Send mail when reviews are given to the product in opencart

This is opencart 2 guides to send an email when reviews are given to the product. Changes to be done in the module’s product.php is shown in the following images

Send mail when review is done in opencart

Likewise, we have to change the product.tpl, type the code for the form as per your need

Email functionalities in review

Now to the javascript part of the product.tpl which pass the data to the model and return whether the review is successfully added or not.

JS to send email in Opencart

We hope you will get it because writing a post and long stories I feel bored just post things that we have done and shown you the logic we used in opencart to send mail to the specified mail.

We have not focused on the languages so sorry for that as well will update this post when we will get the time cheers.

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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


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