Objectives of the Nutrition Program and Targets of Nutrition its numerator, and denominator

In this section of our Internship report, we are writing objectives of the Nutrition Program and Targets of Nutrition and list out main indicators, its numerator, and denominator

1.1 Objectives of the Nutrition Program

In order to improve the overall nutritional status of children and pregnant women, the national nutrition program has set the following objectives:

1.1.1  Control of Protein Energy Malnutrition

To reduce protein-energy malnutrition in children under three years of age through a multi-sectoral approach;

1.1.2  Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders

To eliminate iodine deficiencies disorders by the year 2010;

1.1.3  Control of Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders

To eliminate vitamin A deficiency by the year 2010;

1.1.4  Control of Anaemia

To reduce the prevalence of anemia (including iron deficiency) by one third by the year 2010;

1.1.5 Low Birth Weight

To reduce the incidence of low birth-weight to 19 percent of all births by the year 2007;

1.1.6  Protection and Promotion of Breastfeeding

To promote exclusive breastfeeding until the age of six completed months. Thereafter, introduce complementary foods along with breast milk until the child completes 2 years or more.

1.2 Targets

1.2.1 Reduce severe and moderate malnutrition among children under three years of age at 40 percent by the year 2007;

1.2.2  Reduce iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women to 58 percent by the year 2007;

1.2.3  Reduce subclinical vitamin A deficiency among children under five years of age to 19 percent by preventive measures by the year 2007;

1.2.4  Reduce nutritional blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency among pregnant women to 3 percent by the year 20071.3 Indicators

Main IndicatorsNumerator and Denominator
1 Growth-monitoring coverageNumber of visits  x 100
Number of targeted visits
2 The proportion of malnourished children (weight for age)Number of children (0-36 months) under low growth curve for 1st visit  x 100
Number of children (0-36 months) new cases
3 Vitamin A mass distribution  coverageNumber of children (6-59 months) who received vitamin A capsules  x 100
Target Population (6-59 months)
4  Postpartum Vitamin A coverageNumber of Postpartum women supplemented with vitamin A capsule  x 100
Total number of Expected pregnancies
5 Iron distribution coverage (women)Number of pregnant women who receive at least some iron tablets x 100
Target population (expected pregnancies)
6 Deworming coverageNumber of children (1-5 years) receiving deworming tablets twice a year  x 100
Number of children of 1-5 years
7  Iodised salt coverageNumber of Households using adequately iodized salt (³15 ppm) x 100
Number of Households Surveyed
8 Urinary iodine excretion (UIE)³ 100 microgram iodine per liter of urine (Median)

 Calculated as follows: 1/3 x target population x 6 visits + 2/3 target pop. x 4 visits, where the target population is all children 0-36 months of age. This target cannot be monitored with HMIS data at the central level, but a sample survey of Nutrition Registers will provide this information.  Note: In FY 2061/62, the target for visits was to be 85 percent of children 0-36 months of age.

The target was 85 percent of expected pregnancy in FY 2061/62.

Previous articleNutrition Report, Malnutrition, background, Overall goal
Next articleGeneral Strategies have been pursued to address the nutritional situation in Nepal
Author of three Opencart book. The recent Opencart 4 book is at https://amzn.to/4dOlbOR


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