OpenCart error FTP needs to be enabled in the settings

This is a solution for the OpenCart error FTP needs to be enabled in the settings. Navigate to System >> Settings >> then edit store where you want to enable the FTP

Then click FTP tab

how to enable ftp in opencart
  • Enter FTP host usually “localhost”, but make sure it is correct from your hosting.
  • Enter port usually “21”, but make sure it is correct from your hosting
  • Enter FTP username
  • Enter FTP password
  • Enter the root folder path of your hosting
  • Then choose Yes to enable FTP
  • Finally, save  it

You are set and your FTP is enabled.

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Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at


  1. what should be username and password if I am using ubuntu and one more query Enter your root folder path of your hosting : which path i should give ?

    • “I am using ubuntu”
      Does it mean you are using or your server is in Ubuntu?

      We need to take server configuration here. So if your server is in Ubuntu then I hope you can see following blog post which will show how to install and setup FTP server in Ubuntu
      This link blog post is not written by me but think it will be helpful for you.
      Take Ubuntu version into consideration, as well as take consideration which FTP are you going to use will it be FTP server or SFTP (Secure FTP).

      Hope this will help



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