] => field_featured_blog [type] => list_boolean [module] => list [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [type] => int [not null] => ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) ) ) ) [count] => [age] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [tags] => Array ( ) [metaData] => Array ( ) [orderedResults] => Array ( ) [executeCallback] => )
Full details of EntityFieldQuery at:
The function defaults to either = or IN depending on the value param as an array or string.