How can low code reduce the cost of software maintenance?

Software development and maintenance is where multiple companies spend a lot of resources to fulfill their objectives. Discover how low-code platforms can reduce this expense and optimize your resources.

Low-code is a tool that allows you to create applications and software in a simplified way through a visual platform, where the user can simply drag and drop components to create their interfaces which does not require a lot of specialized knowledge: programming or design.

This new modality of application generation will be largely responsible for changing the paradigm of development teams, where it is expected that 80% of professionals in areas assigned to custom enterprise software development will be able to create products for this segment by 2024.

It is now clear that these types of platforms will be major protagonists in the generation of new solutions which, in turn, pose new challenges. For example, what should you do and how much does it take to maintain low-code software?

The answer to this question will be explained in detail in the following lines. However, we have to start with the basics to decipher cover-by-cover this very interesting concept.

Brief low-code concept

Low-code development is a programming methodology that uses a visual and drag-and-drop platform to create software applications quickly and easily, with a minimum of manual coding.

The idea is to allow developers to create applications more quickly and with less effort, which in turn can increase productivity and reduce the time it takes to market applications. Furthermore, low-code development can also allow people without programming experience to create basic applications.

Benefits of low-code platforms for software development

As it’s easy to imagine, low-code development platforms provide a multitude of competitive advantages to companies, brands, and people who want to start having a presence within the world of applications and software.

However, we can mention the main ones:

Reduction of time for development

This is because a large amount of work is ready beforehand, which allows developers to focus on personalization and system integration.

Less need for technical knowledge

This type of tool allows users to create applications without the need for deep technical knowledge, which makes it easier for businesses and other non-developers to actively participate in the application development process.


Low-code platforms allow developers to create applications faster, which in turn increases productivity and reduces development costs.


Low-code development allows developers to quickly respond to business needs and make rapid changes to existing applications.

Without a doubt, it is a factor that enables companies to adapt more quickly to changes in the market and the demands of their customers.


In turn, they allow companies to develop scalable applications that can handle large amounts of users and data, which means that applications can grow and evolve alongside the business.

Flexibility and customization

Low-code platforms allow developers to customize and adapt applications to satisfy specific business needs. This means that applications can be highly customized and adjusted to work together with other existing systems.

Lower development cost

Lastly and of utmost importance, low-code platforms allow companies to reduce software development costs and, in some cases, eliminate the need to hire highly skilled developers.

A solution that makes it easier for companies to obtain high-quality applications at a much lower cost.

On this point, we will continue to develop this post, as many managers and IT managers, despite knowing the benefits that low-code development can bring to their business, may want to better understand the costs associated with software maintenance and how to do it correctly.

If you want to learn it, keep reading!

How much does software maintenance cost?

As expected, software maintenance is an area that depends on several variables and results in different techniques, tools, and applications for each case.

However, in general terms, it is estimated that the cost of software maintenance can range between 20% and 50% of the total cost of developing the software.

Furthermore, the cost of maintenance can be recurring over time, as updates, error corrections, improvements, and adaptations must be carried out as requirements and software development services change.

Factors that affect maintenance costs

Several factors can affect the costs of maintaining software. Some of them are explained:

  • Complexity may depend on several factors, such as the size of the code, the number of functionalities, and the level of integration with other systems, among others.
  • A larger team could require more resources and coordination, which would increase costs.
  • If the code is of low quality, it is likely that more time and effort will be required to make changes and corrections.
  • If the technology is out of date or has compatibility problems with other tools, it may be more expensive to maintain the software.
  • If third-party software is used, the level of support offered by the provider may affect maintenance costs. If the provider does not offer good support, internal developers may need to dedicate more time to solving problems.
  • If the software requires frequent changes and updates, maintenance can be more expensive.
  • Automation of maintenance processes can reduce costs. If automation tools are used for routine maintenance tasks, costs are likely to be lower.

These are just some factors that can influence the costs of maintaining software, and their impact can vary depending on the specific case.

How much does it cost to maintain low-code software?

The cost of maintaining low-code software may vary according to the same factors that affect other types of development.

However, in general, the maintenance cost is expected to be significantly lower than that of traditional applications, as the use of low-code platforms allows for greater automation and less dependence on personalized programming.

Furthermore, low-code software maintenance can often be carried out in a continuous development life cycle, which means that changes and improvements can be implemented quickly and more efficiently.

How does low-code lower maintenance costs?

Now, looking in more detail at the factors that make it possible for software maintenance costs to drop significantly for low-code development, it is necessary to mention aspects such as:

Less need for preventative maintenance

The use of low-code platforms implies the reduction of custom code, which reduces the complexity of the software and minimizes the need for preventative maintenance.

Ease of making changes

The visual naturalness of low-code platforms allows developers to make changes more easily. Furthermore, changes propagate automatically through the application, which reduces the risk of errors.

Code documentation

Most low-code platforms automatically generate code documentation, which makes it easier for developers to follow and understand the software and reduces the time they dedicate to documentation.

Independence of developers

Low-code platforms allow less experienced developers to create applications with ease. This means that experienced developers are not necessary at all stages of the maintenance process, which reduces costs.

Simplified test execution

The visual and modular nature of low-code platforms means that the tests are simpler and less resource-intensive. Developers can execute regression tests in an easier and faster way, which reduces the time dedicated to manual tests and reduces associated costs.

Learn to control software maintenance costs

As it couldn’t be otherwise, next, we’ll give you some valuable advice to reduce maintenance costs in your business through low-code:

  • Ā This way, changes, and updates can be carried out quickly without requiring great effort and costs.
  • Ā Documentation can be used to carry out preventive maintenance and avoid errors and misunderstandings that could lead to more costly problems in the future.
  • Ā Ensure that users and maintenance personnel are trained in using the low-code platform and in software maintenance.
  • Ā Low-code platforms have integrated tools to simplify the testing process and reduce associated costs.
  • Ā Use a version control system to ensure that changes in the software are implemented in a controlled and traceable manner.

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Glad you are reading this. Iā€™m Yokesh Shankar, the COO at Sparkout Tech, one of the primary founders of a highly creative space. I'm more associated with digital transformation solutions for global issues. Nurturing in Fintech, Supply chain, AR VR solutions, Real estate, and other sectors vitalizing new-age technology, I see this space as a forum to share and seek information. Writing and reading give me more clarity about what I need.


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